Or that TSM, NA first seed would go 0-6 lmao
Except his prediction was NA 0-18. You can't just cherry-pick one and go "XD superior analyst."
Or that TSM, NA first seed would go 0-6 lmao
Except his prediction was NA 0-18. You can't just cherry-pick one and go "XD superior analyst."
There are two issues I have with this: First, there is a "best ban" and your team must use distinct bans, meaning there are five "best bans." So while your model may say that Samira should be banned in 30% of games, she in fact should be banned in every game if players are banning optimally.
According to Lolalytics, the 5 best (play rate * win rate) bans in patch 10.21 are Samira, Zed, Jhin, Hecarim, and Lulu.
So seeing Samira and Zed in your list as disproportionately banned, despite being the two best bans in League of Legends (and, almost more importantly, the #1 Bot Lane and #1 Mid Lane bans), makes this methodology feel flawed.
The second issue is that sub-50% win rates are champions you want to see in your games because you're likely to beat them. This is why it feels odd that Jhin and Ezreal are next to each other. Jhin is indeed left up more often than his power level suggests. However, Ezreal shouldn't be banned: He doesn't win very often a...
Read moreDay 1 of Worlds, one of the first 3 games. Probably PSG Talon.
Flyquest still looked better than Phreak's beard.
Phreak as someone who’s played League since I was 11 in S1 I love you like the cool dad that would have let me play video games all day that I never had. You are the best <3.
Thanks, I appreciate you :)
I see this comment a lot, and while I'm flattered so many people like seeing me on the desk/casting, playing the game is the #1 thing I want to be doing. I really do enjoy being on the desk, because when I can talk about things I like (one of them being League), I can just talk and talk and talk (maybe a bit too much), so I would definitely consider it in the future. But for now, you can catch me on the rift
You better actually play Wukong though. Dude's meta for the first time in practically ever and you have zero plays all year. smh my head
Honestly, the 'this is what peak league of legends looks like and it comes from europe' will definitely remain one of my most memorable lines of all time
Thanks! Definitely a well-deserved moment from G2, the LEC, and their fans.
How does it feel when your words from your cast are what's used to bring up a big moment like this? Or like Doa's "Faker, WHAT WAS THAT?!"
Pretty freaking great. On a surface level, it's just cool to have people like or even just remember you and what you've done. Pretty much always great to feel relevant.
And then one level removed it's also nice because it means I did a good job capturing that moment. I imagine there are plenty of other top moments that don't get the same recognition because I or another caster didn't do the moment service.
Hey, I said that!
Of course! I'm a professional!
Phreak: doubts CLG all game
Don't worry, "YOU CAN CHANGE THE PLAYERS BUT THE FAITH REMAINS" was next if they won another fight.
Different recording setup than the normal videos since we're all WFH. I'm using my LCS setup with a blanket over my head for reduced echoing. Could be that I also had allergies flare up around the same time I was recording, but not that I remember.
I like that they once again make it clear that they are brothers by the shared similarities in their kit. The passive with the crit half being very much the same and the Q also being a 3 strike with a knockup. It makes it feel a lot like they indeed learned in the same school of fighting but have different takes on it.
Also that "double edgelord" joke at the end, jeez.
Double edgedlord is definitely my favorite line in the video.
<3 u/phreakriot
Thanks folks. You're very kind <3 /u/dardios /u/CheesusAlmighty /u/Bapt11 /u/ElysianFlow
People always talk about pick rate when it comes to balancing. There's this notion within the community that lower pick rate automatically means only/primarily mains play that champion. Could you shed some light on whether or not this is true?
For example what fraction of the total number of ASol games is played by ASol mains vs. what fraction of the total number of Ezreal games is played by Ezreal mains? Ideally also how this compares to a champion with average popularity.
It's not. There's an easy metric for this: Depth (and Breadth). There was an article about it a while back: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/11/champ-popularity-mixing-math-art/
Low-breadth high-depth are champions who are mained really hard. Low-breadth low-depth champions don't have experts on them. One doesn't really cause the other in either way.
If you're not playing Aphelios Ezreal or Varus ADC feels pretty awful tbh. Either that or maybe I'm still salty from the removal of Draven's passive bleed
I'll be honest Ezreal and Varus feel real cheap (before the Varus nerfs at least) but I'm having fun with a whole host of different ADCs.
Cassiopeia already excelled at mid lane. She could stand being nerfed for Top/Bot and not get any compensation for her mid laning. That's my point.
To be fair +0.5% within a week on public data is within the margin of error for "just as powerful." Like we saw with Brand losing almost 1% in support despite being objectively more powerful.
The Brand "buff" changed close to nothing for Brand support and the winrate still went down by 0.89%. It shows that there is not enough data to draw conclusions when the expected change is in 0.X percentages. The only safe conclusion here is that Voli's buff was meaningful (or people just got better playing him).
Almost always, win rate changes are "Here was the average win rate on the patch before. Here's the average win rate on the new one." It almost always skips over the win rate growth gained from familiarity over the last two weeks. So yeah, without doing some decent crunch to solve that issue, tracking patch-over-patch winrate growth is pretty useless for tracking buffs/nerfs.