

09 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]

Do you lose anything when reforging your weapon/armour class? From what you have previously said, our power level will primarily come from this class level after the update instead of directly from the weapon.

Does resetting it mean resetting that weapon class back to a lower power, making us weaker until we level it up again?

That is correct, you will go down in power and have to level up the class again. This is a mechanic a few other games have used very successfully and we think it plays really well with the new Hunting Grounds since our islands are way more engaging than the pursuits/patrols. We're still finalizing how long it'll take to get back to level 20 but a skilled player should be able to do it fairly quickly.


Originally posted by scrubtonian

What happens to folks with level 50 Behemoth Mastery & Slayer Levels? Also, how does the level 20 Weapon Mastery play into the rework?

You will keep all your Mastery progress because Mastery still exists. You'll be granted any rewards we change or remove and place in the Slayer's Path.


Originally posted by Vozu_

Reset is because weapons won't have a level. They will have inherent power, and then you gotta Power Surge to kick to the max. This means some weapons will inherently get too weak during progression until you can Power Surge them.

Say, Shrike weapon might be good until you get to Dires, and then it is just too weak -- but come endgame, you can get it to +15 equivalent if you so desire.

That's my reading of this.

Yes that's correct. We are putting all gear into tiers, so as you go through the game the first time, some gear will be better than others. Shrowd/Reza gear will be the last regular tier, so their gear starts much higher power than something like Shrike. Legendary weapons are above Shrowd/Reza, and Power Surge is the last tier that you upgrade to with Aetherhearts.


Originally posted by spinosaurs

How will this effect repeaters?
Are repeater mains going to still be super shafted in the fact that they have to pay 3-4 times the price of a regular weapon for equal power?

We still have plans to look at Repeaters in the future, but for this release we are putting all the power from Repeater parts on the Barrel and only allowing Power Surging of the Barrel. This will bring them more in line with other weapons in terms of cost.


Originally posted by EvilWaifu

Glad you said that about Rams. I was using mine all up on pots to grind shining and peerless stones ... I'll keep a hold on them now!

Sort of concerned about this Reforge back to 1 then Power Surge. I'd like to know more about that. And are Aether hearts consumable or you told onto them and just use them as needed for power surging but the number you hold never decreases?

Thanks for posting up officially, there is alot of concern from posts initiated by players.

Aetherhearts are consumable. You consume them to Power Surge a piece of gear. For Reforging, you will reset back to level 1 and work your way back to level 20. We are still finalizing how long this will take.

A lot of your overall power comes from your level now, which means you will go back through a lot of the Hunting Grounds as you level back up. This effectively replaces having to go back and farm Dire, Heroic, and Heroic+ patrols for orbs in the old system. We think this is a much better experience because the Hunting Grounds islands are much more diverse so it'll keep your experience more fresh every time you do this.


Originally posted by MrFrettz

Thanks for the transparency! I think most players will have a lot of questions after reading this post, but I understand you may not have answers for is at this time since it's all still in development.

If you can answer some questions, however:

  • What is a "Class"? Is there one class per Weapon? Armor type?
  • If our new level will be our highest level weapon multiples by 2, what happens when we have a +11 or +15 weapon when the max appears to be 20?

Thanks again!

A class will be each of the weapon types (axe, sword, chain blades, repeaters, etc.) but not the armor.

For class level you'll be capped at 20 so a +11 won't give you level 22 and only cap at level 20, but you'll get compensated in Aetherhearts for any gear +10 and above.


Originally posted by FallenZhiar

Sounds pretty cool. Is there any advantage to reforging once you have all gear powersurged?

We want Aetherhearts to have utility beyond Power Surging but that will come later.

07 Nov


Originally posted by lumbas

Do both +15 Weapons and Armor pieces give 1 Aetherheart, despite the difference in Peerless Arcstone cost from 10-15?

Yes we're treating 1 weapon and 1 armor piece as the same despite the different costs in the current system.


Originally posted by DistinctiveFox

I hope you'd consider what it took to get +10 as well, I'm not asking to be overly compensated, but it takes a similar amount of hunting to get to +10 than from +10 to +15, surely you could at least give us half an aetherheart per +10 item thus saving at least some of our progress? Like myself for example, have spent months upon months farming things to +10. There is no way I'll get it all to +15 but that was going to be the second part of my farming experience. It now feels like all my months of hard work is being flushed down the toilet and it's making me quite depressed thinking of all the countless hours I spent in the game.

We are going to give something for +10 too. Still finalizing the numbers though.


Prestige is tied to a weapon class like Sword, Axe, Hammer, etc. and not to elements or individual weapons like the Gnasher sword.


Originally posted by zhinroze

I only have one request. Make the lantern a prismatic cell please. That'd expand build possibilities to endless degrees. For us non-meta builders.(Can I get a woop for the +6 Grace for my Axe please).

Yeah that’s a cool idea. We would love to add more customization and progression to lanterns, along with more lanterns.


Originally posted by AodanGaming

I hope this doesn't mean giving people free top 100 placement in trials, once that finally gets love in 2021. Some content is meant to be hard and should stay hard as a carrot to entice players to improve.

