So chat, we've got a spam for you
So chat, we've got a spam for you
That was fast, were you stalking this thread?
No I'm just lying awake in bed thinking about how I can't play league anymore because I have no champs left.
Also, for some reason I get notifications.
and u/Ovedius is probably crying over the mid Nocturne nerfs
a soul for a soul
Vedius's Australian is ROUGH.
Crickey mate. We're not here to put shoes on a caterpillar. Bonza.
The sexual tension was too much to bear
Hopefully that was the last time Vedius casts a Fnatic game, he only talks about them never mentions the other team...
That happens when one team dominates as hard as fnatic did. I believe I talked a lot about the options schalke had in the early game, along with things I'd like to see them do, but they didn't do anything, so o changed my focus to be more on the lanes, spending a lot of time talking about bwipo. The moment they won that fight though, I'd like to think I have schalke their fair share of credit and time. I'll be sure to go back and listen though.
I don't think Vedius understands how Madness - Passive stacks.
Correct. I thought it stacked like conqueror, but I was wrong. I know now though!
I was going insane thinking: "omg not another overused narrative" but then Rogue kinda inted, so I guess they were right?
I was right :(
Read moreThank you Vedius for showing us your point of view.
In my eyes the main focus of the LEC broadcast team shifted a little bit too much into pleasuring G2 and Fnatic fans. Maybe I am wrong but it is also understandable because a shit ton of viewers are G2 and FNC fans. Im watching LoL esports since the very beginning and Im still into it (1072 games and 1009 hours watched in about 2 years according to the watch.lolesports site) but as an SK fan I am having a very hard time to enjoy the LEC for the last few weeks. Not only because they arent that successful atm - more because I have the feeling that some of the casters want to tell me that I am watching a group of washouts in jerseys trying to imitate G2. I think the SK vs S04 cast was fine. Probably the best SK cast so far. But MAD vs SK on friday was painful to watch/listen to. Im sure most of the neutral viewers were entertained by Quickshots 'skillshot-missed-counter' but we, the supporters of the team who gets 30 minutes of ...
I appreciate your comment and will share it with the team. I hope we can help you enjoy the SK games more from this point on!
Hey! I was the caster on the SK vs S04 game and I think you're mis-informing people of what we talked about on the cast.
I listened to the whole game before writing this comment and grabbed some timestamps to help clear things up. G2 and FNC were not mentioned once during the cast outside of this moment. I think Medic and I would agree this comment is unfair. G2 as a team make these fountain dives at the end of all their games and that's where the reference comes from, but I can understand how that would be received negatively. I do think though that saying "from minute 1...
Read moreAre we going to have one pro player casting every day? Nothing wrong with you guys, but having an actual pro tells us so many little interesting details
Probably not everyday but we definitely aim to continue this throughout the split!
I don't even dislike vedi and normal casting but it felt like bwipo captured so much more about playing the game, especially top, than most casts are able to convey
That's the point! We try to set them up for success so that they can showcase their knowledge and give a lot of extra insight that casters don't have. Glad that they're resonating with fans and doing so well!
Quick Charles, bring the tea. This one's sure to be a bloody kneeslapper!
It's a darn shame.
I just want to say Atlus that I've only watched 5 minutes but the random edits made me LOL IRL. Maybe they're not for everyone but I was a big fan. I for one, hope they don't tone it down.
Alright, this is gonna be used as a means of sh*tting on NA, which I'm not particularly happy with. I was just chilling with my stream and they asked me what I thought of NA. I talked about how I get frustrated when I see a lot of the basics getting skipped, even by top teams and I used the dragon as an example. I couldn't remember the game, I just remember a drake fight that I thought was weird in the C9 game and just picked that game out of my loose memory.
I love the NA broadcast and think they make a great show. I also much prefer watching NA as a fan rather than an analyst, which was the main point of me saying this. I also exaggerated for comedic effect because I was streaming. Let's please try to avoid turning this into a sh*t throwing competition. LEC teams also do dumb sh*t and I get equally as annoyed when they do it. You only have to watch the G2 v OG game where I said on broadcast G2 were trolling when they threw away that baron. This isn't some weird elitist th...
Read moreVedius explained it very well... FNC has a shit team comp but they have better players than SK so they win.
I never called the comp sh*t, I just thought it was hard for them to play in the mid game. It felt like the rengar didn't offer a huge amount of value outside of lane which made it harder for Fnatic, but they played the reengages well and showed that they were the better team
What are your thoughts on Jg Ekko for this first week, and general junglers that we might see?
Jungle ekko is too slow imo. Hard aggro junglers are best right now
I dont know who will show up, but I hope its Sett because I wanna see your Sett cosplay.
Sett is disabled for week 1!
Hey! We're back for 2020 :) Let me know what you think of the episodes and which champs will show up! LEC is back tomorrow!!
I am excite