

12 Apr


Originally posted by grubbs120dg

Hey I was just curious on how much yall on the wild rift team intend to make the game similar to pc league? Elemental rift changes feels like a push to be more like pc. Will we eventually have mythic items?

We plan on doing what is best for Wild Rift, sometimes that'll mean working alongside LoLPC, or mirroring something they do, and other times doing our own thing, and maybe they mirror that (if they feel it works for LoLPC).

This version of Elemental Rift is very similar to LoLPC, and we think that is a great starting point for us, but we will be testing other versions to find what works best.

We currently don't have plans to introduce the Mythic system to Wild Rift, we think it works great for what the LoLPC team was trying to do, but each game is different and we don't think it would be a great fit for Wild Rift. Mythic actives would be particularly tricky.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Rito had an excuse for this like 9 months back, game was new and there were more pressing stuff.

Not really anymore. Wonder what’s the technical difficulties to add basic navigation for replays

This is because it isn't saved as a video file, and instead a series of actions that the game replays. This makes the file MUCH smaller, but it also means you can't rewind/skip around.


To be clear, we do not expect or want Elder Dragon to be a frequent occurrence and it should not be an expected way to end games. It is there as a tool to close out games that go long.

If the game is long and teams are even, then Elder Dragon can be used to close it out. Or as a comeback/close out if a team has taken Dragon Soul and still not been able to close out the game.

We still have more Elemental Rift testing to do, and versions to try out. So keep the feedback coming!

09 Apr


Originally posted by False_Ocean

Thanks for the Warmog's nerf!! Also edited the post to include the link to the thread.

Unrelated question but Will the old Solari Chargeblade ever come back? On-hit item which applies on crit and gives extra crit chance seems so much interesting to me than the current version (which is just a glorified sheen item which has 3 stack and can crit). The extra crit chance helps a lot when I want to go lethality-crit but still want that sweet 100% crit chance.

The current Chargeblade seems to benefit crit builders more than caster adcs.

I wouldn't expect it to come back. We changed it because of the problems that came out of being able to rush 50% crit. I haven't looked at its performance since the changes, but I haven't heard of anything being out of line or casters needing some love.

08 Apr


Originally posted by gheycub

I don’t believe the major issue regarding all this confusion is about the home guard MS. It’s about the respawn timer changes.

1) Some players believe the winning team had shorter respawn timers and this was a built in snowballing mechanic. With the 3.1a changes the winning team will have even shorter respawns.

2) Others believe the winning team had shorter respawn timers (snowballing mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly less than before.

3) Others believe the losing team had shorter respawn timers (comeback mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly less than before.

4) Finally, others believe the losing team had shorter respawn timers (comeback mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly more than before.

So please clarify this once and for all, I’m begging you! u/Endstep u/R0gueFool

Right those 2 changes, Homeguard + Respawn Timers, are very interconnected. We would not do one without the other. Base respawn needed to go up to account for the Homeguard change.

As for the details of the respawn modifier changes.

Respawn Modifier

  • Game Time < = 12 minutes
    • For each level the player is ahead or behind the average level, the respawn timer is adjusted by 10%
      • RespawnModifier = (PlayerLevel - AveragePlayerLevel) * 0.1
    • The modifier cannot exceed 15%
      • -0.15 < Respawn Modifier < 0.15
  • Game Time > 12 minutes
    • No modifier

Realistically this is not a change you would be able to notice, you would need to be +/-2 levels from the average instead of 3 for this to kick in. All it really means is that if you are far ahead or behind (in the early-mid game) your respawn will be more in line with everyone else.


I'm going to link some more details about the Homeguard+respawn changes here because I have seen some confusion due to how we worded the change and I want to try and clear that up.


I think you have a nice breakdown here, I made that Warmog's change!


Originally posted by Pyrothy

Can someone explain the philosophy behind making it feel worse if you're behind? Is it to make people more willing to ff early in the match? In league they introduced bounties and objective bounties to help the other team catch up, why are they trying to make it harder to come back in wild rift?

So we could have explained this a bit better. This is not about making a losing team lose more, in fact, the opposite.

Before this change:

  • Homeguard
    • Allied champions gain MS, removed on dealing or suffering damage
    • 0:00-0:60
      • Area: Entire Base
      • 80% MS for 12 secs
    • 0:60~12m
      • Area: Fountain
      • 40% MS for 10 secs
      • About enough to get you to your T2 turret.
    • 12m+
      • Area: Fountain
      • 30% MS for 4 secs
      • About enough to get you to the edge of your base.

