

15 Oct

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Originally posted by Soxviper

But didn't Stashu change it in the end?

I mean Stashu made small changes, the kinds of changes every Champion goes through when we they go into production, but most of the kit stayed intact, and the high level concept, which is very ambitious still remains

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Soxviper

Was there a specific reason he got kicked off the team?

He didnt get kicked off the team. He was part of the core team that did early exploration into TFT, and then when it was greenlit for production he stayed with that team and worked on the item system and carousal. I still feel that was 100% the right decision as TFT has had a much larger impact the a individual Champion in LoL, even if he makes some of the best ones. He did so well at that, that LoL leadership felt it was better for him to go to RnD to explore new things for now

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Oxen_aka_nexO

I love the Akali rework even though it might turned out to be broken af. I love the design and it conveys the ninja theme very well.

Same, I'm hoping we can get her into a good spot one day (hell maybe she is there now) It took a long time to get Yasuo and Thresh into good balance spots but both were worth it in the end, since they are also really fun and resonate Champs

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Originally posted by Azramy

As an eve and Qiyana main i give her my thanks those splashes are my favs

She didnt do the splashes, she did the concept art for the Champs. RiotOwleyKat did Eves splash (She also did Akali, Yuumi, Zoe & Irelias splash, to name a few) Atey did Qiyanas splash

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Holythreat

The point of playing a champion is to win with them... if people are putting a lot of effort playing them but can't be rewarded with wins it just doesn't make sense playing them. (cries in gutted Jayce)

'Styling on enemies', 'having more tools in the kit' and etc. don't mean shit if even dedicated mains struggle to win games with them!

Sure, but some of the Champions I mentioned do have positive winrates once mastered

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Which VGUs are currently the highest rated of all time?

By who? Players in Surveys? Our internal KPIs? Playrate jump?

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Originally posted by bz6

I am obviously not exposed to the inner workings of Riot and their resource shuffling but do we rule out a return or?

I don't think anything is ever ruled out, I would always welcome him back to Champions team if it made sense in the future

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Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_JOKES

I know many irelia mains also were equally disappointed with the state of Irelia after the rework.

If you admit those types of reworks were mistakes, will there ever be any attempt to make champions with similar feels to the old ones that were killed in the remake process?

It's a shame that they couldn't just have added new aatrox and new irelia as new champions to the game without having to delete the old ones.

I don't think Irelia falls into that catergory. I think we preserved a lot of her precious gameplay pattern with her VGU. She is different, as all VGUs have some degree of change, but I think amount Irelia changed is typical for all VGUs, and even on that spectrum less them Champions like Morde/Sion. Aatrox is example where it felt like a 100% different Champ rather then a modified/updated version of the Champ

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kazan

Zoe, Akali & Pyke were some of my favorite Champions of all time to work on.

TIL Reav3 is satan

I'm also a Zoe/Akali main :P

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Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

I really just want to know, because I'll keep playing ASol even if he hits a 30% winrate: will we be getting a skin that is actually good? And will it be some time within the next couple years, at least?

Mecha was just so bland and disappointing. It honestly hurts to know that we're stuck with that when we saw those amazing Coven skins immediately after. And we know that you can design a robotic skin that works well with the Praetorian line. Theres been so many fantastic ideas, like Gravelord, Dark Star, Ao Shin that were thrown around for ASol. Yet it feels like if a concept is ever discussed, it immediately gets thrown out, and wont ever see production.

And, side note: what the actual f**k was that Ivern skin, man

Sorry I don't work on skins team

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Originally posted by SturmiLol

My rework idea would be to actually make him evolve to some void thingy (like a butterfly), as it would also drive his story forward. (and most importent, make him stay cute x) )

edit: pls give me some kogmaw icon/emote to show my suppot for vomiting caterpillars ^

Yeah I think making him more "Cute" would certainly make him more appealing which would help a lot in getting him played more. I also think some kind of evolving thing would work well for him

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Originally posted by cammysensualcombo

every champion that is busted has a high pickrate tho

This is not true at all. There are many busted Champs with very low pickrates, for example, here is the historical playrate of Taliyah and Kayn. Kayn has never really been busted since his release, where as Taliyah was for awhile a extremely strong mid laner.

