Originally posted by firetothegreenrain
Look at any pro’s tier list, Ashe is nowhere to be found. I’m one of the best ashes in North America and got to GM with her, but she’s not top tier at all or needed a nerf.
To win games you basically have to position perfectly and abuse utility and arrows.
Any team fights you’re useless and die in one second. Nobody played Ashe in high play and this just makes it worse.
Oh well, I’m sure I’ll live, but you nerfed her on win rate which doesn’t come from her W A/D ratios it’s from her utility. She will still have an extremely high win rate at lower plays and nobody plays her in high elo so whatever.
Thanks for the patch tho. Appreciate all the hard work on Wild Rift. Cheers.
Her winrate has been high at all levels of play. Tier lists are great for evaluating a players perception, but they are a bit of an echo chamber, and don't do a good job evaluating data. And that is fine, none expects tier list creators to have a perfect understanding of every champion at any level of play.
You are right that she is a utility marksmen, and that does tend to favor more coordination/higher levels of play. Pickrate and winrate are VERY different things and people tend to be good about picking what they like them justifying its power, not so much the other way around. Many of the strongest champions have a low pick rate (and no they are not one tricks) because they are not as flashy as more popular champions.
Many people only thought Asol was viable when he was the strongest champion we have ever had in the game, and now he is just merely one of the strongest and he is said to be sh*t. This comes from a problem of feeling/appreciating his power, not h...
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