

23 Dec


Originally posted by stopfeedingplz

I wish he never opened his clown mouth. This is not even funny

Well nothing is funny when compared to your macro in ranked.

22 Dec


Originally posted by Hanyodude

I don’t think you would have gotten the backlash you did on the boards if you worded it as effectively as you did here. This makes a lot more sense since you typed the whole thing out. I don’t use the board though, so whatever lol that’s just observation.

But anyways, what do you think of an idea that shows a ghost indicator of a lighter transparent color that just shows maximum range in addition to all the current indicator? Possibly a toggle-able feature? Nothing fancy in shape, but just an exact outline of the accurate spells hit box and range. Especially if it could be toggled on and off, nobody could complain about either side of the argument ever again.

P.S. Thank you August, for being the only person at Riot that i have faith in to make good decisions. That new designer that made Sett is showing some promise too.

Yeah I could have worded it better. Sadly, the boards has become a pretty awful place in general to have a conversation with people who are interested in listening.


Originally posted by AnataBakka

at least fix indicators when there's a difference in the z axis.

you only made the example of people launching the skill shot and saying "Oh nice I didn’t expect that root to hit!"

but what about the other side, when the hitbox is misleading and people say "WTF? That shouldn't have hit me."

Did you try fixing it and then people in playtesting started saying again "That hitbox is so weird. I point it somewhere but it fires elsewhere."?

This conversation isn’t about skill shot VFX, it’s about UI targeting indicators. (agreed that league has some visual issues with long range skills along z-axis)


This is technically working as intended...

Rengar maintains the leap buff for a short time after leaving brush. It doesn’t work for flash because we special cased it out.


Originally posted by DM_ME_LEWD_KINDRED


Now have Riot August explain why nautilus Q hooks thro walls.

Curious to hear the next joke.

Your CS’ing


Originally posted by mrslakes

Alright Reddit so what am I supposed to complain about this time?

Complain about Senna. She OP rito pls nerf.


Originally posted by abibyama

For what it's worth, I'd like to point out to those bitching at August that this is just a classic case of Game Designers fudging exact numbers to match human perception.

This happens in nearly every single game, and despite what all of you who are convinced you're special and unique want to believe, everyone wants it this way.

What you want to happen is rarely what actually happens, so designers frequently tweak things like this to match expectations

The most classic example of this usually presented is the Mario jump, where there's actually a small, typically unnoticeable delay after walking off an edge where pressing the jump button will still result in a jump.

The Human brain does not like reality, to be perfectly clear. COUNTLESS games have done the whole "perfect accuracy" thing and discovered in playtesting that players whine and say either it doesn't "feel right" or that it "didn't respond how it's supposed to", insistent that they're somehow...

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Pretty much this. I ran into this problem with Jinx W. When the indicator was exactly accurate people were more likely to tell me it “missed more than expected.” This is because, while the missile is very fast, it still has travel time so shooting at someone who is max range away will almost never hit them. A shorter indicator was more representative of the “effective max range.”

People are rarely going to be upset if their skill shot hits something that they thought was slightly out of range. In that case, expectations are broken in a positive way, “Oh nice I didn’t expect that root to hit!” They WILL be upset if their spell misses something they expected to hit, “WTF they were in range but the spell didn’t reach them. This indicator lies!”

This is further confounded by the fact that most players’ default assumption is that skillshots “cheat” the indicator a bit. An indicator that is perfectly accurate can often feel as though it’s lying about the true range of th...

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13 Dec


Oh boy Oh boy

11 Dec


Sett kills me every playtest

10 Dec


Originally posted by HULLcity

We have the data, take Aery on Yuumi, not comet

I seriously hate when whoever does the patch notes tells us what to build. I remember when they changed Stormrazor to the second iteration and they said on the patch notes to stop building Stormrazor on Kai’Sa. Meanwhile after that very patch Stormrazor was the most efficient item on Kai’Sa.

edit: refer to patch 9.4 notes.

Aery is 2-3% higher winrate on Yuumi across ALL mmr’s. This includes master+.

03 Dec

01 Dec


Originally posted by Lithorendale

Do you think hitting her self-heal to increase her trading risk would help tone the numbers down to something reasonable? I've been playing her a ton and the self-healing in her kit stands out to me as unfair. If my ADC and I have a bad trade - We can recover from it much easier than other supports who prime output is damage.

At least with Pyke he can only regen himself :P

Alternatively/additionally, potentially removing the re-stealth on her E would help tone her down a bit. I've found in mostly ranged comps just sitting in her E can end a team fight if we kite backwards well.

How is Senna’s self healing any more problematic than nami or Sona’s, assuming her lane is overall balanced (it’s looking OP right now)?

30 Nov


Originally posted by SahokoTakoro

I remembered August saying earlier the stts were okay. But Maybe his thougjts has changed.

Her stats at end of last patch were okay. Preseason patch and optimized item builds changed some things


Originally posted by Holythreat

Interesting! But what about Jayce?

Why are you leaving the champion in that garbage state on purpose since May? We need buffs or a revert to patch 9.10 state!

A rational person cannot look at his numbers and say that he is fine!



Assassins would be useless.

Yasuo and Riven would be removed.

ADC’s would all have 50% winrates against each other and 60% winrates against the rest of the cast.

Only “real” enchanters would be viable as support.

Autofill would be removed BUT you’d somehow still get autofilled every single game when no one locks support.

Combat duration up 50% to combat damage creep.

If you win your lane you win the game (individual agency)

If you lose your lane you don’t lose the game (one bad player doesn’t ruin game).

It would a #DeadGame.


Yeah we prolly need to nerf her. Will be cooking up something for next patch.