

09 Dec


Originally posted by SirKeksalot

A lot of people clearly don't like the reforging system, and I attribute this to how it really just feels like you lose something in the short term without a super meaningful compensation. In exchange for all the offensive and defensive power you spent so much time working for, you get one aetherheart, which only provides a comparatively small power bonus for one piece of gear and one or two perk points for one perk; a permanent buff from the Path if you're at a certain number of reforges, which you don't get with every reforge; and a rather small upgrade to some icon nobody ever sees.

Going forward, how do you intend to address this? Because, going forward, you can either make the grind less and less time-consuming the more reforges you do, or you can make each reforge feel more valuable, and each route will bring its own pros and cons.

I ask this because we clearly need a compromise between where you want to take this game and where most of us wa...

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I posted a similar message in another thread, so I'll share here. We realize that not everyone will like a prestige mechanic but we think the benefits to the health of the game outweigh the costs. We want to keep adding content to the entire world and enriching the whole experience on all islands, and having people continously cycle through that keeps the experience fresh, keeps queues healthy, and allows us to build content for all players more easily. We feel that playing through the entire game and all that variety is a much better experience than grinding the same few queues in the old system.

With that said, we are gathering feedback on balance right now and want to make this feel good for everyone. If the endless Reforging becomes a real chore, we have ideas to make that more interesting down the line.


Originally posted by llMagicianll

Can we get a repeaters buff?

We'll keep a close eye on weapon balance over the next few weeks as things have a changed a lot. In the 1.5.1 patch, we are fixing a few bugs with Repeaters like allowing you to Power Surge Prisms so you can increase the unique effects.

Beyond tuning, we still want to de-modularize Repeaters to bring them more in line with other weapons so we can fix a few other gameplay issues.


Oh and to clarify, the 1.5.1 patch won't have any changes to behemoth levels. We will look at that in the new year. But the 1.5.1 patch will bump max XP to 225 for behemoths 5 levels above you.


Thanks for this analysis! I'll clarify a few data points for you and maybe you want to update things. Behemoths start at 62 power at level 1 and go up linearly to 518 at level 20, and go up faster up to 669 at level 25. We might fine tune these numbers over the next few patches though based on feedback and data.


Originally posted by Therealcissy

I'm experiencing the same bug. My last play was when there was only one Escalation to do.

In my Slayers Way, the very first big node is available, but can't be completed. Since the tutorial is needed to complete it, but I never got to do it, just spawned right into town after logging in for the first time. That's where it's stuck.
My possible solution as a layman would be: make the node so that it starts the tutorial when selected and everything might work as intended from there.

I'm available for more questions :)

We're working on a hotfix for this and have some additional fixes in the next patch. If that doesn't resolve your issue, please contact customer service and we'll try to sort you out.


Originally posted by Blueracecar47

About when Valomyr was released for me.

Isn't there a way to retrigger the quest for people that haven't unlocked the node yet the unlock Training Island one. Or is that oversimplifying things?

We're working on a hotfix to unblock players.


Originally posted by Samuraiking

Having a similar progression issue as well. I played in Beta/Launch and quit a month after when I completed everything to do in the game. So all Quests were done, all Islands were unlocked, all behemoths were killed and all Armor/Weapons were crafted.

Now I only have one quest, "Cellular Regheneration," which wants me to open the Cell Exchange Interface and I can not do so. My Entire Slayer path tree is locked, which is likely the issue as nothing carried over in the conversion I guess. I also have no access to ANY hunts at all besides the training island with NO Behemoths on it, so I have no way to earn EXP and unlock nodes manually either. I guess I can't play at all for a while until you fix this.

We're working on a hot fix for the blocking issues and we'll have further fixes in 1.5.1. Hopefully this addresses your issues, but if it doesn't, please contact customer support so we can see how to resolve.


