

29 Dec


Stellar recounting, thanks for the rundown! I had forgotten about the Zed comic and gave it a read once I got to that part in the post. Poor misunderstood Govos.


I'm guessing this is because they've been going after his items.

AP Malphite, for example, seems to be pretty balanced. His most purchased AP mythic in Luden's is ~51% win rate. Considering the last three patches chain-nerfed tank items, it makes sense that they tried to hold off on nerfing him specifically while hitting items that needed it.

That said, Malphite is still broken and should be nerfed.

20 Dec


Originally posted by Basadai

Raptors is almost always the better option, you get full gold, its still a big camp to lose and its really accessible due to its position meaning its easy to slip in and out. Its also a camp the enemy jungler for sure wants to take whereas some junglers hardly touch their krugs.

Eh, there's more you could do here.

Counter-jungling a camp does two things:

  1. I get Gold/XP
  2. You don't get Gold/XP

Making up numbers, if Raptors is "+200/-200" and Krugs is "+100/-400" then taking Krugs is still potentially the better choice. There are other considerations like how likely is the enemy jungler going to come back to this camp before it respawns (as you mentioned) and smaller points like how much time would they have spent on the camp itself. Raptors may well be the right call, but denying the full value of Krugs to an opposing jungler is relevant, too.


There's one thing missing from this analysis:

How good is Krugs compared to each of the three other camps?

This is a good analysis for "Krugs are better on not-Ivern if they can take them efficiently." But there is still relevant information missing like, "no, really, it's half as much as Wolves, don't even bother." Because your teammates can't always hit that camp. (And then there's also a minor point in that Ivern, like all junglers, gets more XP from camps than non-junglers. Not enough to make up the difference, but still relevant data.)

18 Dec


Originally posted by I_really_love_u

He's really going the dicestace.

Underrated comment

16 Dec


Originally posted by HolmatKingOfStorms

Much better Muramana changes that actually consider what champs want. I'm still praying for less painful combine costs on AP+mana mythics, hopefully that gets looked into soon.

Yeah this design is so much better. Shifting the power to +AD and removing the silly damage-type constraint is better all around.

03 Dec


Originally posted by Doorknob11

I’ve found that the scalings are super inconsistent. Some tell you the ratio, some just give you how much is being added on. It’s weird.

Yeah they all have to be re-done by hand. So it's slow-going.

30 Nov


Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

To be fair, that's with Shift being held (the "more info" button).

All the scaling and such are collapsed into one final number any time you first glance at it.


Originally posted by winterspike

we've officially reached peak f**king reddit: first it was bitching about 56% WR, then 54%, then 52%, then 51%, and finally, 50%

Don't worry there's also people complaining about Twitch's low aggregate win rate when he's being brought down by his atrociously bad support performance.

29 Nov


Wow a popular balanced assassin? What is the world coming to?

23 Nov


Originally posted by mogadichu

So let me get this straight. They buff Varus by:

- Reducing his ult speed

- Halfing his on-hit damage

- Making his W stacks lower his cooldowns slightly

Did a Varus main sleep with a Riot employee's girlfriend or something?

I can't wait for the "Reddit Knows Balance" video on this one.

Or I'm wrong. But this is a gigantic buff.

22 Nov


Chiming in because I don't think I was incredibly clear and succinct in the conclusion: True damage gains on %health damage against tanks because armor increases more sharply than health does. The absolute power levels of BotRK/Kaken slayer aren't incredibly important, only the relative gains. And in general, those gains were greater against tanks than they were against non-tanks.

Some champions, like Yasuo, tended to buy purely +Armor (Death's Dance, GA), and others like Darius, would buy purely +Health. Those will also change your item goals.

21 Nov


Originally posted by StoneOcean

The expectation is that a champion class that is designed around killing tanks should be able to do more than 20 damage vs said tanks without having to gimp their damage vs other champions.

If a glass cannon champion can't kill a tank after doing damage to them for 20 seconds while being completely ignored then what the f**k is the point of a glass cannon?

