PDX Chakerathe

PDX Chakerathe

27 Mar


We are back with our latest War Effort patch of the year, which contains a bunch of bugfixes, some balance changes, and tweaks to the game. But before we get to that, we have some words from @Wrongwraith

Hi everyone,
I’m Thomas, the Design Lead on Hearts of Iron.

It’s time for another War Effort, and it’s a big one.

Our primary focus for this War effort has been bug fixing — we’ve addressed a wide range of issues across the game to improve stability and polish. However, we’re not just fixing bugs; we’re also delivering balance tweaks, gameplay adjustments, and other enhancements.

This time around, from a balancing point of view, we’ve mainly looked at Armored Cars and Tanks. The reasoning behind this is that we felt that, as many of you have pointed out, it was usually better to make a cheap light tank than to use Armored Cars. While this is not entirely wrong from a historical point of view, it was a bit too m...
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20 Mar

Dear fans,

Today's Patch for Operation Knee marks the second release in a series of updates that we are doing to improve the game. Next week we aim to release the War Effort patch, which as Arheo said previously will be more substantial than usual.

I also want to take this opportunity to circle back to a few topics that Arheo brought up last week, as well as start providing a few glimpses into the short- and long-term future.

Conclusion of the Expansion Pass Next up in this pass is the Prototype Vehicles Unit Pack which adds vehicles that are more experimental in nature. Some will be available right away while others you will need to unlock through special projects. The unit pack continues to expand on the cool, detailed art we have in the game already, however it will not feature new in-game functionality.

Dev Corners Return One important take-away from the development of all the content in this Expansion Pass is the need to better a... Read more

17 Mar


Your Shah-nce to order your very own Shah Platypus is almost gone - Only 48 Hours remain!

As a wise man once said: " You're a Plushie, Shah-rry!"

Grab your own here, or by clicking the image below~[pdxint.at]

14 Mar


The Quartermasters over here on Steam have once again reorganized the railroads to ensure maximum efficiency, now extending Discounts on HOI over to the Spring Sale!

It is the perfect time to grab something for a friend, or to grab something that missing from your collection~

This sale will run from Now until March 20th

BASE GAME Hearts of Iron IV - 70% off
... Read more

12 Mar

Hello everyone!

As we mentioned not too long ago[forum.paradoxplaza.com], we’ll be bringing you several patches over the coming weeks and months. Here is our first batch of patch notes.

Operation HEAD, 1.16.1, Checksum 48b7

  • Increased the artillery required for elephantry
    -reduced its base soft attack by 20%
    -reduced breakthrough by 20%
    -reduced manpower requirement by 10%
    -increased supply consumption by 25%
  • India
    -Train Robberies now reduce railway/hub/infra by 2% (was 3%) for each railway focus completed
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10 Mar

Greetings all,

At the risk of stating the obvious, the release of Graveyard of Empires has not gone the way we wanted. Today, I want to post a mini-retrospective that explains some of what happened leading up to the release, and how we plan on acting on the results of that and on subsequent feedback and reception moving forwards.

One of the most important parts of the pre-release process we perform in Studio Gold is the Go/No-Go meeting. This is where each discipline; QA, Tech, Design, Marketing, Business et al, present their perspective on the state of the game and expectations on the likely reception thereof. We do this so we’re all on the same page, and so we can jointly arrive at a consensus on whether to launch or not. In GoE’s case, while we identified some areas of uncertainty mostly relating to dev diary feedback, we agreed that there was nothing out of the ordinary here, and that a release at this stage was acc... Read more

04 Mar

As we approach the end of our developer content, we stand at the precipice for Graveyard of Empires. Fresh opportunities await players from the lands along the Euphrates, to the Gulf of Bengal, and we are delighted to see how you will experience these new challenges!

To kickstart your journey, be sure to continue reading for the full release notes, the Release Trailer, as well as our Steam Sale that’s starting right now!

Grab Graveyard of Empires below (Note that if you have already purchased the Expansion Pass 1, Graveyard of Empires will already be included with it)

... Read more

03 Mar

Hi everyone,

with a mere one day to go before the release of Graveyard of Empires, it is tradition that we provide you with the Release Notes. The usual disclaimer applies; this list is comprehensive, but not necessarily complete. Any items we add will be placed in a separate spoiler underneath the main list. (Checksum isn’t final yet and will be added before Release.)

Graveyard of empires
  • Added focus tree for Iran
  • Added focus tree for Iraq
  • Added focus tree for Afghanistan
  • Expanded focus tree for the British Raj
  • Added numerous 3D models for Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Raj
  • Added 8 new music tracks
  • Added Voiceovers for Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Raj
  • British Burma now exists from game start as a British subject
  • Mandatory Palestine now exists from game start as a British subject
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27 Feb

Hello and welcome to the art Dev Diary for Graveyard of Empires!

I’m marblemadness, one of the artists responsible for bringing you the art content that will be present in the expansion and unless specified the “speaker” in this dev diary. There was a lot of positive reception for Götterdämmerung, so following up on that is a challenge. But we’ve greased our elbows and dug deep into the sand to excavate the best art we could find, so I really hope you enjoy what we have to show!

Focuses Focuses! The bread and butter of the HoI4 experience. Here are some selections from this DLC.