Originally posted by Thomas_GMX

  1. The difference between having it and not having it is staghering and I believe currently being as weak as we are is no fun. I don't like being 1hit with iceborne and parasitic on by stuff almost the same level as me so unless a buff is coming somewhere else along the line then at least give back half the lantern bonus. It allows us to keep getting stronger and rrwarding us for grinding through it. Personally i don't want to stay stagnant forever, let us befome etronfer making things easier. Even at 710 messinf up and getting hit was very punishing at endgame. Powercreep for me wasn't that big of an issue. Make trials harder, let everyone continue to get stronger as time goes on.

This is a tricky one to solve because a lot of players (including the dev team) felt that end game content was just getting way too easy. When Trials times are under 30 seconds and Heroic+ queues are a couple minutes and good players can breeze through Escalation, it's just not a very healthy situation. We could just do as you say and keep extending the numbers and extending the content, but it spreads players out more and more and doesn't lead to healthy queues.


Originally posted by Manujiiva

An other way to get aetherheart beside reforging would appreciated, because right now i am not willing to reforge over and over again, i find it very annoying to nerf myself over and over again, making me quit the end game state along the way.

If reforge was like the vault coin system, it would have been more enjoyable: Once you hit level 20, you can reforge without losing power and resistance so you can stay in end game areas, you get an aetherheart, a reforge frame, empowered nodes and you can keep getting XP to get back to level 20, similar to how we can keep getting hunt pass XP to get vault coin after finishing the hunt pass.

We're talking about offering other ways to get Aetherhearts, but we still believe that Reforge is where the vast majority will be gained. We realize that not everyone will like a prestige mechanic but we think the benefits to the health of the game outweigh the costs. We want to keep adding content to the entire world and enriching the whole experience on all islands, and having people continously cycle through that keeps the experience fresh, keeps queues healthy, and allows us to build content for all players more easily.


Originally posted by Meirnon

Escalation Boosts are largely maligned due to how intrusively the game attempts to sell them to you, ephemeral durations shortened by counting down their duration regardless of whether or not you can utilize them, free boosts earned from the hunt pass disappearing from the your offers section of the store on season rollover, and general uselessness when you have your escalation at level 25, something you'd probably be able to do twice over by the time you finish grinding.

I would suggest being very, very careful about how you approach any XP/Economic boosts in MTX at the moment. Due to the way bounties are handled right now, particularly with the problem of free bounties vanishing on people after a season ends (which I sincerely hope you consider changing now that bounties fulfill an entirely different role in the game), and it would be fair for people to see this as you double-dipping the MTX progression sources in a system where even the single-dip i...

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Thanks for the feedback. Our target length for Reforge was 4 - 6 hours which appears to be what we're seeing. We'll adjust based on feedback though if that doesn't feel good. I don't mind the idea of Reforges being faster, but we also want your first time through the game to be much longer, but right now it's the same XP system for both so it's hard to tune. XP boosts are a way to achieve that, by unlocking boosts later in the game after you've reforged or unlocked something. Can't commit to anything right now because we have to see how things play out.


Originally posted by Jhairce

Hey Proteus. Really appreciate the info you give us.

I personally think the new EXP values are almost perfect. I honestly hope the next tuning pass on it makes the EXP gains from a behemoth 5 levels above you land at 250 experience.

To piggyback from these questions, I was wondering if "Double EXP weekends" or events of that sort are a possibility in this new world. It's highly likely that people would not want to miss that kinda opportunity.

The 1.5.1 patch will have a value of 225 XP for behemoths 5 levels above you. We definitely want to do XP boost events like you're talking about. And Rams/Merits events aren't out of the question either. That will likely come a bit later because our systems need a bit of work to support that.


Originally posted by Meirnon

If an XP boost happens, I'd rather see it as a purchaseable node late on the slayer's path than as something that's monetized.

If it has to be monetized, I'd like it to be low and shared with everyone in the same hunting grounds as you - something like 5%, so a maximum of 30% if all 6 players have it.

