

25 Dec


Originally posted by pokemon-flesh-pile

Any updates here?

Please log in again because we believe we’ve fixed all blockers with patch 1.5.1 and the second migration. You should be able to progress up the Slayer’s Path again and have enough Merits to unlock the first island and progress.

24 Dec


We do want to add more power surge levels to gear eventually. We just need to find the best reward to give out for additional ranks that isn’t just pure power so that we don’t get into power creep issues again. Still ideating on that front but hopefully it leads to more build diversity and not just more power.


We are working on some XP bonuses you unlock on Slayer’s Path after reforging your weapons a bunch. We hope to get it out in the next patch.

18 Dec


We are looking into this.

16 Dec


Originally posted by Auron1992

I thought slayer path was going to be an infinite grind instead now I had so many combat merits that they are too much. Now I think that progression was fair to me also slayer path side.

BTW I'll drop another feedback: if you are going to add nodes, add combat nodes because I have 3k combat merits sitting there and I will have them for a long time.

Second feedback: don't buff us too much with new combat merits nodes because this type of difficulty is ok trial side. Try putting more combat related nodes that buff drop chance or other utility combat buffs.

Yeah we want to add more nodes that require combat merits because a lot of end game players will have a surplus.


Originally posted by MrFrettz

This is awesome! This feels so much more manageable! As someone who got all weapons to 18+ and Slayer Mastery 50, I feel like I hit the lotto.

But, I'm guessing this was not intended?

Yes the unlocked nodes later in some of the branches is intentional. We had +1 capacity increases for all the grenades/tonics in Mastery, which we have now credited. They just happen to show up later in the branches sometimes.


We're working on a design to improve this.


Originally posted by CroatianPrince

As the title says...I just updated Dauntless and was ready to start regrinding everything all over again.

My issue:

I got to the training grounds and tested EACH weapon (just to be sure) and unlocked the first node. I’m now on the second node at the beginning where it says to chart a course to embermane cove...the only place I can chart a course to it the training grounds. The second node is 5/10 merits...will it unlock when I acquire the other 5 merits (somehow not being able to leave ramsgate or training grounds)?? Am I the only one? What can I do??

Any help would be great!

Much thanks!!

This should be fixed in today’s migration and tomorrow’s patch.


Originally posted by xDreamseerx

Is anyone else having a problem with Guns of Otis Gaard side quest? I know I’m doing my empowered shots. I see the charge. I’m super close to the behemoth when I reload. I drop my mines, bullseye all while my meter is up, But it just doesnt give me the stats. I’ve been grinding it like 2 hrs :/

It’s a known bug we are looking at.

14 Dec


Originally posted by Otaur

  • In-Game Name: Otaur
  • Type of Bug: Slayer's Path Hammer Empowerment 1 (Reforge 1)
  • Expected behavior: Add 3% stagger damage to ANY weapon
  • Actual behavior: No effect on Repeaters
  • Screenshot/Clip: N/A
  • Reproduction Rate/Steps: Are you able to reproduce this bug? Reforge Hammer and Unlock Hammer Empowerment 1 to add Stagger damage to ANY weapon, equip repeaters and a bounty to do stagger damage.
    (Tested by getting bounty to deal 40k Stagger Damage, using repeaters for 1 hour resulted in 0 stagger damage)
  • How often does this bug occur? 10/10
  • System Specs: Xbox Series X and PC i7-6700k, GTX 1070, 16 GB Ram, 500/500 Mbps up/down
  • Geographic location: USA Florida
  • Session ID: N/A...

This is by design. The empowerment is a % increase, so it doesn't add stagger damage where none existed before. The pike % wound damage increase works the same way, it won't add wound damage to weapons that don't have it.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Kahinh

Sorry Proteus,

Could you please also confirm that Behemoth for esca 1-13 are 300 power and 10-50 500 ?

Thanks a lot !

Yes that’s correct.


Originally posted by JorelLoren

I'll contact customer service next chance I get, just posting here as well. The training island is now unlocked. I can do the quest for the weapon trainer and turn it in. Still no ability to do other quests or advance along the slayer path.

The 1.5.1 patch will give you Rams and Exploration Merits to unlock the first island. But you can contact CS to get that faster to unblock you.

11 Dec


Originally posted by FettyBigWrap

Thank you for the reply! So does the empowerment not apply to any elemental weapon?

It applies to the non-elemental damage on weapons. So for elemental weapons, it's not as siginificant of a boost, but it does apply to all the class power you get, which accounts for roughly 3/4 of your total power.


Originally posted by djp1968

I asked a similar question in another thread, but I think it got buried. I bought several of the chain blade upgrades for milestone 2 that claim to add 5 power. What I've observed is:

- Equip a power surged Agarus hammer. See what my advertised power is prior to a fight.

