

06 Nov


Originally posted by Skitzotech

My thoughts? (dont listen to the big dauntless youtubers that cry about iceborne somehow ruining the game)

I'll be 100% honest I started playing this game early last year and I started it with my good friend friend. We both got a solid month into the game and hit a wall or repetition and big monsters that seemed to oneshot, defy physics, 1 frame insta attack with no tells... etc etc etc.

When we got to the dire patrol karabac, embermane and stormclaws levels my friend just quit out of frustration. No matter the kit we made... how we played... how many tutorials we watched... we would constantly get 1 shotted. And anyone who plays games knows that nothing pisses you off more than insta dying and feeling as if there was no possible counterplay.

Me having slightly more tolerance to rage games than him gave the game a few more days. And I got my hands on iceborne. That cell single handedly kept me playing this game for this long.

Have you guys ever thoug...

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I think our new system will be a lot more forgiving for players who find the game harder. We aren't making the game easier, but we are allowing players of all skill levels to progress through the game. If you are better at the game, you'll push further faster and gain XP faster. If you aren't as skilled, you can grind out lower level behemoths and level up slower, but the idea is that you'll never hit a point where you feel stuck.


Originally posted by DistinctiveFox

Can you answer whether patrol chests will have some value or should we look to use them up before?

Patrol chests are sticking around, but we are renaming them as Patrol Keys and they will have a really good use in the new system. I would recommend saving them.


Originally posted by Chad3927

How will gear be transitioned from the arcstone system to the new system? Will we be starting from scratch on our end game builds?

We will be migrating gear to the new system. Players who have got to +15 will get the weapon transferred to the highest power level in the new system. Anything below that will give you some amount of materials to get you part way to the end game upgrade.


Originally posted by lookinerator

We're also removing the need to farm Arcstone and elemental orbs.

Does this mean that progressing your gear from +0 to +whatever the highest grade there will be will require only behemoths' parts?

This will still require for us to not have an added RNG layer of actually encountering a behemoth we need in this new system - if we need to farm for Koshai tail drop and can't 100% of the time get it as the first encounter in an instance - this new system needs to be tuned to allow for that.

Weapon XP system locks only perks for weapon class, right?

Will we, in the new system, be able to get fully upgraded, let's say, Weapon 8 once it drops, to max rank without grinding for weapon XP with subpar weapon from said class if we have a stockpile of required behemoths' drops.


The last part of the formula is that you'll be able to prestige your weapon class back to level 1 to gain a powerful new upgrade for your gear, and this will be the primary way to upgrade gear along with parts.

Yes when we release a new weapon, you'll be able to craft and upgrade it directly without having to grind the levels, but you'll want to do that anyway because a lot of your overall power will come from weapon class in the new system.

05 Nov


Hey everyone, thanks for all the feedback and questions! We're super excited to get this huge update out to players. I wanted to take this opportunity to answer some of the most common questions and give everyone a bit more context around some of our changes, especially the one about removing pursuits and patrols.

One of our primary goals with Hunting Grounds has been to rework the queue -> load screen -> hunt -> load screen loop. We want you to be able to enjoy a more dynamic hunt where you can stay on an island much longer, fight multiple behemoths and fauna, find new exciting rewards, and be immersed in a more emergent island experience. We think this is a better experience in just about every way compared to pursuits and patrols, but we're certainly going to listen to feedback from the community once this goes out to ensure it's hitting all our goals.

To support this new hunt structure, we are completely reworking gear progression. For starters, the Mastery syst...

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04 Nov


Originally posted by DerSchamane

So what would the Slayers Path include for example? Do we know that?

The Slayer’s Path is going to unlock most systems and content in the game and also include a lot of progression upgrades. We are going to be moving most gameplay bonuses out of Mastery and into the Slayer’s Path so it’s easier to grasp for most players. Those Mastery rewards will be replaced with various new currency rewards.

Mastery will also no longer gate any gear upgrades and we are reworking the way gear upgrades work to simplify the system.

03 Nov


Originally posted by Meirnon

  1. Lowlife builds are "fine". I think some top-end nerfs need to happen, but they don't need to be drastic. It's the lack of diversity in other archetypes and the continued building of synergy into the archetype that make the problem. It's important to recognize that Lowlife builds are actually generally two very different build archetypes. Lowlife Flawless and Lowlife Iceborne.

Lowlife Flawless, which uses discipline and predator in conjunction with lowlife, is mostly fine. It has a VERY demanding ask of the player's mastery of the game to use correctly. Its main problem is not itself a consequence of its own power, but of many, many factors extrinsic to it that allow it to stack power on power. And even if you nerf the component perks, the remaining archetypes are very close behind in terms of power and hungry to take its spot, without any of other power components that drove it specifically over the edge also being ta...

