

04 Apr


Originally posted by iNNEAR

Does this also include fixing Ember who is immortal too?

All similar cases should be fixed, yes.


Originally posted by rowleybirkin

That's fair enough, thanks for responding. One concern though is that the notes only mention Oracle/Angel, but Lich and other merged books are affected. I've not played a merged Oracle but their spell mechanics are quite different iirc - are Lich and other merged books affected in the same way (i.e. spells on character level up are no longer CL+ML, just CL)? Were they intended to be?

Also, any thoughts on the unmerged book issue?

Sorry if I'm taking up too much of your time!

It should be there for all similar cases, as far as I'm aware. Issue was global. If there's any evidence of Lich etc. being different, please let me know.



A new patch 1.2.2a has arrived!

Known issue: We were getting reports about an issue with the spell progression when merging the spellbook of an oracle with Angel’s. It currently works correctly, giving you oracle spells based on your oracle caster level on non-mythic level up, and giving you mythic spells from the summed-up caster level on mythic level up. Earlier we fixed oracle's spellbook merging, you were getting oracle spells based on the summed-up caster level, but not the mythic spells. We will update the description of the merged book in one of the nearest patches for more clarity.

Beware of possible plot spoilers!


  • Companions could be missing from the council before the siege of Drezen. Again. We've dragged them back, once more.

Classes & Mechanics

  • Character creation for a Devil character has bee...

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Originally posted by rowleybirkin

Thanks for the detailed and prompt response - it's greatly appreciated, and no apologies are necessary. There are a couple of factors that are worthy of more discussion here, if you'll indulge me.

First is that, if the 'old' method really wasn't what was intended, you guys really need to make some kind of announcement clarifying the new position - not just posts in the discord or a one-line patch note, but a blog post in Steam etc. There are a lot of players who have been holding off playing for a month or so (since 1.2, basically) on the assumption that the 'new' method was a bug that would be fixed, and most of those won't see this thread or hunt down posts in discord.

Second is that while absolutely necessary, said announcement is likely to provoke a fair amount of backlash, and you guys will need to figure out how to manage that. I've got tons of respect for you guys and love your game, but even I find it a little hard to believe that a bug of this scale on one ...

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Hi again! It may feel very different from your side, of course, but the numbers available to me indicate that the issue may not be as big as it may feel. According to the bug database, there's just around 15-ish reports about it total since 1.2. If you look intently at the threads about this issue, they are also not too big (point me if I'm wrong) in comparison with others.

That's very minor. For comparison, some bugs, even mythic-specific (which means it's just a minor % of the playerbase), have a history of gathering multiple hundreds or sometimes even thousands of reports.

Being a player of many games and knowing how a nerf feels, I can feel your pain here, but currently stats don't really justify a serious investment of resources into this matter =(


Originally posted by rowleybirkin

Thank you - really appreciate it. There's quite a bit of community interest in this, especially as it's been so long without a fix.

Heya again! I've discussed it with my coallegues. It's been a rather complicated matter. After we received a number of reports from you guys that there was a problem with the spellbook, the QA team went for a major investigation.

Here's what they discovered:

There was a major formula bug in the merged spellbooks which led to some odd things such as some levels not providing spells, game not considering some spells belonging to domain where they should have, sometimes the spellbook completely stopping to respond or behaving in other odd ways. A part of this formula bug was the incorrect calculation of spells as class+mythic level instead of class level, which apparently was never intended to work that way (team double-checked it with the design documents when it was discovered). Seems that it wasn't noticed earlier because it led to power increase and the players never reported it, thinking it was a feature.

I'm sorry for the confusion I created - it was inde...

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03 Apr


Originally posted by Peterh778

And could you, please please, finally address some long standing bugs in kingmaker? Like, proper upgrading uncanny dodge from one class to improved uncanny dodge when gained again by other class? Archaeologist/barbarian/thief comes to mind ...

