Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69
While I’m happy you guys are at least talking it out I find it kind of redundant as most games I’ve won really don’t involve tanks. Mostly juggernauts and bruisers. True that it’s better chances you win when there’s a tank on your team but the main issue is tank players want to do what the role is called..tank. We don’t want damage or carry potential we want to be able to not get popped like a balloon as soon as we do our jobs.
I woulda been fine if all this was added and all the tank items got changed to their pc versions. But this is wayyyy to comfortably skewed towards offense and I get it because offensive champions pay the bills and are in the majority.
But for the love of anything give tanks SOMETHING just as big if not bigger than what offense is getting. Cause if this continues we’re gonna need a damage reduction patch like PC.
Right, I am not conflating juggernauts and bruisers with tanks. When I say tanks I'm talking about pure tanks (Amumu, Rammus, Braum, Leona, Alistar, Malphite, etc). I am not talking about Darius, Garen, Dr. Mundo, Riven or anyone else that is often conflated with tanks because they are melee.
The goal is not to give tanks damage, but we also don't want a world where tanks are literally unkillable. They should be durable, they should take time to kill, but a world where it takes forever for a tank to die just stalls out the game, and not in an interesting way.