

14 Apr


Originally posted by Avelden

Except that the balance team deigned to not do a third nerf, which is something that pro-play numbers supports, despite Hecarims presence in soloQ as well.

Not doing a third nerf when looking at pro-play could be argued, but not when he also has as much presence in SoloQ as he does

To be clear about something, Riot cannot react to pro play the immediate patch before. Not only is there a minimum 8 day lag between a patch hitting live and pros playing on it, the number is greater than that because, let's be clear, a single bo3 between T1 and NS is not a good source of data.

So Riot is necessarily one full skipped patch behind pro play. There just isn't another way to do it. 11.7 can look at 11.5 pro play and 11.8 can look at 11.6 pro play... just not all of it, since those are playoff patches, but you at least get enough of a look.

Hecarim's most recent pro-facing nerf was 11.6, yes, meaning 11.8 could have had more pro-reactive nerfs. However, it's reasonable to conclude a large reason for his prevalence is from Chemtank, which also got nerfed in 11.7. For further reference, his win rates on non-Chemtank are pretty reasonable, leading to a fair conclusion that a Chemtank-focused nerf would be fair, combined with a lighter nerf on his E.


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Originally posted by Adaptabletochange

Tbf the balancing team has a really weird way of actually trying to "balance" something. They never directly address the issue, they always try to nerf something in 500 different ways first. In master+ elo on EUW heca and udyr is ban or dodge. That's so fun. I don't watch LCS but LEC games are so stale, like having Corki/Azir meta. Every game goes down by book, really boring knowing what happens before it does. Lee sin at least does flashy plays, heca just presses e and chemtank and runs you down. That doesn't even look good and engaging.

How exactly do you find nerfs to Phoenix Udyr's clear speed and Chemtank's movement speed "indirect"?


Originally posted by Avelden

Except this completely disregards SoloQ data input.

And those champions got nerfs every time they set off the solo queue flags. It's not like Riot was like, "Nah, let's just ignore the oracle data this time."


Originally posted by Shorgar

Isn't the problem having to clear the entire jungle pre 3:15 for crab or you are doomed? Pretty much the only things we see are champs with a super fast clear.

You don't really have to, though. Whether or not you're level 4, the team with lane priority is the one who's getting the crab. It's not unreasonable to do 5 camps and just take the other one instead.


Originally posted by anoleo201194

I just think people are so bored of seeing Heca and Udyr they want both of them to be Olaf'd to oblivion. Fwiw, even though I'm not a fan of this meta I think it's a good thing to take it slow if the champ is not Samira levels of busted, but I can see where the frustration is coming from.

And I can understand that, but let's be really specific about what happened:

Riot nerfed Udyr in the 11.5/6 playoff patch and Hecarim was only at 61% presence the last time Riot had a chance to react to pro play metrics for 11.6.

I really don't think Riot should get in the habit of roller coaster champion balance. It'll feel sh*tty for players and it'll feel sh*tty for pros just playing whack-a-mole with champion select.


Originally posted by mazrrim

While I see most of your points here, Hecarim is still smashing every benchmark for nerfs and has been for literal months

"elite" tier, ranked number 1 jungler and 53.5% win rate close to 70% ban rate. This is for 11.7, "fine now"

And ill cut off any discussion now about "noooo this other stat site says he is 52.5% not 53.5%", because rather than obsess over the number in a vacuum look at his rank 1 overall in the jungler position.

"I think a third hit on Hecarim in 11.8 is warranted, but it's not like Riot didn't continually tap them down."

Literally in the post, bro.


FWIW, Hecarim and Udyr each received several nerfs in addition to Chemtank being nerfed.

I know Reddit likes to complain about "triple nerfing" something, but sometimes that doesn't do enough.

Hecarim's nerfs weren't in for the LCS playoffs, though he was still #1 pick/ban in the 11.6 playoffs regions.

Hecarim's second nerf, Udyr's third nerf, and Chemtank's nerf were all in 11.7, which were all put in after Riot reacted to the 11.5 second round of Udyr nerfs not lowering his priority enough.

I think a third hit on Hecarim in 11.8 is warranted, but it's not like Riot didn't continually tap them down.

Plus, let's not act like pros are good at reacting to changes on time. You say "months ago" as though people whose literal job it is to pick the strongest champions didn't fail to identify them.

11.2 had Chemtank's big buffs where it got much cheaper. Hecarim's presence: 28%. Udyr's was 74%

11.3, where Udyr was specifically nerfe...

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I think item diversity is very good.

Sure the Chemtank junglers are running over everything. That’s obviously an issue. But I just saw Renekton build three different first item builds in a single bo5 this weekend and then the next day he swapped his mythic midgame as the game state evolved.

Lillia and Nidalee regularly build three different mythics. Supportive tops have 2-3. And that’s not counting the 2nd and 3rd options. Marksmen have a ton of choices across ER, Collector, Hurricane, PD, Rageknife, and LDR third. There are further edge cases and that’s not counting the 5-6 different first items that get chosen.

Mages are a little lean except that they choose among 4-5 of the 6 mythics every game. Seraphs is a sometimes 2nd. Void is OP though.

People think their fighter options are limited. They are not. Gangplank regularly uses like four different builds though.

11 Apr


Originally posted by Dogaclysm

“They have no respect for TSM, and to be fair, they don’t deserve it.”

Jesus Christ, Phreak.


08 Apr


Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22


Ovilee said she wanted a Gordon Ramsay level critique of her teamfight cast, so that's what I did :^ )

Context ignored. You're fired.

03 Apr


Originally posted by beepdiboop101

C9 Fudge bottom 2 top laner btw :/


01 Apr


I can confirm that this is a deepfake.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Moody_Woo

Are you serious riot games?????

Dude I can't believe riot would stoop this low....

To make a champion that RUNS with scissors. I don't know if I can let my kids play this game.

This is the only time it’s ok to run with scissors, kids.

23 Mar


Originally posted by mublacksmith



22 Mar


Originally posted by Silma87

Is this a Fudge over performance or a Ssumday underperformance, or a mix of both ?

Fudge has played better than Ssumday for the majority of Spring. This is the new normal for now.


Originally posted by vileb123

Hey phreak did you end up doing the math for the zeal deviation for senna's build?

Not yet. I was busy winning Clash.

21 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

If anyone was watching the split they’d know how below average ssumday was performing

Below average you say?

Like, say... 6th place?


Originally posted by Potkrokin

This inevitable loss is made all the worse by Phreak creaming his pants whenever something good happens for C9

I assure you as an FBI fan I'd be just as excited for any good plays 100 Thieves made.

They just had so few.


Originally posted by Goladen

Did Phreak mean that 100T can't find their stride because it is broken by fudge because he has stridebreaker


I realized the opportunity existed midway through the word "stride."

17 Mar


Originally posted by HuaRong

But are they really human beings? Are you sure you don't have a robot infiltrator? How can you be sure????

The suspense is killing me.

TBH I haven't seen any of the designers' human bodies in over a year. Who knows when the computer superintelligence got to them?