Hey there! Sadly not on schedule for the near future.


Originally posted by rowleybirkin

But this isn't how merged spellbooks have worked since the launch of the game and arguably isn't really merging spellbooks anymore. u/OwlcatStarrok confirmed the current behaviour was a bug in this thread a couple of weeks back:


So it seems again we need another clarification (sorry for the ping again Starrok but this is a core gameplay mechanic and this post directly contradicts your earlier confirmation).

If the discord post really is how they're going to change it then merged spellbooks are dead in the water. I find it very difficult to believe that this new behaviour is 'correct' and the old progression - which is a core mechanic that's been very well kno...

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Hello! I'll check with my coallegues tomorrow and come back with an answer.

01 Apr


Originally posted by BigPowerBoss

u/OwlcatStarrok, you're disgusting.

Absolutely disgusting.

I love it.

Love you too :D


Originally posted by LieIcy211

u/OwlcatStarrok It appears that Dazzling Display and Sword of Heaven still do not work while mounted in turn-based mode. Would it be possible for us to get a hot fix soon? Thanks!

I've marked that bug for investigation, we'll see what can be done.

30 Mar


Hello, did you report it with ALT+B?

29 Mar


Originally posted by Woffingshire

I have for the button ones which are reoccurring, I play quite a modded game though so I try to avoid it

Did you find out a stable way to reproduce the issue?


Please make sure to report all the weird occurences you encounter, via ALT+B. Especially regarding the area exit button.

28 Mar


Originally posted by thug_politics

Yep, had the same issue last night. I think it might be a newer bug, because I it didn't happen the last time she rejoined on my other playthrough. Had to take her with me somewhere for her to properly register.

Please report it via ALT+B if you encounter it.

24 Mar


I recall seeing this kind of issue earlier due to outdated Razer drivers. If you use that, make sure it's updated, as well as the game itself.

21 Mar


Originally posted by Brawli55

Unfortunately for me disabling the mod doesn't help me - I still cannot load the save. I imagine at this point my save might have a dependency. I might have to wait for a mod update.

Once you save the game with a mod activated, it's irreversibly modified. If the mod for some reason stops working, you can't load such game, even if you turn off that mod.


Originally posted by Brawli55


  • Bolster Meta Fix

  • Bubble Buffs

  • Bubble Tweaks

  • Damage Breakdown

  • Enhanced Inventory

  • More Bulk Sell

  • No Film Grain

  • ToyBox

  • Use Until Healed

  • Visual Adjustments

And I'm using the Steam version ... so it looks like they removed the ability to rollback the version which sucks.

Make sure all mods are updated, that usually fixes the issue. If doesn't help, also try refreshing the cache by deleting all files except saved games, portraits and screenshots from the following folder: C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous


Originally posted by Godphase3

I'm certain you can't answer this in great detail, but when you say "multiple seasons" could be possible do you mean of content updates and expansions for Wrath of the Righteous specifically? Would that be separate from the possibility of Owlcat adapting more Pathfinder Adventure Paths in the future?

I have high hopes about getting to sail a pirate ship around the Shackles in one of your games someday!

Content updates for Wrath so far. As for the rest, time will tell. Don't have much info to share on that yet except that the closest new project yet to be announced is not Pathfinder. But if you love Pathfinder, I'm certain you'll be excited by that as well :)


Yup, it's a thing for all companion quests.

It's more of a technical limitation than intended behaviour, but it requires too much effort to deal with to be fixed. Basically, you need the whole zone and future encounters to have a completely new set of reactions on the character's death. In terms of work it's like designing a whole new set of companion quests for each of the companions, that's hundreds of hours of work for dozens of people. Considering how rare this situation would be (amount of people who play on last Azlanti or wouldn't reload right away in case of a companion death is very minor), that would be a huge waste of resources that are better spent elsewhere.

It's annoying for the Last Azlanti, I know, but I hope you understand why we went for the game over button.