

21 Jun


Originally posted by LandOfGAG

Sweet, thank you! I will try Nautilus in the jungle for sure now seeing his second and third ability does 150% damage to monsters.

His 2 was also changed from PC to make it better at clearing the jungle.

Players tend to underrate tank junglers so I expect you'll see some success, especially after lv 5 when your targeted CC makes ganks a breeze.


If you are running into trouble targeting with your E (3) I suggest trying to target lock or possibly look at your tap target priority settings. I recommend having the auto target set to the lowest absolute HP.

It could also be a case where you are not in range of the target you want so when you hit the basic attack button you go to a target in range. In this case play a few bot or practice games to get a feel for the abilities range.


Nautilus is intended to function in Baron, Jungle, and Support. While Pyke is a pure support.

I'll ping people about updating Nautilus's roles once we see how he is performing.

10 Jun


Originally posted by KhozyOnTheLoose

I dont really know myself, sometimes their dev team will post messages in this sub so if you are lucky you can ask them yourself.



Originally posted by buenohomebueno

Sadge, had they ever said something bout their political bout the new champs n rowerks lol pc has in WildRift?

We don't have a set rule for whether we will follow a rework from League PC or not. Our reason for this is that our games, and needs are different. Some rework we will follow, if we feel they have been well received and would be a good fit for Wild Rift. The same goes for League PC adapting any changes from Wild Rift.

07 Jun


Originally posted by hehexdd8

Wild Rift champions are not more durable, LOL PC just f**ked itself with mythic items and no one in riot wants to admit that it is a failure.

.... You can look at the health/armor/MR values. I see them each day, Wild Rift champions tend to have more of each at any level.

Mythics do move more power earlier into the game, but I'd hardly say they are a failure. Mythics are intended to be more powerful than other items. I'm sorry you don't like them, but don't worry we currently have no plans of adding them to Wild Rift.

06 Jun


A while ago we planned to buff Diana's jungle (passive deal 110% damage to jungle monsters, it was going to be 125%) but it turns out she was already just fine as a jungler. We left it at 110% to help signal she is fine as a jungler and give her that little extra boost, but the truth is she doesn't need it, she is already fine.

Fizz and Morgana are similar in that they are also fine junglers that many players overlook.


There are currently no plans for a Wild Rift durability patch. Wild Rift champions were already more durable than LoLPC in health, armor, and MR. It's likely a while before we start reaching similar concerns.

05 Jun


Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

Normalized is a great goal, I hope all the champions get there.

Neither high elo or low elo should be catered to, balance.

To be clear we never expect all champions or even Eve to be flat across elo. Some are better at low elos some at higher. This comes from the champions kit and how different players take advantage of their strengths and weaknesses.

It isn't about catering to different elo groups so much as it is building champions who are different. If the champion is highly strategic or requires complex inputs/combos, or provides utility they are likely a higher elo champion. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't make champions with those traits.

04 Jun


Originally posted by Oxabolt

I take back what i say then. Thanks for the insight on this, no idea why i didnt think about it from that prespective. Always just assumed she would be strong in low elo cuz others dont know how to handle the invis but never tought of the player

Ya it's an understandable take away. And the addition of pink wards don't actually nerf her as much as people think. They had really no effect on her, and for some players I suspect they actually got over confident and actually hurt themselves =p.

Basically she is a tricky champion to play well, because her camo is highly strategic, and you don't see many strategic plays in lower levels of play. But higher skilled players know how to abuse her to the point where she is one of the weakest champions in low elo and one of the strongest in high elo. This isn't ideal, and we would want her to be a bit more normalized, but the nature of her kit will always push some large skill differences.


Originally posted by gabrielegance

Poor Braum. He's my first Support and now he's slowly getting pushed out of the meta bc rito reslly likes nerfing FoL

It is unfortunate that FoL is really the only Keystone for him. Ideally we would open him up to more Keystones, but that is a bit tricky. Luckily if nerfing FoL hurts him too bad we can give him some compensation in the following patch.


Originally posted by Oxabolt

Evelynn nerf feels warranted tbh, she can still oneshot once fed. Does her job as an assasain.

Obviously she is going to be bad in high elo, but its not like assasins are strong against cooridinated teams except for a few exceptions(zed but even he gets countered by stasis).

Not every champ champ can be viable at every level of play. And even if that was possible, it would be impossible to achieve over the span of even a year through buffs and nerfs

Eve is a bit of a special case, many players think she is a low elo stomper. But low elo Eve players don't know how to take advantage of her stealth, she is actually crazy powerful (hence the nerfs) in higher elo. I would need to double check but I believe she has the largest variation in power between low and skillful play.

21 May


Originally posted by A_Saade

tbh in pc there are potions, so i think this is why we have honey fruit in wildrift. idk if they'll remove them if they ever add potions in wildrift

Correct, we went with Honey fruit in lane for 2 major reasons.

1) The controls/UI that consumables would require. 2) We like the gameplay of Honey fruits in lane more. We think it has a bit more clarity and creates small, but interesting, moments.

