

29 Jan

28 Jan


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

Question that's somewhat related. How does your second and third paragraph relate to Riven? It's been colloquially understood that she is played largely by mains and that has also made her high winrate "okay".

Does data support this? Is it okay?

She's top 10 in the metric.

Interestingly, so are Nami and Sona.


Originally posted by Kein_Narr

I'm looking for every source of data I can and honestly cannot find anything to suggest Swain is weak here. You'd have to cherry-pick to find anything sub-50.

And then you say in another post:

Third, let's circle back to Swain. This is where there's a deserved large asterisk: I don't have reliable data from the last six months. My Swain data is from before the most recent remaster.


Just lol.

That's specifically the games-on-champion data. Win rates, as you could have read from literally the sentence above, are from 10.1 and 10.2


Originally posted by GLGMisclick

How a champion with a pickrate in solo lanes below 1% can be considered even a viable solo laner. Of course he can have high winrate in top and mid when the sample size in diamond+ is around below 200 and. Sorry, can't agree with that argument, unless internal riot data shows way higher sample size at higher mmr to prove that swain is actually not just support, and only being semi viable in solo lanes only in hands of die-hard fanbase.

Checked Riot internal data. Looked at both 10.1 and 10.2 separately. Also looked across every MMR band that's worth measuring.

Across all cross-sections he is 50%+ at every MMR bracket in Mid/Bot. (caveat: measuring GM+ is fraudulent because sample size is too low, so that bracket is unusable)

Swain winrate generally decreases slightly with MMR and still ends up above 50% in his two best roles (neither are Support) at every MMR for the last month, including D1+

I'm looking for every source of data I can and honestly cannot find anything to suggest Swain is weak here. You'd have to cherry-pick to find anything sub-50.

To be clear, if the sample size was too small, you'd see wild swings in winrate going patch-to-patch. That only happens in GM+. Everywhere else the deviation is pretty moderate. Even with patch-to-patch variance, they ALL clock in above 50%.


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

ok it's time for you to start having actual reflexion abilities rather than repeating the storyboard KC told you to write down every single time.

He wins 53% of his games with only mains playing him. ONLY MAINS.

Other champions do not have that exact same problem because most of the strong picks in midlane get to have good overall winrate and excessively good winrates on MAINS.

This tasteless and short-minded logic is literally plaguing this game for several seasons and you guys are actually insanely oblivious if you in your right mind, think he's sensibly equal to assassins/syndra/diana and all actual powerpicks in midlane

Hey, so I was interested in your claim about only mains playing him and while this data isn't perfect, let's get into it:

First off, no one's telling me what to write. I'm interested in performance data in general and I had some free time, so I'm talking about what I've got available.

Second, you're wrong about the mastery/power kind of stuff. We'll take Yasuo for example. He has the single highest score for "average games of experience when you see this champion." The mean games of experience on Yasuo is over 100. Now, sure, that technically means you may face nine first-time players for every 1000-game main, as is the nature of using mean as the measurement, but this tends to work pretty well overall. Yasuo has on average 100 games under his belt when he gets played. He has a 49% win rate in solo queue. Katarina is 2nd place. She has 53%, the same as Swain. Zyra is #3. She's at 52%.

What this means is that overall, the mastery rate more or less has to be t...

Read more

27 Jan


Originally posted by Lavoisier21

Absolute joke (in poor taste).

Do you reckon that the fact that he as a sub 1% play rate in solo lanes in every server after the latest mini rework is MAYBE a sign that, despite whatever win rate stats you conjure up, he feels like ass to play?

Getting out shoved by every other champion in the game and having to farm under tower with mage auto attacks is not exactly a fun experience. All that in return for being a mediocre champion mid and late game.

Listen to your playerbase for once. Nobody who played Swain top or mid is satisfied with it, that's why people abandoned him.

By the way, you people always complaing that you can't speak to us without the conversation turning uncivil, yet here you are comparing us to anti-vaxxers because we see fault in your horribly flawed argument.

Then that's a different conversation and one I'm totally down for having. I agree Swain is quite unpopular. That's something worth tackling and should happen.

That is a different discussion from "Swain is [not] strong." And again, the point still stands that he wins. If all he did was last hit pitifully under turret and then become mediocre in mid game he wouldn't win 53% of his games in mid lane.


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

can you not spread lies?

You rely on datas which has less than 1% and even more often than not less than 0.5% (!) playrate and then claim he's strong in there when he's literally having close to no games in these 3 whatsoever: (0.4% pr with 48% wr) (0.8% pr with 52% wr) (0.1% pr with 55% wr)

now to diamond : (0.3% pr with 53% wr)

Read more also supports's high winrate claim.

Couple thousand games for each role. Internal data also has his him as a top performer in Mid/Bot. Pickrate is irrelevant. Sample size is what matters. The sample is large enough to be confident in his performance.

