Incredible, I have inmense respect for Phreak, great caster.
Thanks! :)
Incredible, I have inmense respect for Phreak, great caster.
Thanks! :)
I f**king love Phreak.
You're awesome! I was following your quest to finish all of this on twitter. I'm glad you got through it all :)
As long as all the text is horizontal.
Most of the potential on hit junglers like Shyvana, Xin or Warwick are consistently using other items. Not saying that's a bad thing necessarily, but at some point if only yi is using it it should probably be buffed or removed and yi balanced around that.
Yeah that's a fair point.
/u/PhreakRiot when you talked about Runic echoes and how bloodrazor is more expensive than runic now, and how its up there with warrior price, do you think bloodrazor should have its cost reduced? or stats buffed? it seems really awful, i never see it built on anyone but yi (with rageblade build which might not be good for him anymore anyway).
i dunno, what do you think about bloodrazor? seems like kind of a dead item to me
I don't think the item is trash as much as there just aren't just a lot of on-hit junglers out there.
There was a rules change a few months ago that let you link your own content.
Love Phreak for this. And really just shows that positivity is a great trait for a competitive player. Shutting down helps no one really.
Yay! Glad I could help this guy reach Diamond :)
I expected the manamune change to be a mini rework to make it a not Ezreal only item
I view it as:
Ezreal will always want Manamune and will have to be balanced around how strong the item is.
For everyone else, Manamune is too weak to even be considered, making it an Ezreal-only item. There is a value of AD where Manamune is worth buying on 10% of AD champions. Find that number, then balance Ezreal.
I think that's just fine. Kalista is the same with Hurricane, for example.
Hmmm, I understand your frustration at some of the responses from the community, but it's really strange that you can't acknowledge for a second how it might've been inappropriate on your part to state an opinion as fact. Nonetheless, no hate for you man. I think you're a great caster, and certainly don't deserve the vile comments you've been getting. I'm just a bit confused at your response / attitude towards this... that's all.
Here's the thing about casting though: It's a performance. It's by definition subjective. There's no peer-reviewed studies and scientific experiments. You're up there providing your point of view. X champion is stronger in the matchup. This team comp is better in the late game. That TP sucked. That's the position. That's what we do.
People have told me I have fake hype. I don't. I have my hype for the game in front of me. That example applies broadly.
Faker is the greatest LoL player of all time. Doublelift is the best domestic Bot Laner in NA history but had a history of choking internationally until last year. Caps is the best Mid Laner to ever come out of Europe. Those statements are all subjective, but guess what? I'm saying all of them at MSI. That's the job. So indeed I do stand by what I said. Honestly, I could have been less glib about it, I regret how I approached these discussions, and I'll do better next time. But that's my job.
Read moreI've heard this said several times now and I honestly don't know why it's still such a strong debate even when Doublelift now has objectively more NA championship wins than Bjergson. He was able to get to this point even after taking an entire split off because TSM did not make the finals for two entire splits, at one point losing in playoffs to Clutch Gaming and not even coming in fourth place.
I watched your segment on the Dive when one of your main points for Doublelift ranking below Bjergson was because of the losses he suffered while on CLG, going to relegations, etc., whereas in your opinion Bjergson has always been consistently on top.
But why then, are these past lower team standings for TSM, which happened far more recently, and thus should be even more relevant, seemingly overlooked? Even in the first half of this split, TSM did not look particularly strong, but now that they have one impressively strong win streak in the past ...
I fundamentally disagree with the notion that because it happened recently, it matters in an all time debate. We're not saying who's better on April 19, 2019. We're saying who's the best player of all time. It's like saying that Michael Jordan isn't as good as LeBron James because when's the last time MJ even picked up a basketball?
So, that out of the way, let's talk about more of the details:
Bjergsen's low points are getting 3rd place once and 5/6th place once. Otherwise, across eleven splits he's not only made playoffs every single time, but he's made nine finals and won five of those. He also has four MVP honors. Let me put that in a different perspective: Bjergsen won an MVP title every single year until 2018, when Doublelift finally won his first.
Doublelift's recent accolades are indeed impressive. He's won six LCS titles now. He's absolutely the best domestic Bot Laner in LCS history. That's for sure true. But his l...
Read moreOk you can have your opinion but do you think it’s appropriate to state it as if it were a fact when casting for hundreds of thousands of viewers?
Right and they submit a list of known bugs to teams?
Also, just realized I was listening to your patch rundown while chatting with you lol. Love the rundowns. For some feedback, I doubt you have time, but I did really enjoyed it that one time when you did the rundown halfway through the patch and looked at how each change affected the win rate of each champ. If you have the time to do it, I know I'd watch it.
Maybe its worth while doing in the small patch/big patch cycle that the balance team has started shipping. Do a small rundown for small patch and look at how the previous big patch affected solo queue or even pro.
Have a good one =)
Yes there's a list of important ones that get thrown out to the teams.
Wasn't there also a concern - albeit a small one - that a pro could figure out how to reproduce it, tell nobody, and use it to remake when behind?
Generally speaking, when there is a known/telegraphed bug and the champion isn't disabled, it's "use at your own risk." This is occasionally what happens when the bug isn't gamebreaking and especially true if it only happens under really contrived circumstances where they probably did it on purpose.
Nowadays there's Chronobreak anyway, so it wouldn't mean that much. But I suppose technically it's possible.
RIOT GAMES: Makes a huge narrative about who wins may be the GOAT of NA.
PHREAK, starting game 5: But TSM has the Greatest player of All time in NA in Bjergsen.
Put it this way: If Bjergsen won, he's the GOAT, no question. If Double won, it's still a debate. That's the prevailing sentiment, that's my opinion, that's what I said. I stand by that 100%.
Wasn't some weird thing where he would Q while doing something else and just his other abilities would cease being pressable?
I don't know exactly what caused it. But none of the pros knew the bug even existed and keep in mine this was a top-tier pro pick for months so we're talking hundreds if not thousands of matches and scrims.
I remember being asked and said I'd be fine if we kept the champion enabled. Clearly the reproduction rate was incredibly low. But I understand disabling him as well.
Was going to argue this on the basis of "oh, Ardent + Relic came out then but Ardent was out and just as strong throughout season" but actually, you're correct - my memory is warped by the Worlds experience. Looking at, even as late as LCK summer playoffs we still have Thresh/Alistar as most played supports at 7 games a piece (14 total) out of 28. It's not until worlds play-in that the Ardent meta takes off.
I wonder if the feeling is driven by my memory of Rioters saying "Yes we took too long to nerf this" in terms of it driving solo queue for a period of time after worlds? (I.e. worlds patch being something like 7.16, but it not getting nerfed to 7.19 or something [those are not patch numbers I think are accurate, just for discussion]).
Ardent was that strong throughout the season, to be fair. It was something I was keen to buy every single game and I thought it was OP on day 1. But I'm just one voice so whatever.
You're right that it was broken all year. Just no one abused it.
There's a pretty big space of reasonable patching strategies between "please nerf objectively broken and game-warping strat that's been here all season" and "please don't upend the entire game with giant class reworks immediately before the year-end international tournament".
The "been here all season" line is SUCH an exaggeration.
Ardent Censer Relic Shield was undiscovered until LCK summer playoffs where Afreeca pulled it out.
Yeah wasn't it because his belly slam hit box was like double the size of his model?
No the bug was that he could lose access to like half the buttons on his kit. He became almost literally unplayable.