It isn't something we have talked about removing, as we have been happy with the results. The only time it has come up as even a minor issue was in the Dragon lane, and marksmen taking fruit from their support for Sweet tooth's gold. But that was fixed with a change to Sweet tooth.

12 May


Originally posted by SwuangLee

Winters approach don’t work on most tanks. Unless you’re playing something like Malph. U sure y’all playing the same game w playing in your “internal tests”??

It does work on most tanks, and that comes from live data not our internal tests. If you don't want to buy it then don't, I'm just telling you the facts about the item, it's up to you if you want to take the advice or not.


You are right she has kind of sucked as a support, and been really strong as a mid laner. Despite this she is a FAR more popular support champion than she is as a mid laner. So we want her to be viable in both (before this change she was only viable as a midlander), especially when it is clear that many players are more interested in her as a support (her popularity as a support even when she was weak there).


Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

True but the main issue is everyone else is fast paced but tanks. Especially tank supports. They have no gold agency imo. And tank items are really really lacking compared to the smorgasbord of options adcs mages and assassins have alone. Love for an item like anethemas.

I understand tanks can and might be an issue when going about bulkiness but the fact is tanks don’t feel bulky unless in extreme conditions I say find that balance where tanks feel tanky but also aren’t popping like balloons because imo a tank should be the first to die in a Team fight but they shouldn’t pop like a squishy.

Also Gj jinx finally feels amazing to play. But I still worry for tanks.

Plus I would like to add the issue with jungle tanks like rammus and amumu is that in the late game they take a sizable time to clear jungle camps to keep the lead going.

What exactly do you mean by "fast paced"? You are right that they are not as flashy as assassins/carries, but that isn't something that can really be solved with items or runes. The fact of the matter is that most players tend to like dealing damage, and that is just inherently flashier (you remove someone from the map).

You are right that support income is lower than carries, but their items are also MUCH cheaper, and tanks are the ones making the item choices. For most carries the items are dictated by your champion, whereas tank items have a bit more flexibility with things like picking the right item for the right situation.

If you feel like tanks are popping like balloons I STRONGLY suggest trying out Winter's Approach, it is criminally undervalued for how well it is performing. That isn't to say itemization is perfect, there are still improvements we can make. But things take time, and we shouldn't wait until we have everything before we ship anything.


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Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

While I’m happy you guys are at least talking it out I find it kind of redundant as most games I’ve won really don’t involve tanks. Mostly juggernauts and bruisers. True that it’s better chances you win when there’s a tank on your team but the main issue is tank players want to do what the role is called..tank. We don’t want damage or carry potential we want to be able to not get popped like a balloon as soon as we do our jobs.

I woulda been fine if all this was added and all the tank items got changed to their pc versions. But this is wayyyy to comfortably skewed towards offense and I get it because offensive champions pay the bills and are in the majority.

But for the love of anything give tanks SOMETHING just as big if not bigger than what offense is getting. Cause if this continues we’re gonna need a damage reduction patch like PC.

Right, I am not conflating juggernauts and bruisers with tanks. When I say tanks I'm talking about pure tanks (Amumu, Rammus, Braum, Leona, Alistar, Malphite, etc). I am not talking about Darius, Garen, Dr. Mundo, Riven or anyone else that is often conflated with tanks because they are melee.

The goal is not to give tanks damage, but we also don't want a world where tanks are literally unkillable. They should be durable, they should take time to kill, but a world where it takes forever for a tank to die just stalls out the game, and not in an interesting way.


Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

A meta where everyone is way too tanky yes. A meta where tanks are the strongest role is perfectly fine and should be the norm.

Tanks keep literally every other role in check. If tanks are weak the game is extremely unbalanced.

Plus adcs counter us. They are getting more damage more bulk we build more attack speed The more they chip at us and true damage all on top to sweeten the deal. It’s gonna be basically hell to play a tank let alone a tank support right now.

We do agree that tanks shouldn't be weak, and it is never our intent to make a class weak. In fact tanks have been very strong for a while, if you have a tank on your team you have a much higher chance of winning. We don't expect that to change here, and if tanks are weak after these changes we have a balance patch every 2 weeks.

The issue we tend to see with tanks is that it is more difficult to feel successful as a tank and know what you did was the right call, and requires follow up from your team. Whereas an assassin or carry can feel successful from getting kills, and it is very clear when they are doing their job.

05 May


Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

Besides addressing actual concern. There are more post/comments talking about the poor state of tanks and how this patch will bury them, than praises, yet those post get ignored. Praises however, that can't be ignored. Shouldn't community managers actually address.. The concerns of the community or just high five and slap ass?

I'm not a community manager, I'm a designer on in-game so when players bring up pain points that are outside of my wheelhouse there isn't really much I can add to the discussion. Plus this is something many of us do outside of our regular work, so a choice of how we want to spend our free time.

I also make a point to not feed the trolls, no one gains anything in those situations, and if someone just needs to vent there isn't much value in trying to have a discussion.


Originally posted by CloudDrinker

It's so nice to see rioters here I hope you will countinue to be here even when people don't like stuff

We are around all the time, and try to chat when we see something we can add value to.