Then maybe the champion who is designed to kill tanks should itemize in a way that kills tanks and not the ones that provide a shield and the one that gives up-front burst to kill a squishy.

It's almost like ADCs actually got choice in what items to build and then complain when they do it wrong.

18 Nov


Originally posted by YandereYasuo

That on top of it too yes. An LDR would've been way better in this fight than PD.

Sure, but I'm not sure you can ever call LDR second the correct build overall.

I think PD second is pretty terrible, especially on a high-AS champion like Jinx, but regardless this is mostly a Graves thing.


Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Killing the 0-4 laner again vs collecting Bounties, atleast that's most likely the case here.

Also Sneaky's Mythic (Galeforce) has it's power mainly in its active that he already used and Graves' Mythic (Shieldbow) passive was still up (and also stronger IMO). Then there is also the fact that Sneaky bought a PD + Cloak, which are very shitty damage items.

Graves also gets an absurd amount of bonus armor through Quickdraw.

His armor was 204 at the start of the fight and 240 at the end with just Plated Steelcaps (Ninja Tabi). For reference, he's getting 108, then 144 armor through Quickdraw at 6, then 8 stacks.

So to be clear, this is much more a case of, "Wow, late-fight Graves is nigh-invincible to physical damage."

13 Nov


Originally posted by Fencing_fenrir

I have a theory as to why Reddit hates everything:

  • The most active redditors are angry redditors

  • The angriest redditors are ADC mains

  • ADC mains have not had fun bot lane for years

  • If ADCs are too strong, jungle/top ganks occur frequently to get your ADC ahead. If ADCs are too weak, supports and tanks kill them without much effort

  • So why do ADC mains play ADCs? Because they hate themselves. Someone who hates himself probably hates everything else too.

In conclusion, ADC mains hate themselves and, by proxy, hate everything else too.

I have fun in Bot Lane. I frequent Reddit.

ADC mains on this subreddit are unbearable.

25 Oct


This was certainly a moment.

As always, please find it in your hearts to deliver compliments without delivering insults to other people in the same breath.

23 Oct


Originally posted by pacifismisevil

Except he didnt predict 0-18, he said something like it wouldnt be that surprising if it happened, I cant find his exact wording. He literally picked TL to come 3rd in their group in his pick ems. He was wrong about FQ, but right about TL & TSM. He was about the same rightness as other analysts like Dom who predicted 1 NA team to make it through groups on average. Dom predicted FQ to come 4th and TSM to come 3rd IIRC.

Edit - searched for an hour, cant find it. Closest I can find is "TSM might go 0-6", where the host predicted SN would come last in the group. LS deserves credit for predicting SN #1, and Rogue #4 which surprised a lot of people. It's easy to cherrypick when an analyst gets it wrong, you have to look at the whole picture to be fair. If some1 can link me the clip where he said NA 0-18 I'd appreciate it. I seem to recall Frosk was there but could be wrong.

My mistake, it's actually 1-17. This is from the lolesports Twitter predictions, where there's one for each game played. His one NA nod was TL > Machi the first time.


Originally posted by Fencing_fenrir

The second issue is that sub-50% win rates are champions you want to see in your games because you're likely to beat them

Wasn't ye olde Kassadin of S3 below a 50% win rate when he got through the 1% of banning phases?

Yeah. People typically ban (somewhat fairly) for frustration instead of power.


Originally posted by Pozay

Is it really though? I feel like there is more to bans than just pick rate and win rate. For example, if you ban lulu but janna is the 6th best champions, you don't win much, if you instead ban darius and a bruiser champion which is 7th only leaving bad bruisers, you force bruiser players into bad position. My example wasnt that great but I think you get what I'm saying

There's definitely something interesting there. "If my lane opponent would pick Samira, do they just pick Jhin, who's similarly powerful?" There's a more advanced model out there somewhere, yeah.

However, the opposite is true, too. If you ban Thresh, what if they pick a stronger champion instead?