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Thanks for the in depth feedback. I agree with a lot of this and you raise some good points.

On the topic of the hidden 10% elemental damage bonus when fighting the opposite element, we're looking at removing that and putting that damage bonus in the actual elemental power so it's more player facing.

We're also taking a look at the damage curves in general (the stuff that converts power differentials into final damage multipliers) and exploring making the curve steeper in most cases so you feel your progression more for power deltas. There's a bunch of context around this that I won't get into (don't want to spoil all the surprises), but we want you to feel power more as you progress through the game. We're taking great care to make sure the top end still feels balanced.

I would love to look at making more behemoth attacks elemental or make a bigger portion of it elemental to make elemental resistances mean more. I think it might make the game more intuitive...

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Originally posted by GeorgeEmber

i honestly don't want to change my kit everytime i fight a different elemental behemoth, i already have to change my weapon and cells when doing patrols. i don't want to use armor just because it keeps me alive, i want to use them because they complement my build with good cells. besides, if you want elemental (dis)advantages to play a much impactful role, then what are we supposed to do during escalations? die whenever a behemoth of the opposite element shows up?

Opposite element behemoths only show up in Shock Escalation, which we are removing. All other seasons don't have opposite elements show up, so you'll never get the negative power apply.


Originally posted by CrystalSparkz

I agree with the general intention/direction of this post, but what I don't understand is why +6 is always the mandatory max cell perk for all cells, you guys are limiting your own creativity and maybe even potential of new cells and overall balance of the cell system with the mandatory rule that all cells must go from +1 to +6. Instead, maybe weaker cell perks such as vampiric and assassin's vigour can max out at +3 for full benefits, but give more overall benefits compared to +3 perks of +6 cell types. Also, maybe even raise the cap of full cell benefits from +6 to +9 for certain cells, such as iceborn. This rule that +6 has to be the max cell cap for full benefits makes it harder for the cell system to be balanced due to cell perk economic problems. I also have some ideas to how to nerf and buff certain cell perks, but I feel like that should be a separate thread.

Yes we've been exploring this space too. We've considered "squishing" a lot of our weaker cells and having them cap at +3.


Hey everyone, we'd love to get some feedback around some upcoming balance changes we're talking about that would release alongside the Hunting Grounds and the progression rework. While we have ideas around some deeper systemic improvements for later releases, we'd like to make some changes to increase build diversity in the short term.

  1. Elemental Bonuses - We'd like weapon and armor elemental bonuses to have a significantly bigger impact on your overall damage output and resistance. Right now, most end game builds don't prioritize picking gear based on element and we want to make this a more viable choice. Our damage system will work a bit differently after the progression rework so it's hard to talk about numbers without context, but we're looking at possibly doubling the effectiveness of elemental bonuses.
  2. Cell Balance - We're taking a look at a lot of our underused cells and thinking about how we could buff or rework them...
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02 Nov


Thanks for the in depth feedback Meirnon! I agree with a lot of this analysis and agree about what the current problems are.

I think you're correct that the Slayer's Path, Hunting Grounds, and other changes like what we're thinking about doing to Base Lantern Capacitor will only be a partial solve for the issues you've brought up around power creep and build diversity. The focus of those features is also to make the core hunting experience and onboarding for new players much more engaging and usable, so it's a broader initiative and won't solve some of the late game problems.

We've been wanting to tackle power creep and build diversity for a long time but we've had to focus most of our resources on this big rework to make sure it comes out to quality. It's a very complex undertaking that will completely overhaul gear progression, hunt loops, and a lot of the economy.

When that wraps up though, build diversity and the depth of our systems are very high on ...

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23 Oct


Originally posted by GeorgeEmber

i thought the bonuses from attack/resistance power cap at some point. isn't the excess power useless?

The cap is really high so players are not hitting it yet at end game.


Originally posted by WowAUnicorn

I wouldn't mind removing the Capacitor as a source of power, what we need more of right now is horizontal progression, not vertical. Increasing in power isn't fun, getting new tools is. So let's get rid of the gigantic numbers, and replace them with more viable builds and play-styles, because as is, it's discipline or nothing. Low-life builts are the way to go in this game right now, and I don't have anything against them, my problem is that they are the only way to go. Tenacious is a step in the right direction imo, but we're still long ways from getting the amount of diversity the game needs.

Yeah we definitely want to get back to focusing on build diversity in the near future. We started dipping our toes here lately with some new cells and weapon UEs but had to turn our attention to the Hunting Grounds and Slayer's Path to make sure those are a high quality release.


