

29 Jun


Originally posted by Naro_Lucian

I should clarify. Yes, scaling champs should be fully built by the 22 minute mark, but as stated, the vast majority of games don't even reach the 22 minute mark. I don't have any data so I could be wrong, but it seems like due to the faster paced nature of wild rift compared to pc, end game scaling champions and runes are already under picked/used. The meta damage rune is brutal over gathering storm because early game and snowballing is more reliable then praying to reach the end game that won't always happen. Not to mention wr players quit way to early thinking a game is decided after the first objective. Gathering storm for example, gets really useful after the 25 minute mark but that's a small fraction of games and even less so with self destruct towers.

This change would further discourage players from picking late game scaling character and runes. Burtal will be used even more.

The benefit to me does not outweigh the cons. Games are faster, but a whole style of...

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You are right that there is a difference in the champion select rules, but the actual in-game rules are 100% the same.

The reality is, there isn't any disagreement about there being a limit on how long games should last. The details about what that time is are what is important. I think it is easy to agree that we don't want 1h or 30min games, so it is really about finding what that time is.

I don't think this will have much of an impact on shaping behavior or what champions are picked. Several people are talking about this being used as a stalling strategy, but others are saying it could hurt these stalling champions. We don't expect this to be something that has an impact on most players. A drastically small percentage of games even make it to this point, and those that do tend to be lower elo skewed. Looking at my own match history I don't have a single game where this would come into effect, and I suspect yours doesn't have any games either.

If this e...

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Originally posted by beclipse

Ok, but what about Veigar? He needs a nerf as soon as possible, his cage power is insane. Also Akali's energy regen was nerfed too much, she needs a buff more than Katarina.

What is your evidence for champions needing buffs and nerfs? It is very possible that these champions do need some adjustments (I haven't looked at their data recently). Historically Akali has been weak, but is highly frustrating for many players.


Originally posted by Naro_Lucian

Seeing as the two mains reasons for this change are making games shorter and giving a losing team a fighting chance, this should only be implemented in standard games.

Ranked matches are all about skill, so an artificial comeback mechanic defeats the whole point of the ranked system. Baron already serves as a more natural comeback mechanic for a losing team.

As for games being shorter, this again makes sense in a standard game where people are playing casually in a limited time, but has no place in ranked matches. You should be committed to playing the required amount of time needed. Wild Rift is already much shorter than League PC, which makes early game champs, runes, and assassins stronger. Making games even shorter makes scaling champs, items, and runes even worse unless the meta shifts to stalling... which as you stated is not something you want to be the primary means of winning.

You should be at full build before 22 minutes, giving even our hard scaling champions plenty of time before this this even comes into effect.

As for this only being in normal, we don't want to have different rules for ranked/normals, and this comes from player feedback, where the majority of players play primarily, or exclusively ranked games.

We don't expect the meta to sh*t to stalling, however if it does then we can adjust this mechanic nothing is set in stone.


Originally posted by Elegaynte

Are you guys looking into Kayle? A lot of people have been complaining about how horrible she is, and justifiably so ever since she was nerfed too hard since the beginning of the year but she hasn't been acknowledged ever since and I already know a few Support Riot ticket employees who responded to me agree with my sentiment but nothing has been done about it yet. Lategame mid champions like Viegar get generously buffed but Kayle seems to get left in the dust and ignored. Sadge 😭

Endstep and I were talking about her the other day. The truth of it is that while many players on this subreddit say she is weak, she is actually doing fine. We would like to find a way to increase her satisfaction, but she doesn't actually need a buff.

Reddit can be a bit of an echo chamber, and many players over value the early game, where she is intended to be weak, but she is doing better than many popular champions.


Originally posted by Expensive-Patient-40

This may make me really sound like an ass as I know that the balance team doesn't do these balance changes because of numbers but in reality they really gotta start understanding that some champs are just better in different elos like Master yi for the low ELO and champs like Katerina and Lee sin for the higher elos they really need to start balancing around the specific elos instead of in general win rates

Done! The team takes multiple things into account when making balance changes, and we don't actually look at the general winrate of a champion, but when looking at winrate data we make a point to only look at their winrate in different elo brackets. This helps us target buffs/nerfs to those elos. For example lower elo games tend to go longer, so buffing a champions 3rd ability rank ups tends to favor lower elo games. Where as higher skilled players are able to close out games sooner and base stats (like base AD or health) tend to be better targets if we need to buff a champion at higher level play.

This isn't a universal rule, and different champions and abilities all have their quirks, but I hope that sheads some light on how we come to the types of changes that we do.


Hey I wanted to give some context on this feature because there seems to be a bit of understandable confusion around the details.

This is a tertiary way for games to end, we still fully expect players to end the game using Baron, Elder Dragon, Split Pushing, and Team fights, etc, long before anyone's base starts to burn. This is just there to make sure that no game drags on for longer than it needs to.


  • Bring overly long games to a close.
    • Very few games ever make it even close to 22 minutes, but we want to make sure that no one feels trapped in a game just because a team won't end. Or exhausted after expecting to play a 15-20 minute game, which ends up taking half an hour.
  • Comeback potential
    • While we want advantaged teams to end games, we also want to create space for comebacks in the situations where you managed to hang on by the skin of your teeth. We don't want or expect this to become a primary win con...
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22 Jun


Originally posted by DeathBySnuSnuuuuuuuu


Just say a champions classification (Mage, Assassin, Juggernaut etc) and let the game/players decide what lane they're in...