This change removes the 3rd group and now after 1 minute, when you leave your base you have more movement speed. This goes hand in hand with the respawn changes.

This means that for the slight increase in death time you are now able to get back into the action quicker. If you need to defend your base, contest an objective, or even just get back to farmin...

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04 Apr


Originally posted by MrxPhoenix

It's really that the other 3 elements kinda don't make sense without the 4th one. At this point they should be named Drake1 - Drake2 - Drake3 - Elder Drake, because as I said the other elements don't make sense if one of them is no existent. I don't think it matters what the cloud drake gives, it just has to be there for the other elements to make sense.

How does its existence make the other drakes make more sense? What about adding a 4th drake changes it from "Drake1 - Drake2 - Drake3 - Elder Drake" to "Infernal - Ocean - Mountain - Cloud - Elder Drake"?


Originally posted by MrxPhoenix

Why can't you change the Cloud Drake's movement speed to ability haste?

We could, but what is it about the Cloud Drake that you like? If it is the MS then this doesn't really address that. If it is a different reason can you elaborate on that a bit for me? The question isn't so much "can we add Cloud Drake?" it's really "Should we add Cloud Drake" What does its existence add to the game.

02 Apr


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

Honestly i like the current goal you guys have. Like you said we're to used to one thing which is dragon spawn go dragon and that not happening is making people take the wrong approach to this mode.

I personally do feel like dragons being overall less powerful is better for the game, as it opens up so many opportunities, everyone will have some breathing room, specially junglers where under the current normal dragon system its too much responsibility on one player.

I think the pain point lies in the fact that people think that dragons are too good/best objective and need to be taken or they lose games? So maybe its a learning/knowledge issue.

If you guys do go forward with something like the current elemental system, i think maybe it'll be just a matter of time for people to realise how the new meta works.

Ya there is learning for sure. It being a new mode that asks you to take dragon to see all the fancy new things, so players will go for that (understandable). This isn't a problem right now and we don't expect people to have it all figured out in just a few days (I'd call that a bad thing). But so long as the tools are there, and in a decent spot, I trust the balance team will make some tweaks and get it into a good tuning spot.


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

I think I've had a new train of thought, 5 minutes to 1st drake feels super good, but im undecided about the rest, 1 way i see this as people just wanting to get soul and it not happening often enough because of the dragon spawn times but another way i see if is that that gives the other team an advantage to deny soul from the enemy team.

There's also the situation that with the current system in place, you don't essentially need to contest dragon and can look for other opportunities, because say if you got 1 or 2 drake, or even none, you can skip it and do something else, and only contest to deny soul.

Maybe making soul stronger is a better approach? And having less focus on elder or even not having an elder?

I think most of the complains of no elder we have are from the fact that we're so used to getting elder.

Or what if after a certain threshold you just can't get dragon soul anymore, and the elder spawns at say 18 or 20 mins, and whoever gets it...

We anticipated some level of "I wanted to try dragon soul / elder" so people are very likely to force it right now. But ultimately our goals we don't think that every dragon should mean "everyone go for dragon now" we have been playing that for the past year. But our hope is that teams will still care about getting the dragon and dragon soul, but also be willing to push for plays around the map.

By reducing the power of Dragons/ team objectives for example we increase an individuals power. Maybe this means you are willing to trade the first dragon for the first tower etc.

Elemental Rift Goals: 1) Increase individual agency and one's ability to impact the game. 2) Give players breathing room between fights. 3) Increase the power and impact of tactical gameplay + making strategic choices more visible. 4) Reduce the impact of the "weakest link" teammate on the outcome of the game.


Originally posted by Frostzel

I dont think it is wrong if the game ends without either.

But I think it is wrong that the game is pretty much guaranteed to end without either team getting a soul if a team gets 2 drakes and then the other team gets 2 other drakes.

Because this basically means that the team that gave up the first 2 drakes will surely not see the soul because if they get the third and fourth dragon (so both teams have two) at that point either team can end the game.

I just feel like if a team doesnt collect all three first dragons but instead one team gets two and the other gets one the chances of seeing a soul are very rare, so it would be nice to reduce the drake spawn timers so that maybe in a scenario where a team has 1 drake and the other gets 2 another drake with a soul will still spawn before players are already ending the game.

Right now I only see souls if a team hardfocuses on drakes and stomps another team hard enough to be able to have a soul spawn at 17 ...