Again, see the first comment I made. Just because people think it's true doesn't mean it is true. There's lots of people who think vaccines are a larger risk than measles. Evidence shows us the opposite is true. Don't be one of those people. Swain is a winning champion.


Originally posted by Crumplesnitches

Why would you consider Swain to be in a balanced state when his Q is so ineffective he's been benched down to tier 3 support?

Because he's actually strong is all three farming lanes.

Just because people think he's a support doesn't mean he is one. Top, Mid, and Bot all have higher win rates.

26 Jan

14 Jan


Originally posted by katsumeragi

Phreak is a proud daddy

Truly am.

09 Jan


Originally posted by SirCampYourLane

I'm curious if you unleashed a real AI like that starting at plat or low diamond mmr where it would go.

I'm honestly super curious as well. Make a team of mechanically amazing AI's (take off the built-on constraints) and don't spend time trying to make them smarter. Let them play premade 5s ranked flex and go to town. They'd be a rare enough part of the population that you wouldn't be able to read into it on the other end. Most players would probably never know.

They'd probably end up top 10% just from forced surrenders and tilt because they'd be ABSURDLY good laners. Jungling would be hard though.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Jokinzazpi

I remember that at the time, after they improved some champion's AI they had to make cassio bot more stupid becaue she was a monster lmao.

IIRC it was that Cassio Q was unmissable if you had perfect aim with instant reflexes. Turns out that's a pretty crappy gameplay experience lol.

28 Nov


Originally posted by Balthazar_Stormrider

When was the last time in League history before this where we saw the spots of champions abilities get swapped? I'm thinking of early days TF and Master Yi.

Jax had this too on Q/W.

26 Nov


Originally posted by Sarius1997

Ok, let me just try to compare. Data points are the summer playoff rosters 2017 vs. 2019. I'll just try to bring up the data without further comment, as I'm kind of neutral on the whole "NA imports too much" topic. I'll list the imports by teams, and then summarize in the end. Also I'll show the "import-percentage" of each team. Source is

Season 2017

C9 2017: Ray, Impact, Jensen. Ray and Impact shared toplane. (3 of 6 players were imports)

CLG 2017: Huhi (1 of 6 players imported)

EF 2017: Looper, Froggen, Gate. Gate was counted as NA resident (2/3 in 9 were imported)

Flyquest 2017: No Imports. 5 Players

Immortals 2017: Flame, Xmithie, CodySun, Olleh, Dodo, Unnamed Italian Player. Dodo, CodySun and Xmithie were NA residents. (3/6 in 7 players were imported)

Phoenix 1: Inori, Ryu, Pirean, Arrow. Inori was an NA resident. (3/4 in 10 were imported)

Dignitas: Ssumday, Chaser, Shrimp, Kean...

Read more

Thank you for this, this is great work.


Originally posted by Riven2main

Well I have seen the scene over the years and it has gotten worse. I could make a list (really dedicated fan will probably make one), but you probably don't need one to know that things have not gone is promised they would.

The NA scene got worse? Are we forgetting MSI? Are we forgetting the first Worlds top 4 since 2011? What, NA fails to get out of groups one year (not the first time) and we forget the past 12 months?


So, you might be right. But at least include some data with your post. What percentage of players are imports each year? Or even just 2017 vs 2020? You probably need a special flag for converted locals like Amazing and Jensen and such. But you can't just be like "YOU LIED TO US" and not even spend the effort to see if you're right.

11 Nov


Originally posted by SkellyBG

ow the number of mist puns physically hurts me

You're welcome

02 Oct


Originally posted by Skaer

"Now you get more champions quicker!"

With how grindy getting champs was before this? I would be very surprised if no one ever uninstalled because of that alone.

Yet from what I see of the screenshots, this specific layout is the first 10 games or so. Not sure how many people fall into the "I played two games and then churned" bucket. Seems like a pretty niche audience.

01 Oct


Originally posted by Skaer

Why do these improvements come so quietly though? I have no idea when they added those!

FWIW I can see that being intentional: If you're on the League subreddit odds are you're a long-time player and this has no impact on you.

And even if you're a not-yet-player, I can't imagine the marketing tagline, "Now you get more champions quicker!" is going to push you over the edge.

I'd expect this is probably a "show, not tell" type of change.

Source: I don't work in marketing at all. Well, I guess Champion Spotlights count, but still.


Originally posted by D_Neon

Was Heimer a deliberate ommission? Were the buffs not enough to bring him back?

Also is Pyke just a soloQ terror that even with EU's love for him he'll not return?

Unlike most episodes, I didn't have the ability to react to how the patch actually landed: This was recorded on Wednesday morning, basically the same time the patch itself came out. So without a way to see how big the changes were outside of guesswork, I erred on the side of "people don't tend to play this champ in pro, so that's probably going to remain true."