Originally posted by Argiatsu

I liked the toggle idea because it gives a large part of the community that doesn't even use reddit a chance to still clear content they wouldn't have otherwise.

I mean some people, even with all the right gear and perks, still can't clear trials. Its all fine and dandy getting a complete nerf to people thst spend hours daily getting good but others who don't have thst luxury spent their time getting to lv25 on each escalation specifically for those boosts to make their short time online easier and more efficient.

Side note - the power creep will have its place when harder content becomes available and newer stronger behemoths gets released. We dont just want the same power behemoths bit slayers get stronger. As we grow in strength, we want to be able to move in the the "next big challenge"

That is one of the downsides of any lantern capacitor nerf. It will likely push Trials out of range for a lot of players.

We have ideas for mitigating this in the future but again it won't happen in the short term.


Originally posted by CreativeGuy66

Random question. Are these type of QNA (if u wanna call it that) gonna be more frequent. Like the Ostian Armor topic from yesterday. I really like the conversation on these topics.

Our plan is to engage more frequently on design topics! But please be patient with us because we are busy building cool stuff too :)


Originally posted by SirKeksalot

Just huck the bonus out the window. A multiplicative 22.5% damage buff (which is what we'll get by Resc if you don't can this mechanic) is too much, considering how new UEs and perks have impacted the meta over the years.

The thing is, you don't need to reward us more for reaching Esc level 25. You're already rewarded plenty with both cosmetic and gameplay benefits even beyond Esc itself, as you need to run Esc to get legendary weapons. We don't need another thing making us stronger, especially not a multiplicative buff.

If you're dead set on keeping the power bonus, you could make it so the bonus from Esc only applies to weapons of that Esc's element. You still get that reward for playing that you seem to want, but now it doesn't stack across Escs. So, for instance, maxing out Tesc gives you a permanent +50 terra power to terra weapons, and only terra weapons.

Yeah that's a cool idea.


Originally posted by Hushini

meirnon has better answers than any of us could give tbh, but a mix of two and three seems best. scale back the lantern capacitor significantly and cap it. If it feels not rewarding enough, give each escalation capacitor a special non power related boost, of which you can only have one or two active at a time. So shock could be that you have higher behemoth part drop rates, and umbral be a collectibles booster for things like mushrooms and gems. Also having the power boosters be toggleable would be nice, as someone who likes going back to a more difficult challenge without needing to have a entire seperate account where I do not max everything.

Yeah I like this! We've been brainstorming some similar ideas around giving each season a unique benefit and you can only have a single one active at a time. Unfortunately we won't have time to implement a system like this given all the other cool stuff we're working on this year, but maybe in the future!


Hey everyone, we just wanted to reach out to get some feedback from the community around some changes to address power creep with the release of the Hunting Grounds.

We have a bunch of future plans on this front, but the short term target is the base lantern capacitor from Escalation mode. We have a few options listed below and they would all reduce the base power/resistance bonus that applies globally outside of a particular season. We feel like that permanent stacking bonus is the biggest problem with power creep in the game. We won't be touching the in-season bonus you get from progressing through an Escalation that applies only within that season because we are happy with that design since it makes seasons challenging at first and rewarding to work through over time.

Options we are discussing:

  1. Scale back the base lantern capacitor bonus by 50%. This still rewards players for completing each season but also leaves a big chunk of raw power you can ge...
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Originally posted by MrHorris


  • Something definitely feels off with the controls for gliders, but I don’t know what it is (using kb/m). My instinct for controlling the glider was for it to be camera-controlled, which led to a couple faceplants. It did not take long to become accustomed to the keyboard controls but for as long as I played it never really felt natural. This isn’t me saying I think camera controls would be better, having free control over the camera while gliding (with the current flight model) is very cinematic and I can imagine it being far more useful if I am searching for a destination while gliding. Maybe it was how stiff the controls were? I dunno, I like how controllable the glider is, but I don’t like how it feels to control.
  • The stamina on the glider is a bit on the low side. I get the need to limit our ability to fly around but it was so limiting that I could not explore
  • The animation lock after the roll when falling from glider is ...
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Thanks for the feedback! Yes some of the effects and props are placeholder until we get final assets in.

In terms of kill time, the Hunting Grounds are definitely tuned a little too easy right now and we're looking at that. It's a side effect of reworking a lot of our progression and power systems under the hood, which isn't yet visible in Experimental but we are planning to do more playtests of that soon to get some feedback on it.

In the long run, we do want to add value to every behemoth kill because you're correct that they often don't have value right now. We have parts of that coming when Hunting Grounds releases, and some pretty cool ideas for some new systems that will build on that in the future.