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Good to know, let me ask this question in a slightly different way.

We are open to changing the respawn times (or any numbers for that matter). Is there a preference for what you would like to see more often between Elder Dragon and Dragon Soul. As a bad example, we could make every other dragon an Elder Dragon, and players would see Elder more often. Maybe even an Elder Elemental Dragon so that Dragon Soul remains unaffected.

And what percentage of games do you think Dragon Soul or Elder Dragon should show up in?


Originally posted by reddict13

I think most player are so used to getting elder in normal mode, so people don't see dragon soul in same light.

Afaik in lolpc, dragon soul is contested the same way as the elder in wr as of right now.

Though i still agree that timer after first dragon should be lowered to 4 to 3.5 mins. I have played 50 plus elemental and rarely got a soul, as most matches were mostly over by the time soul dragon was up.

Plus even with the soul, late game it hardly matters, as everyone is full build. So tweaking the buffs to give certain advantage should be considered again.

Got elder 2-3 times and the 20% execution is kindof too strong, maybe that's the intention to begin with.

But in very close matches, where everyone is trying hardest to pull a flip, outsmart other team. Elder just ruins the late game neck to neck rush.

Elder is designed to make sure games end. The soonest you can see it is 20+ min, and like you said it can spawn much later than that if the other team gets a dragon. So a long close game still needs to come to an end, and forcing an Elder fight should be a good way to do that.


Thanks for the feedback! Are you saying that you think Dragon Soul and/or elder should happen every game? Because right now the scenario you proposed suggests that the game would end before either team gets either, or if the game is more one sided it can obviously happen at the 15+ mark. Do you think that is wrong for a game to end without either?

01 Apr


Originally posted by blackpearlrider

Cloud drake was so cool please return her :(

Can you elaborate on that thought a bit for me?


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

To answer your question, no they didn't forget about her lol. Watch Riot Endsteps previous streams on twitch where he talks about Shyvana more.

But basically they said they'll do/doing/will do (coz we don't know) something about Shyvana before elemental rift becomes the main game mode.

We got time so don't worry.

Correct, we will be iterating on Elemental Rift and it could change a lot, based on player feedback. It makes sense to solidify her changes as we get closer to the final version.

It isn't something we plan on over looking, but the options were to ship changes that would imbalance her for ranked, for a passive more geared towards a game mode that we expect to iterate on (and thus we would need to reshape for each version). So we decided to leave her passive alone until we got closer to a more final version.


Originally posted by Maverick0Johnson

Hello maybe allowing us to test cloud rift is not that bad? Do you have a plan to extend the testing too? Or it will end at the given date?

The thought was that we would test without cloud drake and see how that feels first. It doesn't mean we couldn't bring it back in a future test (and/or final version) it really depends on the feedback.

It's worth keeping in mind that more isn't always better, by removing it we will see the other more appreciable drakes/map changes more frequently. Maybe that is a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing.

As for the dates, I don't know of any plans to change those, it is possible that they get extended (not something I would be a part of deciding), but we expect to be testing multiple iterations.


Originally posted by kodabeeer

Idk if you’d be the person to ask, but why is the gamemode using classics matchmaking instead of the ranked matchmaking? I just feel like you guys would get better and more consistent feedback from people if it was tested using the matchmaking system it’ll be released to

Unfortunately, I don't know the details of the matchmaking system, but I believe each mode uses its own matchmaking.

We are also not super concerned about the balance/tuning yet. We really want to make sure people are able to try the mode, and that we are hitting the below goals. Tuning is a part of that for sure but we expect to be making changes to the system then tuning within that system.

Elemental Rift Goals:

1) Increase individual agency and one's ability to impact the game.

2) Give players breathing room between fights.

3) Increase the power and impact of tactical gameplay + making strategic choices more visible.

4) Reduce the impact of the "weakest link" teammate on the outcome of the game.


Originally posted by Shikazure

Wait its only a game mode and not update for the regular summoners rift map all that hype for nothing

We are testing it as a game mode first. We plan on using player feedback to drive iteration, that will make it into the final Elemental Rift, that will replace the standard map.

29 Mar


Originally posted by KhozyOnTheLoose

The only problem with this is AD jungler that need Divine Sunderer cant buy it as their first item cuz they need atleast a long sword to clear jungle.

For laner (baron laner to be exact) on the other hand going ruby crystal first item isnt all that impactful. It is even a better choice in some matchup

You can still start with a Long Sword then build DS from there. You'll end up using the longsword in another item.