

03 Oct


Originally posted by daswef2

Is keeping his anti-magic identity holding him back then from being easier to balance? Because most of my games in midlane are against Zed, Yone, Yasuo, Pantheon, Naafiri and other AD champs unless I ban them, grand majority of team comps are pure AD in regular play. If he is projailed by identity as an anti-magic champion, wouldn't removing him from projail be better for everyone?

I'll take fulfilling a compelling fantasy over balance every day.

Plenty of champions have successful thriving player bases even if they aren't strictly strong. There's a reason you've got Taliyah and Galio flairs and not Maokai and Sion.

And to be clear, Galio is a rock (petricite) solid 50% win rate mid laner and support right now. It's not like he's bad. He's been 47% while a priority pro pick.


Originally posted by papu16

What you think about LT that is most popular ADC rune in the game and for ranged champs it wasn't nerfed at all? Rn it just really above alternatives in terms of power and I would be happy if marksmans had some keystone diversity again.

PtA and Fleet both tend to outperform LT on average. Even Hail has a number of great users.

That LT gets auto-selected is more a fault of ADC players, not rune power level.


Originally posted by UNOvven

Has there ever been a discussion about making pro less mage heavy? I honestly miss seeing ad assassins be picked in pro, even moreso outside of the jungle.

Me, too.

It'd be a pretty difficult project with significant implications even if it landed correctly. Maybe that gets prioritized against all the other work we could do but I'd guess it's not top 10 right now.


Originally posted by Black_Creative

That's a Lord Doms nerf not an adjustment lmao

LDR also has a functionality change. On Live, it doesn't damage amp against shields, which is changing here.

Datamining is only so accurate.


Originally posted by UNOvven

I dont quite get the selection of runes being nerfed. Why are Dark Harvest and Electrocute being nerfed harder than Conqueror and Lethal Tempo? Or hell, why are they nerfed harder than First Strike, First Strike already arguably outperforms them most of the time.

The initial plan was to sidegrade Electrocute etc., which is why there were only some runes on the list. Goal was to take from gold scaling and give to level scaling, lowering snowballing slightly.

But we ended up going with minor power nerfs instead. For clarity, this is about 6% less damage on Electrocute until 3+ items. Ultra-late it's up to 25% less damage.

So because of that, we're adding more runes to the list. We're generally targeting about 10% less power across the primary offensive keystones. The PBE is not final, etc. etc. Lethal Tempo was always expected to be nerfed. This means Phase Rush, Grasp, etc. get more powerful by comparison. In the short term that's fine, though I suspect that's not healthy long term.


Originally posted by InTheAbsenceofTrvth

Galio: keeping his losing matchups to mages intact.

Doesn't seem like the right stance for Galio lmao.

The context here is that Galio with prio puts him in pro jail. Galio as a weakside midlaner who scales well and helps his team allows us to tune him "strong" without becoming a mandatory pro pick.

For better or worse, pro play is mage-heavy. In turn, this means Galio is instantly in pro jail if he's actually heavily skewed toward mages so strongly that he just wins lane against them.

We're not trying to steer super strongly. For example, we could have buffed his armor, but that would be really troll to make the anti-mage actually best against Zed and Yasuo. He's probably still pretty good against them since he's good vs. melee, but we don't need to exacerbate that fact.

So Galio can be strong without having a ton of winning lane matchups. This means picking other parts (or times) of his kit to excel.

01 Oct


I can’t speak for anyone else but my first thought is, “ok let’s make Baron and staff of flowing water do something when you receive the buff. What’s a number that feels good but won’t make this clearly an AP champ?”

But then that usually has to be lower because of Sylas.

I do like the idea of specifying a bespoke AP ratio to each one, though.


Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

Can we please get a list of what is considered light,mid and heavy(I presume) fighters? Just to have a general idea.

Very broadly and not official:

No dashes at all? Probably heavy (Mordekaiser, Darius, Mundo). Items like Dead Man's Plate and Jak'Sho make sense for them. "Juggernaut" tends to apply here.

A button that makes you immune to damage for a short time? Probably light.

Neither of those? Probably medium.