That is nice in theory, but it goes against some key aspects when designing content. Namely that you want to design with goals in mind that help guide your design. If we didn't try to push champions into their intended lanes then we wouldn't have things like minions/monster modifier on abilities, or even abilities like Pyke's passive that shares gold.

And we really don't like the idea of every champion being a powerful flex pick. There are times when we are ok with, or even encourage champions to branch out to other positions but it really depends on the champion, their design, and if we think that is healthy for the game and champion as a whole.

21 Jun


Originally posted by Ok-Ear-8155

hey what build do y’all think is better for jhin? The classic Youmuu or Stormrazor i’m really in doubt about how to build him it’s getting hard

I've seen success with both Pen tends to be really good vs squishy targets without a lot of armor. But both builds should do good work.


Originally posted by Hello_Imsanjay

dang bro why does riot hate when people play pyke with other roles?

Because he was built to be a support, we have assassins for every other role. If he shares that space with them then it waters down his intended identity/purpose.


Originally posted by ChartNew3237

Why nerf kayle so hard? It's better not release the her in the first place, I feel so bad seeing my favorite champ in the lowest place of some random guy's tier list 😔.

Don't release super late game champs anymore.

Despite many tier lists Kayle is doing fine at each elo. Tier lists are fine for judging a players perception, but they don't do a good job at looking at actual power or balance.

A good example we are seeing is pro play is Singed and Seedjar both being frequent picks when tier lists and the general player base thought both were garbage. Now obviously pro play isn't 1:1 with solo que, but our data shows that both are doing fine in solo que as well.

Every tier list is going to have someone at the bottom, that is the nature of lists. That doesn't mean that someone is in a terrible spot though, even if the list were an accurate representation of general power. There aren't any champions that I would say are in a super bad spot, as far as I am aware, and if you enjoy playing a champion you should keep playing them.

With all that said I'm not on the balance team, and was on vacation this last week, so I might be a little out of the loop.


Originally posted by ZemGuse

Every time I see a Riot post I get jealous that you get to work at that awesome campus

It's a great office, lots of amazing people all working together to make some great games. Though depending on the day many of us still work from home, there are trade offs to both.


Originally posted by AniStark97

Rogue naut seems a bit mana heavy to be used in jungle with constant clearing. Runs out very fast without blue buff even after lvl 10. Intended for ap build in jg?

I would expect tank builds to still work fine, I played it a bit in our internal play tests (not on live yet). Every jungler will have Blue Buff, and have some item options to choose from.

As an aside Winter's Approach is the most looked over item in the game, I don't have data on Nautilus using it in the jungle... But our data shows it's a far better item than people give it credit for, it might be worth checking out here if you are worried about mana.


Originally posted by SamuraiVibe

Silence Rioter! I shall take Pyke into the river as support role and introduce "River Pyke" to the game

.....I have no mouth and I must scream....


Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

I’m going to suggest you hit him with the pc change of his stun not damaging minions. In the trade off all Thise who assist him in the kill gets gold cause lane pyke is going to be an issue thanks to that.

That is always an option, we will see how he performs and go from there. I wasn't on Pyke's release, but whenever a champion is launching the team plans some possible adjustments depending on how they are performing. So the right people already have some idea of what they might want to do, depending on how his release looks.


Originally posted by instinct_hulk

Haha he was seriously against it before the buff

The item was doing fine and didn't really need a buff, but both items matching is a good consistency win. Really more of him trolling me than fighting me on it.


Originally posted by instinct_hulk

Didnt get a chance , but wanted to thankyou for rylais 10% buff . Got to know this from endstep , waiting for u to stream with him

Lol thanks, I kept telling him that both it and Grudge should be at the same %, and he kept threatening to put them both at 0%. In the end Rylai got the buff, but at what cost!!!


Originally posted by NotATypicalSinn

I've seen a bunch of pyke mid in PC and a couple in Wild Rift tho(?) is it just that off-meta, that it isn't super recommended?

I'm unsure about PCs current landscape. Though he has had a bit of a history of playing there too. That said I don't think the LoLPC team loves Pyke mid either. As for Wild Rift Pyke has been out for a few hours, you're going to see him in every role players can play him, that doesn't mean he is viable in all of them. There is always the chance we made a mistake, but if he is equally viable in mid as he is as a support you can expect us to make adjustments.


Originally posted by Zamrayz

We all know pyke can off meta mid lane, and that's exactly why he's been adjusted on pc recently. Lmao

Ya it is possible we see something similar happen though we have also made adjustments to Pyke before his release. We do evaluate and change champions when we bring them to Wild Rift. We did a lot of work to tweak Pyke for this reason and have plans to adjust him further if needed.


Originally posted by yungraffi

I’m aware of the history of Pyke on lol pc but why does is his últ timer after the first execute so short compared to pc? Was there a reason why

We want to reduce the duration of long windowed effects like this. Wild Rift is much faster paced than PC so it doesn't make sense to be able to get a reset in one fight and carry it into another area of the map.

We have plans to take a similar pass at other long duration effects on other champions.