

01 May

30 Apr


Originally posted by Hello-Doug

Are you guys aware of the bug when you get killed and you’re stuck on the ground but can’t be revived and can still fire any of your guns? I was stuck like that with 8 health and couldn’t blow myself up with the panzerfaust as I couldn’t take damage, so had to quit instead.


I haven't encountered it personally. If you happen to have it happen to you again, please do grab a video of it so I can share with the QA folks


Originally posted by LightKiosk

2 Company Coins

/u/TempRoyal is that you?!?!


Originally posted by DasBastian

Can you please give us an update on if we'll be able to give our characters hair? I feel stupid just asking but it genuinely bugs me having a bunch of baldies - especially when models in the store have hair.

Will ask.


Originally posted by etelmo

Let's add a few more names to the pot...

/u/DRUNKKZ3 /u/lytlb1t /u/_jjju_

Cheers for the tags - shared with the gang.


Originally posted by ForcePlays

I f**king highlighted it 2 weeks ago.

Apologies for having it missed it at the time. Never be shy to /u/ tag us here or fire it at us on Twitter

/u/f8rge /u/braddock512 /u/PartWelsh


Originally posted by Crabman169

Thank you for acknowledging the issue.

Will players that bought it have their CC refunded or something? It's nothing to uninstall over more just the principal

I'll ask our Support Teams to look into it.


It might be that the servers take longer to fill back up as it's Patch day. Folks are still patching up so should fill out back to normal in the next few hours.


Originally posted by powidltascherl

Maybe the reward could be 1 Boin?

That would drive me crazy. It makes my eye twitch whenever I get Xbox Achievements worth 2 or 3 GS.


My advice would be to avoid trying this in a live Multiplayer game - it won't have the same effect! 😂

This was in the Practice Range I'm guessing?


Unintended - looking into it. Thanks for flagging /u/Crabman169


It's sadly just a display bug (it'll get updated next week).

Solid meme all the same though!


Originally posted by Crabman169

Is there a reason as to why? Whilst the first in best dress approach ties in with every else in this game is this going to be a thing with future elite sets down the road? Will the launch of every new elite set be discounted or is it only these two right now?

Bit more transparency on the matter would be beneficial for everyone

For now, it's these two. In future, we'll see.


Store refresh happens only after we have all 3 platforms updated. Xbox is receiving it's update in the next ten minutes. I can appreciate the frustration but for future reference, store refresh happens at 11am British time on Patch days.


Originally posted by Qwikskoupa69

Lmao, its a placeholder you idiots

Would love to pretend that it is, sadly just a display bug. It'll get updated and refreshed next week.

Gonna make a pretty solid meme in the mean time!


Correct. Usual price will be 1500 Boins - the team let me know that for the first couple weeks we'll have these fellas available for cheaper (before reverting to 1500)


Originally posted by Mauno_Mato

Wtf, 300 HP for a downed dude, you are focusing on the wrong things, like way off.

Fix the inventory/looting and give us attachments so we can choose what weapons we want to use instead of giving 4-5 players overpowered shit while others have to do the end game with iron sights... Boom, you've fixed your game.

Most of these changes make no sense at all considering what other issues there are, have you ever played the game, how are these things even in a priority list.

Seriously, go play some other succesful BRs before making changes, not saying that you have to copy them but at least get some good ideas from them.

Oh and on this bullshit fix note, how about not drowning when downed if your toes even touches the water.

I can appreciate the frustration behind your post. To be very clear about how we approach updates of this nature, multiple people with different specializations work on updating or adding new content to the mode.

There isn't one singular person sat in the corner working through a list of what's easiest or fastest (and so delaying the more complicated things).

Changes are coming, and they're being done right.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

/u/PartWelsh has there been any word on fixing the problem with loot falling under objects or the map? Armor plates and guns seem to be the worst offenders - if I kill someone on a slope I can almost guarantee some or most of that loot is gonna get eaten by the ground.

It's an odd clipping bug. We are looking at it. Thanks for speaking up and tagging :)