The amazing thing about Seraphine is letting me queue for support/bot while still having a fun champion that lets me play the game at the same level in two roles. All the match-up and macro knowledge I have is still vital in the role, compared to what I used to queue before Sera's release of support/mid to play something boring like Malz.
Sera plays like a botlaner unlike ziggs or veigar and doesn't require cheese team comps to be good like say karma bot. She wants to scale with items and team fight, she isn't focused on zero interaction push your tower down in the same way. Both other botlane players and myself are going to have a lot less fun in the games I'd now have to go ziggs.
Killing Seraphine bot is genuinely damaging for mine and many other higher elo support players entire game experience
Neat, now quote the part where I said "Kill Seraphine bot"