Of course there are more than enough exceptions to make this not really apply. Red Kayn actually has Skirmisher/Light tools but clearly builds midsized and honestly should. But it's a decent starting framework.


Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

I'm very curious as to where you think Kled fits into this

Kled's weird. And as far as I can tell, Kled players like that he's weird.

29 Sep


Originally posted by droppedmyravioli

AH lowered for everyone means differently for different champions/roles.

Of course every champ wants to cast abilities more often, but the adc Twitch would not be affected by lower AH as much as the Aatrox

Twitch also presently buys 0 AH unless he's AP Twitch.



Originally posted by EpicSpooker

Finally he says it: no one is going to be satisfied with how they balance fighters. At this point they have tried literally everything and people have complained about it all. Personally, I think that fighters need a “broken” thing to be viable because of their inherit lack of range and imo this should be haste and/or durability. I do disagree on his opinion on assassins though. They should have high cooldowns but high damage. Get one kill and get out.

My stance (and I'm in a position to enforce it, mwa ha ha ha ha) is that "mid-size" fighters should be:

  • Durable
  • Using haste as a core stat
  • Damage threats
  • Fairly target agnostic

Not all fighters fall directly into the above. Skirmishers (Riven, Master Yi, Fiora, Viego, Tryndamere) are on average much less durable or rely on a "parry" (Fiora W, Yi W... Tryndamere R lol) in order to survive. But someone like Jarvan or Hecarim? Oh yeah, those bullet points apply IMO.


Originally posted by ProfDrWest


Does this ult cooldown thing not go directly against what you argued for ult cooldowns in your recent videos?

On average, sure. But every champion is unique. There are a lot of moving parts.

For example, long cooldown ults tend to be pro skewed, since the game is slower paced. I also don't think Jinx R can get that much stronger per cast. In the case of Jinx, a low cooldown ult can make sense. More of her power is in an impactful ability that she doesn't have strong gold scaling over. I do think Jinx could be nudged a bit away from "great platform for converting gold into DPS" and more, "All my buttons are weapons of mass destruction but I'm also still an ADC"

28 Sep


Originally posted by Boudynasr

last year[12.14]: teamfights arent happening, so we buffing drakes to encourage teamfighting

this year: drakes cause snowball so we nerf them

12.14 patch notes:

' As mentioned above, early game is currently becoming much slower which has led to a meta shift focusing on scaling team comps. Players have become more comfortable conceding early objectives in order to reach their late game win conditions.
In order to increase the priority of early game objectives we’re going to be increasing the reward for early drake and Rift Herald takes. Individual drake buffs are currently too low impact as players will more likely prioritize them due to the threat of soul and less for the individual buffs themselves. In order to make drake buffs more meaningful, we’ll be increasing the buff values of each by roughly 50% (and even mo...

Read more

That's why we're buffing souls themselves. It's important that sitting back and scaling without interaction will lead to losing the game.


Originally posted by FBG_Ikaros

DK vs MAD literally had 4 Rumble picks in 5 games

Game 1: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 2: MAD Voli vs DK Udyr

Game 3: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 4: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Game 5: DK Rumble vs MAD Udyr

Not only that, but DK also picked Rumble vs RNG in game 5 finals.

Granted, Morgana was banned, but Rumble was still constantly picked by Canyon in the bracket stage.

Rumble shows up when Udyr or Morgana aren't available. Yep.


Originally posted by Nalardemon

is there the possibility that we get to hear your thoughts about all the different changes you went for and why you prefered this route before they hit the live server (unless they aren't final yet)? at the moment, this interests me the most.

Some of those changes seem out of nowhere and just add confusion or don't feel like they follow what we wouldve expected considering all the informations we got over the last couple of patches. especially in the ksante mains community this caused chaos and i would really appreciate it

Video is uploading as I type this.


Originally posted by albens

I will never forget Phreak saying rumble jungled sucked even though he was pick/ban in MSI lmao. And this was before he joined the balance team, imagine the shit he's doing since he joined.

Except he wasn't lmao. The bracket stage was all Udyr-Morgana.

These things are objectively measurable and you can't do the bare minimum of being accurate on easily verifiable facts.