

29 Apr


Originally posted by SkySweeper656

What about for non-battle-royale fans?


Originally posted by jaokait

This is an important one!


Hearing you - nothing I can share today but the team are aware.


Hey folks,

In advance of the patch dropping tomorrow, we wanted to share some of the Quality of Life updates coming to Firestorm.

Let us know what you think. We’ve got plenty more cooking for future Firestorm updates, including improving the looting experience, changes to weapon rotations, and more Quality of Life enhancements.

/u/Braddock512 will be back here later today with the full Update Patch Notes


V for ...

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21 Apr


Originally posted by Telkor

Hey PartWelsh, any new info yet? The amount of people (on Discord) who got wrongly banned is increasing. There is definitely something wrong here.

Hey /u/Telkor - There's really next to no additional info that I'm privy to, or would be in a position to discuss here. I also don't have any new or additional reasons that there's actually anything wrong here.

Sorry if that adds to the frustration. Please understand that we don't talk about who gets banned, and we don't make a point of commenting publicly on these things, nor do we look to do any form of public shaming to state definitively why folks received their bans.

What information we have shared on the topic is available here - ...

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17 Apr


Originally posted by spies4

Thanks for the communication, are there going to be any possible updates for the inventory UI in firestorm? As in there's an option to expand the inventory, so maybe an option to collapse the inventory, to just show the gun equipped, how much ammo you have for that gun, and then one slot for either armor/health packs, and one for gadgets like grenades, panzerfausts, AP mines etc.

There are things like this happening with Firestorm. I'll fire this suggestion across. Thank you for it!


Originally posted by kevin82485

Could polls just be integrated into the game instead of relying on votes from segmented communities on Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook? This way everyone is assured a chance to vote and voice their preferences. Could just be a quick splash screen that appears when the game is booted up.

Polls weren’t utilised as a critical measure of folks interest. That tweet was incidental. We have wider data collection than twitter or Reddit upvotes.


Originally posted by DB_Skibum

What about rush? This was easily the best temporary game mode that was dropped so far and many players were vocal on wanting it to come back.

All true. Nothing to share with you today.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

All of the models in the armory have really cool hair, but our soldiers don't have customizable hair. Actually, the exclusion is really baffling to me. I'm one of the few who would instantly drop money on proper female hair, like the woman in the first trailer. I wonder is there something technically limiting there, or was it scrapped because of backlash? I'm aware of the retribution head, but more options would be super welcome.

I think making Boins skins purchasable even for 100k CC or something mad would be better than not at all, but I understand if that's impossible.

Hearing you.


Originally posted by AlbionToUtopia

Hey /u/PartWelsh, any information you can give us regarding RSP? The community was pretty vocal about that aswell.

No. Not today.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Ah I see.. Most of us were hoping to have more than 2 soldier sets offered and more unique gun skin camos.. As someone who grinded CC and bought a few boins, the limited offers this week are quite disappointing.. Feedback: I would suggest that the rotation would have more items both for soldiers and gun skins.. Also a lot of us grinded CC so we would appreciate more items that are obtainable with CC and allow past skins to stay in the armory in case some of us change our minds.. Just my 2 cents..

Appreciate that. Thanks.


Originally posted by Euroboi3333

Nothing against you my man. I appreciate that the fire has been put out. Have a great day!

You too dude.


Originally posted by Euroboi3333

Good guy dice for putting out the fire they started.

I can understand that perspective. I’m not here to take a curtain call, just trying to help reset the dial and talk.


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Yes it was essential. We need to be better at how we introduce new content to make sure that it’s welcome, meeting expectations, and behaving as designed.

So it was taken out because of the way it was brought in?

To be as sensible as possible, we did need these few days whilst it was out of rotation to assess how valuable it was to fans of Firestorm.

Couldn't you guys tell from server population?

I guess you guys check the social medias, but I'm sure there's thousands of players who have never even heard of Reddit, don't have a facebook or twitter. So how can you possibly know what THEY think about bringing in a new mode, then take it out four days later? They don't come here to shout, or can't fill in any polls.

You’re right, they don’t. This is why we invest on data, in addition to what we see across all public social media platforms.


Originally posted by Lock3down221

Thanks for adding this back.. While we're at it, is it possible to add a few more items in the armory this week without waiting for another refresh? The current selection is lacking..

I wouldn’t expect any changes to the rotation that’s presently live, but it’s not to say that we aren’t looking for feedback on the implementation of this overall. Naturally we have some of that from the opening weeks but don’t be shy adding more below for us to capture.


Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Hey PartWelsh, were you guys watching the queue timers/player counts across solos/squads while duos were active? I loved duos and think Firestorm suits duos better than any other BR game for a combination of balancing, pacing, loot options, and just general feeling. My only concern is if the player count is going to be able to keep the 3 modes populated consistently - Blackout, for example, struggles massively on PC - and if that is the case are there any contingency plans (no need for details if you can't share them right now)?

Edit: Also, shoutout to /r/firestorm for all those enjoying the mode

This is some of the data that will come back to us. It is something the team look at. As to what the answers might be, no clue, but absolutely something that is monitored broadly across all modes, platforms and regions.


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Was it really neccesary to even take it out in the first place?

Sincere question.

Thx btw.

Yes and no.

Yes it was essential. We need to be better at how we introduce new content to make sure that it’s welcome, meeting expectations, and behaving as designed.

No it maybe wasn’t. It was pretty clear just from announce that it was wanted, and even more so throughout the weekend.

To be as sensible as possible, we did need these few days whilst it was out of rotation to assess how valuable it was to fans of Firestorm.

Still some things we can improve on. More to come.


Originally posted by gardengnome23

Thank you for making this happen, good news and communication!

We can do better. But thanks for saying all the same 🧡


Originally posted by NixTrix27

They heard us ! Thanking everyone here who made it happen

We all sincerely appreciate how vocal everyone was on the topic. Thank you.

12 Apr


Originally posted by TackDaniels

I appreciate your efforts, thanks for that. But the fact that you trust these guys that much makes me wonder why me and all the others are in this frustrating situation.

I trust them and the tools and data that they have access too with which to make the decisions that they do. I doubly trust them to question the tools when presented with suggestions that the tools they're using are possibly reporting false positives. I triply trust them to do the right thing in those circumstances.

I can only operate from a super speculative position here as I don't have their insight. I can empathise completely with how frustrating it must be if you have been personally affected by something that you feel is totally unfair. I will be talking to them tomorrow.

Trusting them doesn't mean that I automatically don't trust others, like yourself.

Let's figure this out.


Originally posted by -lavenderhaze

Having read this reply from someone who understands the dynamics and the actual process involved within EA regarding these issues is at least a little bit relieving. However, the link you provided is the same link that was provided within the initial message I received the morning I was banned. I filled out the information that was requested, along with whatever information I could offer during that very confusing morning. I attempted to briefly summarize possible reasons within the email as to what may have caused this ban, primarily stating that I use OBS during gameplay for streaming reasons, and I also touched upon possible factors such as my global nvidia control panel driver settings- even though a previous patch addressed the potato mode / nvidia profile inspector / SLI profile fiesta that swept through bfv (and the settings would be reset during each launch of bfv.exe if there were any changes made that differed from global settings anyway).

I've closely followed ea...

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I'll have a chat with them in the morning to ensure that they're taking into consideration what you shared with me here, but I trust these dudes on the decisions they make, and the reasons they make them.

As I say, it's not an automated system that manages this stuff, it's people, and if they have due cause to take action, they do. Similarly, if they make mistakes, they're not too proud to admit them and will always reverse any bad actions.