In terms of what your saying about this new "leveling" system, what about the people who spent the time hitting 50/50 in the current system?

People who grinded Mastery will have much less grind to do in the Slayer’s Path and will get way more bonus Merits as part of the migration.


Originally posted by Charetta

right now you get them [Aethersparks] from the Hunt Pass, Island Events, and finding Patrol Chests and using your new Patrol Keys to open them.

So is it better that I save my 70+ Patrol Chests on upgrading all my weapons to +15 (only need Peerless) or save all of my remaining Patrol Chests for the conversion to Patrol Keys? What is best method in preparation for the update?

Upgrade as much as you can. Aetherhearts will be the most valuable currency in the game.

06 Nov


Originally posted by deathbladeishere

to be fair while there isn't a huge difference between +10 - +15 power wise there is still a lot of grinding currently on heroic+ to get to +15 so i don't think it should just be handed to people who didn't get to +15. i mean hell knowing its even a possibility people now are just going to level all their weapons to +11 to exploit that fact and avoid a lot more grinding.

This is what's so tough about transitioning to the new system. If we are too generous, players who got to +15 might feel bad, but if we aren't generous enough, players who got from +11 to +14 will feel like they wasted their time too.

One idea we've been floating around is giving partial Aetherhearts for gear between +11 and +14. So you get a full heart for +15 but half a heart for +14, quarter heart for +13, or something along those lines. We wouldn't actually give you partial hearts but we would count all your gear and give you the equivalent hearts.


Originally posted by heyholdupguy

I would appreciate a firm answer now so that i know whether or not to continue wasting my time on a game that is just going to steal whatever i do away in the name of a "new progression"

if you jank me, i am done.


too many other options out there for me to want to stick with a game that randomly negates that much progression.

edit#2: a recent post from Proteus said "We are definitely going to air on the side of generosity."

Thats very reassuring. I've been pretty tilted over this today, so its nice to get some good news. I'm sorry to say, but the time i spent playing Blizzard and Riot games have completely ruined my ability to trust gamedevs. You guys have never given me reason to question in the past, so I'll admit it was unfair of me to go off like that.

I'm sorry you feel that way. The reason I can't give firm answers is that we haven't finalized all the data migration details which is why I'm looking for more feedback now. We definitely want to land in a place that makes our community happy.


Originally posted by Incentivyse

Have you considered just giving any weapons at +11 or above the same "power surge" treatment as you plan to give +15's? That would more fairly compensate anyone that had put effort into endgame with those weapons.

I'll bring it up with the team and we can discuss it.


Originally posted by BlightedGuts

I hope it's not insanely hard to get these Aetherhearts; Can you explain more about them? And the 'Aether sparks' mentioned as well? How do you obtain these resources, or are they going to be some kind of finite thing, so you can only upgrade so much gear?

I would imagine that's not the case, since new monsters being added means new gear, and if you can't surge it, that kind of becomes a pain, I imagine.

You will get an Aetherheart every time you Reforge a weapon class. We're still fine tuning how long it takes to get a weapon class to max level so you can Reforge it. To Reforge, you will need to spend 100 Aethersparks. We're still finalizing exactly where you get Aethersparks but right now you get them from the Hunt Pass, Island Events, and finding Patrol Chests and using your new Patrol Keys to open them. So Aethersparks will be a limited material that you are farming.

Right now Aetherhearts will only be used to Power Surge gear, but we have some ideas to expand the use of that material in the future.


Originally posted by TheWorstAtIt

It's hard to overstate how important this will be. Err on the side of caution by giving your players more, rather than less, or risk losing a portion of your long term player base.

I enjoy Dauntless and have spent money on it for a year now, but wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to drop it if I feel you didn't honor my previous progression when redoing the system.

We're definitely going to err on the side of generosity on this front.


Originally posted by BlightedGuts

I'm gonna be honest; I don't like the sound of this at all. It sounds like it's going to take all my +10 or higher weapons (which aren't +15, because I've never bothered with a negligible upgrade) and either unmake them, or it's going to drop em to base level.

If that's the case, I think this update will be the end of my Dauntless time, especially with how RNG some materials are to get. Out of 30 Umbral Escalations, each one beating Thrax, I got two uncanny scales...That's ridiculous; And it's like this for me constantly. Legendaries aren't worth upgrading, IMO, because each level of upgrade still requires those insanely rare, hard to get materials, and there's basically no power increase that makes it worth it to go beyond +10 in my eyes.

Anything you can say to remove some of my fears here? Because I like Dauntless a lot, I enjoy that it feels more casual than the Monster Hunter titles (at least to me), and I don't especially want to stop play...

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Yeah it's a tough one that we keep talking about. We are going to give 5 full Aetherhearts to anyone who has beat the quest campaign which means 1 weapon and 1 full armor set to max power level. We're also talking about giving a few bonus hearts. 1 Aetherheart = 1 Power Surged weapon or armor. So we don't want to be too generous because we do want to reward players who grinded all the way to +15.


Originally posted by Incentivyse

When you say " won’t compensate for raw materials", does that include break parts? Or do we at least get to keep those that we have already collected?

We aren't changing break parts so you keep all those.