Or even Aatrox when we nerfed him to a point he was basically unplayable in SoloQ and competitive had a higher playrate then pre-VGU Aatrox which u can see here

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Originally posted by DevilsDescendant

Of which champ in particular were you surprised by its popularity or the overall reception of the community? Also will we get more cats anytime soon? We need to be able to make a 5 stack cat team = ^ - ^ =

Neeko and Mordekaiser were 2 Champs that we were surprized by there popularity. Both were targeted at being "Niche" Champions but both ended up a lot more broadly appealing then we anticipated

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Originally posted by EnderPete

How does the champion design process work? Is it one person proposing a rough draft and then a collaborative process from there? Just kinda curious what the system looks like.

The Champion Design process begins with a opportunity space which I create as the product lead. This space is based on a overall Champion Roadmap which ensures we have different classes, themes, tones, genders and such. That opportunity space then goes to a "Core pod" consisting on a designer, narrative writer and concept artists and they start ideating against the opportunity spaces. For example, Zoe's opportunity space was to make a cute/adorable high mechanics mid laner, since it was a space we felt didn't exist in league

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Originally posted by SupremeVoid

Why are there so few bird like champions? Is the idea of a natural flying living or mechanical thing uninteresting?

Well we have a lot of bird like champions (Xayah, Rakan, Azir, Quinn) but only one bird Champion (Anivia)

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Originally posted by Irarhet

How does the champion design process begin?

Also, favorite champions to work on?

The Champion Design process begins with a opportunity space which I create as the product lead. This space is based on a overall Champion Roadmap which ensures we have different classes, themes, tones, genders and such. That opportunity space then goes to a "Core pod" consisting on a designer, narrative writer and concept artists and they start ideating against the opportunity spaces. For example, Zoe's opportunity space was to make a cute/adorable high mechanics mid laner, since it was a space we felt didn't exist in league

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SturmiLol

u/Reav3 is there some hope for my little boy Kogmaw, he was the reason i started many years ago, and nowadays he looks (and sometimes feels) so outdated. I feel could get a mini update like ezrael (or at least some spell effects) to make him the best little worm (or butterfly) he can be :3

I for sure want to VGU him at some point, there are just Champions that need it more right now. He is creeping up on the VGU priority list though

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Carryusdarius

Has there ever been a champions team discussion of a true dual wield champion? That is, one where using a two-weapon style is actually a core of the gameplay, rather than just an aesthetic choice like all of the champions who currently exist that use more than one weapon.

E.g. Olaf, Katarina, Draven, and so forth. The only champion I can think of whose kit kind of takes a weapon in each hand into account is Lucian and he is still pretty loose and also ranged.

I’d like to see something where the kit takes into account the possibilities of a two weapon fighter - benefits to that would be a possible stance change based on last ability used or sequence, things of that sort or a unique ability chain system.

Also after all this time, aside from the champions who won the poll, who does the team really want to update - even if it isn’t necessarily the “worst” candidate in terms of how poorly the assets have aged.

We discuss that a lot actually. I hope we can fully realize that fantasy at some point in the future

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bowieneko

With the huge roster of champions, we have spartans, killer clowns, pirates, ninjas, rats, cats, knights, spooky skeletons, etc. Is there a theme or archetype that you think League is missing or one that you really want?

There are so many! I don't think we could ever run out

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mr-Deer

What’re your thoughts on the current state of Zoe? It’s definitely safe to say she’s in a better spot than release where her W missiles would one shot squishies, and she currently isn’t pick or ban.

I think she is in a great place right now. I still play her whenever Akali is banned :P