Persian focus Icons

British Raj focus Icons

... Read more

26 Feb

Generals! It’s Synth here, good to see you again! I hope you’re ready for our latest report in Graveyard of Empires! Last time we explored the historical events that took place in Iran during World War 2, as well as the potential alt history that lay within a strong Iranian Empire. This time, we take a look at what the opposition had to say in regards to the Pahlavi Dynasty. Buckle up soldiers, we’re go... Read more

25 Feb

Hello HoI fans! Synth here with the first Developer Diary for Iran in our upcoming content pack: Graveyard of Empires! It’s good to see you again! Today I am excited to introduce to you one of the nations we have been adding flavor to as part of this DLC - the great nation of Iran. This has been such a fascinating country to work with, and as two great powers loom menacingly over them during the course of the war, it means that there are plenty of fun opportunities to stage a full on defense. But what if you want to play offensively? I am certain there are players out there eager to restore the greatness of the Persian Empire. Well, lucky for you, I am here to talk about both!

This Dev Diary will cover both the historical and monarchist path for Iran which sits neatly on the right side of the focus tree! For the sake of consistency, from here on out, I will be referring to the monarchist path as the imperialist path. First, I will give you a brief context overvie... Read more

18 Feb

Greetings all,

Before we venture into the country content today, I want to take a brief moment to discuss the reactions to last week’s development diary. For those who didn’t follow the situation, it would be fair to say that some of the material we presented elicited strong negative reactions from parts of the community. This is not unusual, in fact I’d go so far as to say that it’s one of the reasons we have dev diaries in the first place. Well intentioned feedback is a good thing. We won’t always agree on what the best directions are for a game, but I think we’ve repeatedly shown that airing content early in dev diaries can be a source of positive change for the content within.


It would also be fair to say that for the last couple of releases, dev diaries have happened much later in the development process than they used to. This makes it harder for us to make certain, more significant changes based on the feedback we get. I am not happy with this... Read more

13 Feb


And Welcome, this week we'll be taking a looking at the Alt History paths for the RAJ, so without further ado..

Forward Bloc If you go down the League Against Gandhist, and proceed down the Forward Bloc plan you will end up with Subhas Chandra Bose as its leader. This is a more militant stance towards the British, with the end goal of leading a war of independence.

The War against the British will start when you complete Give Me Blood And I Will Give You Freedom, and which states join you in the civil war will be determined by how big the resistance is.

The idea is that you are using the resistance system to agitate the local population against British rule, flipping the resistance system on its head. The hi... Read more

11 Feb

Namaste, As-Salamu-Alaykum, Subh bakhair and Sat Sri Akal. Today we will look at the historical and shared military branches for the British Raj. I will use India and the Raj interchangeably to denote the subcontinent, and as always everything is under development and might change. Also a special thanks to avebee and pdx_lily which has provided invaluable help during the development of the Raj.

Historical Context In 1936 the Indian subcontinent was still under British rule and had been, in some form or other, for almost 2 centuries, either during the times of the East India Company, or directly by the crown.

In World War I the Raj fought as part of the British army against the Central Powers and afterwards the independence movement was rapidly picking up steam, no longer content to be ruled from London.

Demands by leaders such as Nehru, Gandhi and Jinnah were met in part by aloofness and part in indignation,... Read more

10 Feb

Generals, long time no see...

Video Embed
(Note that the currently shown price is for the full expansion pass, as Graveyard of Empires is ... Read more

04 Feb


Only 48 hours remain for the campaign of Hearts of Iron: The Board Game, so now is the time to back it if you want a copy of your own.

Click the image above or here to check it out[pdxint.at]

The awesome people over at Steam Forged Games have been hard at work making the Board Game a fun experience for you and your friends, and to keep it as true to Hearts of Iro... Read more

24 Jan


Missed the information coming out of R&D yesterday? The Hearts of Iron Board Game Campaign over on Gamefound has officially begun!

Make sure enter your backing of the project for your own copy of the game, the campaign will only run for 2 weeks and ends on February 6th 2025~

Check it out below!
... Read more

21 Jan


Command has issued fresh orders to the front, alongside the this next patch for our War Effort 1.15.4. Below, Check out the patch notes below for tonnes of bugfixes, balance tweaks, an interesting addition to a certain blueprint operation and more!

We've also added the option to rollback to 1.15.3 in case you encounter any issues.

######## Patch 1.15.4 - Checksum 3889 #########

# Balance

- Reworked the Infantry Tank MIO to now apply modifiers to all tank classes rather than on a per-class basis. This means that each tank class now has more than 4-5 relevant nodes.
- Added and tweaked the amount of war support and stability gained through focuses through the alt-history branches for Germany. Also modified Wilhel... Read more

20 Jan


The Quartermasters over on Steam have once again swapped up their supply lines making things go on discount for you all to enjoy.

Check out the deals below to grab something for your collection, or maybe for a friend!

This sale begins Now and will end on Monday, January 27th

BASE GAME Hearts of Iron IV - 70% off
... Read more

17 Jan


Command and the Quartermasters have arranged for some of you to be able to win your very own HOI Board Game[gamefound.com] Pledge!

The giveaway is now Live and will end on January 21st 2025

As soon as the contest ends, we will select and message the winners on January 22nd 2025

The Prizes - Five copies of the Hearts of Iron Board Game

How to Enter - Reply to, or quote, any of our social posts mentioned in our forum post, and tell us what you’re looking forward to most about the HOI Board Game.

There will be One Winner randomly selected for ... Read more