- Equip a power surged Agarus chain blades. See what my advertised power is prior to a fight against the same behemoth.

I'd expect the latter to be higher, reflecting the power I added to my chain blades. Instead, what I observe is that my displayed power is the same. So either these (kinda expensive) nodes aren't doing anything (terrible), or they do something but all your visible evidence suggests they aren't doing anything (better, but still not good).

While I'm here: the nodes off Milestone XII that give you abilities for reforging weapon types. They are all worded as something like, "Gives you benefit X no matter what weapon you are using". Is that what it really means? Hint: I ...

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The UI screen that displays power doesn't take the bonus power nodes into account. It's something we hope to fix soon. But the nodes are working.

The Empowerment nodes do indeed give you the bonus no matter what weapon you use, even a weapon of a different class. So the Strikers nodes will increase attack speed of Axe/Sword/etc. for example. Some of these bonuses are more niche, so the Pike one won't give raw Wound damage to a weapon that doesn't do Wound, but it will multiply any wound damage you do.

10 Dec


I just tested this internally again and can confirm that the power bonus from the Axe empowerments are working correctly, even in the Training Grounds. Just keep in mind that the axe bonus power only applies to "normal" power and doesn't multiple elemental power (from your weapon if using an elemental power).


Originally posted by wulf2468

Repeaters are already boring, since they have no combos. You just hold attack to fire and spam the 2 abilities when they are off cooldown. The modular system at least made it possible to build the type of gun you wanted. Element, UE, abilities. If that's removed, repeaters are going to be even worse in the fun category. Unless you're talking a full rework, which I feel like repeaters are last on the list of weapon reworks.

Thanks, that's good feedback. Yes simply de-modularizing them with no changes is not the plan.


Originally posted by -SpaceShorts-

Players that had functional sets of +10 gear have to do a lot of grinding now to get back to where they were before the update. You took that work away from them. They should be compensated for their time, unless you want to keep losing players because they feel that you can just take away the hours they put into the game at any time.

We did not do a great job of compensating players in the last migration so we're running another migration to give more rewards. We'll send out an update soon with more details.


Originally posted by GreatMadWombat

Could I suggest, in order

  1. Making the reforges a bit faster/less dependent on bounties? A major part of the contention around the reforge(besides the whole "temporary loss of power" thing) is that the difference between a 1-20 playthrough where you have a large amount of tokens and a 1-20 without those tokens is significant. If a baseline reforge was like..3 hours of play and a bountied reforge was 2, that would feel a heck of a lot better.

"I stop working at 5pm, I eat dinner at 6, I log onto Dauntless, reforge, and I've experienced every island by the end of my gaming time" feels a hell of a lot better than "I reforge and I'm doing this thing all week to upgrade 1 item".


  1. Put some system in place where two friends of different levels can play together in a satisfying way. If I'm logging on and my sword is lvl 14, and everything else is 20, and my friend is logging on, and they're just starting out in the game, either I'm r...
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Thanks for the ideas!


Originally posted by Jhairce

It is noted that weapon experience gained from a behemoth 5 levels above you is going up to 225 for patch 1.5.1. However, the issue of having no way to fight behemoths 5 levels above you is almost impossible once you reach lvl 15+ due to hunting grounds not spawning high enough behemoths stays afloat.

Is this issue getting addressed as well?

On a second note: New experience values now make it so killing a behemoth 5 levels above you is worth slightly more than a bronze bounty. However, silver and gold bounties are still worth A LOT of grinding time.

Do you think the value of a bounty token is gonna be on a better (balanced) spot post 1.5.1?

Finally, the core gameplay loop, to me, feels a few hundreds of orders of magnitude more fun than pre-reforged. The biggest issue that remains is that there are ZERO restrictions/ruleset for WHO can enter the different gamemodes...

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We do want to tune the island levels or add additional islands to give level 15 - 20 players an option to always fight behemoths 5 levels above to get full XP bonuses. Sadly we did not get this into the 1.5.1 patch so it will come in a later update.

We are keeping a close eye on bounty balance and the other issue you identified of lower level players jumping into really hard islands and hurting the experience. At this time we don't have a clear plan of action and want to just get more data on player behavior and more feedback before we commit to something.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Lucari10

Will there be additional ways to get aetherhearts? If reforging is the only way to get them it'll be kind of unfair that old players got dozens of additional ones that new players will never be able to get. Also, are there any plans to increase exp gain on higher reforge ranks? After promoting in other games it usually gets considerably easier to level back up, but it doesn't feel like that in dauntless.

We're talking about both those things. We need to wait a bit to see how the current balance plays out first but we have a bunch of cool ideas here.