Has there ever been a champions team discussion of a true dual wield champion? That is, one where using a two-weapon style is actually a core of the gameplay, rather than just an aesthetic choice like all of the champions who currently exist that use more than one weapon.
E.g. Olaf, Katarina, Draven, and so forth. The only champion I can think of whose kit kind of takes a weapon in each hand into account is Lucian and he is still pretty loose and also ranged.
I’d like to see something where the kit takes into account the possibilities of a two weapon fighter - benefits to that would be a possible stance change based on last ability used or sequence, things of that sort or a unique ability chain system.
Also after all this time, aside from the champions who won the poll, who does the team really want to update - even if it isn’t necessarily the “worst” candidate in terms of how poorly the assets have aged.