Yeah those are good ideas. Did players enjoy the Escalation boost mechanic?

I like the idea of economic boosts for Slayer's Path. We've been ideating on this for a bit.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Swarzsinne

It's not a thing, and he did say tuning passes are needed first, but I genuinely hope they don't keep the possibility of XP boosts in mind when deciding on what a "fair" rate of leveling is.

Yeah we want to get the normal rate of XP gain to be fair and engaging first but we have to take it one step at a time and look at feedback and data long the way. The increase to higher level behemoths is step 1 and we'll keep evaluating at every stage.


Originally posted by Chad3927

In addition to the escalation bosses, I found that Drask parts did not migrate with the update for me, I've had the Drask equipment +15 for months but now they're stuck at 20 power until I grind 20 more epic drops.

We’ve found the cause of this and are working on a new migration that should grant you the parts.


Originally posted by JorelLoren

Am I missing a step? I just picked up the game for the first time since before reforged and I cant do anything except talk to the npcs. I cant do any quests like granny strega's revitalizing tonics. Cant do any type of weapon/armor/potion/grenade forging. Cant go on any hunts. Is this a bug or is there something I have to do in the very beginning I've skipped?

When did you last play the game before this bug? We are looking into reports of this and want to make sure we find all cases and fix them.


Originally posted by -Frostbriar-

If you are doing that, then can you also discuss setting a minimum level requirement to get onto an island.

Even though it's early days we are already seeing afk leachers (who just tag a fight and then sit on the side lines, upscaling the bosses and providing nothing) and massively undergeared people on islands (and in escalations, so apply this there also) expecting to be carried.

Before, we could just queue solo and ignore this. In escalations this is still an option, but in the open world we have no way of combatting this beyond 'don't play'; which isn't much of an option.

This is good feedback and we are keeping a close eye on it.


Originally posted by AodanGaming

The cap of 175 XP needs to be revisited. When your doing events or above 5 level kills, there needs to be some kind of calculation to avoid leeching but reward players for taking on harder fights. Also taking on some of the later fights like High Alerts or 23+ level behemoths, they should reward more than 175 XP, this is besides the fact that Event rewards do not seem to scale appropriately to the difficulty of the content, end game doesn't feel very end-game at the moment.

Thanks. We are likely bumping up the max XP per behemoth to 225 for 5 levels above you and will evaluate more with those numbers. We’ll keep an eye on events too.


Originally posted by AntmanIV

My friend and I got similarly stuck. We were fairly well through the game but hadn't played in a few months. When we loaded in after the patch we found that there was no way to start the tutorial and therefore no way to unlock anything on the Slayer's Path. He ended up making a new account to invite me into the tutorial (didn't help) and then into his first hunt. That got me the first unlock so I could at least start playing but the first nodes including the trial island can't be unlocked.

Edit: If you need to look into my account it's the same as my username here: AntmanIV

Thanks! Working on a fix.


Originally posted by Raevarin

I am having the same issue. I played in the closed Beta, the Beta and a little after the release. I can not buy the training grounds or the first zone from the slayers path and when I progressed to unlock the armor smith I literally can't select it since it tells me I need to unlock the first milestone. I think I am on milestone 10. This bug makes the game hardly playable since I can't do any content past weapon skill 10 since I can't make any armor and everything either one or two shots me. I have also unlocked the gunsmith and the grenade vendor but can not purchase anything.

In game name: Xaevyn

Thanks. We think we have a lead on the cause and are working on a hot fix.


Originally posted by shadowdragon000

Another bug that I don't see being mentioned: Character wide +1% power boosts from Axe reforge and the individual weapon +5 power boots do not actually increase your power or is not showing the power increase anywhere on any ui between the equipment/blacksmith/pre hunt screens.

Edit: Tested it with another weapon and I can see that it is increasing dps and is purely a ui issue. Thanks for mentioning that.

We didn't get the UI updates in time. Will come in a future update.