Embracing her death every time she transforms into a wraith, she becomes like those she fought, only to be reborn again thanks to the life infecting her.
So she can turn into a wraith on demand? :o
Embracing her death every time she transforms into a wraith, she becomes like those she fought, only to be reborn again thanks to the life infecting her.
So she can turn into a wraith on demand? :o
aaaaaa it's finally happening. She is going to be soooo fun.
Which champion does the design team think has the highest skill cap? You've designed them after all q:
I think a lot of people hold Jhin in high regard as one of the best designed champions in terms of thematic design, voice lines/acting, and gameplay. What was the brainstorming/design process for him like, and what do you think was the key to making a champ that incredibly well designed?
I think Jhin comes off as exceptional because of how well his "non-gameplay" side came through. The VFX/SFX/Anims/VO fit him soooo well and make you feel like you're in the head of the virtuoso murder man.
Jhin came from a basic concept of "The perfect sniper." The idea was that he was a guy who was such a good shot that he would think up creative ways to shoot things to keep himself entertained. We also knew we wanted him to be mysterious/off-putting/weird. Pretty sure almost all concepts of him from day 1 had him in some kind of mask, bandanna, or robotic covering. He eventually started to transform into "the crazy art guy" when we locked his 4th shot mechanic. We knew we wanted to make a sniper, and we knew his 4th shot would be his strongest, but what competent sniper saves the best shot for last? Narrative came up with the idea that he was OCD about the number 4 and was wanted to make every kill artistically perfect (Which mean waiting for the 4th shot). We then a...
Read moreWe're not all sad about this
i'm sad
What is your favorite part of the champion design process?
When you find "the mechanic" and the whole champion falls into place and everyone starts getting hyped to play it. This was stuff like Ekko R, Jhin passive, and Jinx passive for me.
I remember a Jinx playtest where Squad5 had just helped me get in her current passive after like 5 failed other passives. She killed a Xerath, went so fast that she lost control of her character, ran into a tower and died. It was perfect!
What are the highest and lowest win rates in the history of League? I have a feeling you should have that data somewhere.
And why were those numbers the case? I'm expecting something along 70% and 30%, so what went wrong with those champs and why did they end so notably under or overtuned?
I think release Syndra might have been under 30% (it's either her or Yuumi with the lowest release winrate). Syndra was due to a combination of being undertuned, hard to play, and buggy in ways that prevented her from combo'ing her spells. Yuumi on the other hand was likely due to being entirely dependent on her allies needing to know what she was trying to do.
There was a patch where Karthus literally could not be killed due to a bug. Even while being invincible his winrate only hit 80-85% or so.
Gameplay hooks can come from a variety of spaces. Like RiotScruffy mentioned one way is from designer brainstorm meetings they hold pretty often. Sometimes they can come from product strategy, like Pyke's hook came from the opportunity space I created to make a support Assassin. Others can be derived from a thematic/visual pitch. Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter. The concept looked so bad ass, that the whole pod got excited about it which led to RiotJag coming up with the Ultimate which was basically her "diving into the void"
It really depends on the designer. August, for example, prefers to start with cool concept art, then derive a gameplay hook that he feels matches the character art. He's always like "Draw me a awesome character and I'll make you...
I really just want artists to tell me what to do TBH.
whew. Looks like the upcoming one is safe.
So this is why I never won with him in playtests
This is a good point. The obvious solution is to disable Fleet on Cass. Should prolly micropatch it in for worlds so no one exploits the Fleet-no-foot synergy.
It's almost like they represent a huge percentage of the player base.
I hate everything about this clip.
I love everything about this clip
wait this is illegal
Arrest this madman
Damn.... that graph showing Nexus Blitz playtime is really telling, it wasn't even as popular as ARAM, and it was almost dead when it was pulled.
This graph is why Riot isn't "lazy" for focusing less on other game modes. At the end of the day, we want to make things a ton of you enjoy for long periods of time. I worked on Nexus Blitz. I wanted it to succeed as much as the next person. Players voted with their time. People just don't play the vast majority of alternate modes for more than a weekend.
Yeah, I'm gonna take my Hec to the bot town road
Gonna gank 'til I can't no more
"Boring" and "Unattractive" are not great places to start a champion pitch. Even niche champions aren't targeted to be boring and unattractive. When we make them that way they tend to be played by no one (so they're not even niche). Every champ needs to have something appealing that a player can latch onto. This DOES NOT mean that they have to be attractive or badass.
Bard is a weird whimsical spirit. Kled is a deranged hillbilly cavalier. Urgot is a horrific monster mech. These champions have niche appeal not because they are boring and unattractive, but because they are all strongly appealing in their own ways to a niche audience.
Every. Single. Year.