

18 Nov


Originally posted by nyyfandan

keeping my fingers crossed for the addition of more voice acting if we ever get an "enhanced edition" for this game. I believe DOS and DOS2 added way more voice acting in their updated editions if I'm not mistaken, hoping this game does the same.

That's a reasonable expectation :) Can't give out any specific promises yet, but that's something we'd definitely want to look at.


Originally posted by Wealth_Hole

Can you give us some hints as to what those changes will be? A tease?

Let's just say they're going to be better :)


We're in the process of reviewing non-caster generals to make them more in line with the casters. You'll be pleasantly surprised when the changes hit live version.

17 Nov


Originally posted by lobsternormandy


Just confused. 2 months later, and after publishing an update that says it's fixed. It's just not fixed. Still black screen. nothing works. I don't get it? Why claim it is fixed when it is clearly not? many people in other threads confirmed it is still not fixed.

Hello! This is a hardware-specific issue, where it works on some Macs and doesn't on others :( With each fix we're getting closer to fixing it for everyone, but we aren't there yet still. It's complicated by the fact that our normal debugging tools don't help us in this case. Very considerable resources are invested into this problem, with numerous hardware units being bought to the studio for testing, but sadly complete solution of the problem still eludes us. For now can only express hope that the team manages to nail it down soon :( I know how frustrating it must be at this point.

13 Nov


Originally posted by JMa0820

And in that 70% they didn't even bother giving Aivu a voice. Not even a battle only voice, no, Aivu just gets the most deflated dragon grunts ever. Azata isn't even that strong. It's just the easiest to abuse what little mechanics there are. But a properly built Angel, Trickster, and Lich blow Azata out of the water.

Budget constraints, unfortunately. It's not because we didn't want to :(

Maybe one day.

12 Nov

10 Nov


Originally posted by crazyfoxdemon

To be fair to them, ticketing systems exist for a reason. It likely helps them immensely.

In-game bug reports come with detailed information about system specs, all logs, config files and an included saved game. It's hundred times easier to reproduce and fix than by simply reading about the bug.


Originally posted by Plastic-Job5456

I can't move between locations? I have it between multiple machines (MAC and PC), multiple saves. This also happened without any mods.

Can you please be more specific? Describe it in more detail.

09 Nov


Originally posted by p001b0y

I seem to be having bad luck so far with this game. I installed the patch, fired the game up. I was prompted to adjust the brightness on the display and then all my save game files were missing.

Known issue on Mac. They are not gone, there's an error in directory where it is supposed to find them, so the game doesn't see them. Temporary fix can be achieved if you put them from ~/Library/Application Support/unity.Owlcat Games.Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous
~/Library/Application Support/Owlcat Games/Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous

Make sure to back them up in the process. Hotfix should come soon.


Originally posted by hdkeosm

Anyone else had all their saves wiped out? It’s really annoying - I was 30 hrs into the game and lost all my progress :( Steam integrity check didn’t show any issues.

If you are on Mac, they are not gone, there's an error with a directory the game reads them from. Should be hotfixed shortly. If you back them up and move from

~/Library/Application Support/unity.Owlcat Games.Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous


~/Library/Application Support/Owlcat Games/Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous

you should be able to see them.


Originally posted by PunatheKahuna

Looks like they don’t plan on fixing the Oracle curse spells 😞

Mind elaborating what exactly is wrong with them?


Originally posted by ygygma

There are no saves visible. They have disappeared.

I had two separate Last Azlanti characters. Both are gone now.

PM me, we'll see if it's possible to do something.


Originally posted by ygygma

This patch just ate my Last Azlanti save.

I hate you folks. Test your damn patches first!

What happened? Did the save dissapear or stopped loading?


Originally posted by heroofcows

Does anyone else get a bug where pausing no longer works? I've had it for a fair while. Sometimes it's convenient because the pause options don't work (i.e. turning off pause on lost focus) but still

It's a known issue, but rather hard to reproduce and fix. Caused by multiple monitors or tabbing out of the game, something with game still thinking its window is not in focus as far as I'm aware. Won't promise a quick fix, but reloading the game or alt-tabbing multiple times back and forth usually fixes it.


Originally posted by The_Smokey_Bandit

Seems the bug that broke the camera's ability to focus on characters is pretty rare, I've only seen one post about it here. Anyone else have this issue? I reported it in the game but it must not be happening to a lot of people.

This issue got introduced as a side effect of repair for the camera jumping in TBM in locations with varying height. We are aware of it, and it should be fixed soon.


Originally posted by CantripN

Is the Druid not being able to take Impossible Domain fixed? Last patch noted had it listed, but still missing ingame.

If I remember right, that was a mistake in previous patchnotes, as druids aren't supposed to be able to pick that according to the tabletop rulebook, and the game actually reinforced it that way rather than letting them pick it. I may check further if relevant.


Originally posted by Goncyn

FYI, I missed your poll because Steam didn't even show me the post in the game's news feed until yesterday, when it was already closed! Could you allow more time in the future?

Hello! Sorry to hear that you missed it, but we've already gathered tens of thousands of result pages and that's more than enough for us to work on :)


Originally posted by AndreaColombo86


Reskins are fine by me, I was just hoping the Beer Elemental and Murder Pony had unique reskins. Oh well, maybe in a future update. Right, u/OwlcatStarrok ? * wink wink *

Hopefully :)


Originally posted by Kosigan35

Thank you, looks great ! Are you well aware of the mammoth and triceratops still bugged ?

Can you please specify what exactly?


Originally posted by hiding_in_plain_sig-

Is it not possible to just have a UI scaling option for the entire HUD If the portrait frame isn't a separate entity? I know nothing about coding, just wondering.

Sadly it's not that easy.

Code is written by a programmer and may be rather complicated itself and has to account for all different kinds of resolutions that may be used, which is already a lot of work. And then you realize that you need to include:

- A UI designer to actually place the icons and buttons right and accessible and make sure it looks good and doesn't clutter anything;

- An artist to update the art of the UI and draw the missing UI elements;

- Multiple other programmers to make sure the new UI elements interact with the rest of the game - for example for you to be able to click the portrait to select a character, to be able to drag characters into that slot and to add portraits there when a new character joins the party etc.;

- A sound designer to make sure the UI has sound (button clicks etc.)

- A member of QA team to check that it doesn't affect the game's stability and doesn't cause bugs;

- A member of Porting...

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