

30 Nov


You sound like one of those people who was venting years ago when Zyra, VK, Lux, and Brand started getting played as support.

The support position doesn’t need to be a marksman protecting wardbot every game. They can have fun too. Some people like enchanters (and protecting people). Some people like mages. Some people like tanks. Pyke and Senna are about making the 0 income position fun for a wider range of people. Thresh has a similar purpose when he was released years ago.

If your complaint is balance, that’s fair. Senna prolly needs some nerfs. It looks like you’re saying she and Pyke shouldn’t exist however. I can’t agree with you there. League is much better for having variety within roles.


Originally posted by moodRubicund

Also what's up with Rioters going out of their way to emphasize how much Taliyah shouldn't get a skin

I mean come on you gave Ivern a skin, you gave Ziggs skins three years in a row with chromas *and* merch and he's pretty much an ARAM exclusive champ, I feel our circlejerk is warranted

It was in response to a person insisting that if we just buffed Taliyah people would play her a lot. I’m not emphasizing that she shouldn’t get a skin, I’m emphasizing that power won’t make her popular. Even when she was one of the best mids in the game she was barely played.

25 Nov


Originally posted by Caenen_

"Originally" is a bit misleading, it was just part of the exploration. They do some crazy stuff in exploration, like lvl 16 Kayle gaining 'True Flight' (Kayn's E) permamently!



Originally posted by Mister-Manager

I think this argument is bunk when you look at the playrates of other champions who receive a lot of skins (according to

Lux- 2.18%

Ahri- 3.11%

Akali- 4.08%

Qiyana- 3.88% (Hasn't received a lot of skins yet but obviously will considering how she already has a post release skin)

All these champs get loads of skin attention but don't have playrates that are significantly higher than Ornn. Just imagine how unpopular they'd be if they never got any Ornn.

Lux is one of the most played champions in the game.

Plat+ Ranked isn't everything.


Originally posted by DeadBerserker

Gonna give my two cents, since, well, look at my flair.

It's known that players who main these low-pickrate champions are what you could call "true" enthusiasts; it doesn't matter if the champion is garbage or not, they keep playing because they genuinely like the champion.

In fact, that's why, at least prior to his mini-rework, Aurelion Sol had one of the highest winrates in midlane, despite his pickrate being one of the lowest. The only people who played him were people who played him frequently, because they genuinely liked the champion. Aurelion was stuck with his release skin for quite a while, until Riot relented and gave him Mecha, which is incredibly underwhelming; I don't know for certain the "buyrate" for the skin, but if it's low, it's completely understandable. But I can assure you, if he got a good skin, it would sell.

Compare with Kai'sa, for example, who has one the highest pickrates and winrates of all adcs ever since her rel...

Read more

Low pick rate justifying a high winrate "because the mains" is just straight incorrect. Fun fact for you: On any given patch, the average Yasuo or Riven player you see in game will have more games on their champion than the average ASol. Turns out Riven and Yasuo are played a lot AND mained a lot.


Originally posted by Orageux101

Pretty sure Taliyah had an amazing play rate before it was nerfed into oblivion.



Originally posted by Sparecash

I mean obviously you're right otherwise riot would have released a skin for them by now. With that said, I do have a few counter points.

  • pick rate can change, all it takes is a sizeable buff to any of these Champs and they could easily shoot up to 8-10% pick rate. Even if a champ is not popular now that doesn't mean it will never be popular.

  • When people buy champion, they expect it to be supported. I feel like it's a bad look to release a champ and then never release another skin for that champ.

Not really. Champions like Taliyah are SO UNPOPULAR that people won't even play them when they're the best champs in the game.

16 Nov


Originally posted by CelioHogane

Dude wait untill Riot decides to remove the gamemode because not enough people play, then you will actually understand our pain.

People play ARAM quite a bit.

15 Nov


Originally posted by TheWorldisFullofWar

They talk about failed reworks but don't bring up Swain? The worse rework in the game?

In terms of depth of play (how much a player is willing to pour game after game into the same champion), Swain is currently the deepest he's ever been in the history of his existence. He's also currently one of the deepest champions in the roster overall. Swain players play A TON of Swain.

Seems pretty successful to me.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Kit Updates and the dangers of creating multiple incompatible audiences

I hope they recognize taliyah here. Poor crown picking taliyah for his skin and then having his champ changed into a jungler.

Taliyah is good jungle != Taliyah is bad mid.

She's actually quite powerful in mid. Whether or not she's FUN is a different question.

14 Nov

08 Nov


Originally posted by shadowles5

Why is it that every single one of her abilities has 2000 different mechanics?

Everyone pointing out how broken her E is, and i'm just baffled at how insane her Q is.

Like, lucian got nerfed a dozen times because his Q made his poke in lane too strong. Senna's Q is also point and click, but has:

1-Way longer range

2-Way wider (EDIT:not wider!)

3-Auto attack reset (EDIT:not a reset!)

4-Procs her passive

5-cooldown lowered by basic attacks


7-Can be used on wards and towers

8-procs press the attack

I probably missed something too lol. I bet it's going to be fun laning against her with her constant Q spam 8)

It isn’t wider. It doesn’t reset her basic attack.

04 Nov


riot how could you let her get THAT MUCH RANGE

30 Oct


Originally posted by intothepride

rengar/kha event is out of the competitive games, I would assume that senna-thresh will be taken out too, however, it will be in soloQ ranked obviously

Rengar/Kha are in comp games.


Senna and Lucian get 30 AP and Armor (equivalent to 40 Thresh souls)

If Senna and Lucian are on the same team they will each get a separate quest to kill Thresh. If Thresh manages to kill both of them he will get 2x the mist stacks.


You should edit your post to not present false information.

Senna and Thresh get soul stacks from the other’s kit if they win. They don’t steal them. Nothing is lost.

29 Oct


Originally posted by asbjornlol

I'm confident the unclickable portion of it is gonna be removed within a few patches after she hits live



Originally posted by PM_ME_SOME_YAOI

Does she comes with aspirin? After all the headaches Akali shroud cause you guys go and come up with this

i'm less worried about this. It's essentially camo where you can see their location. Jumping on a wraith or dropping a pink ward will reveal them. Very strong vs. ranged champs who click on you though.


Originally posted by xKetjow

How do channeling abilities like Fiddle W and R work alongside it? If the R is cast does Fiddle appear straight away or is he invisible with the ult?

Also, what happens if you have Senna with her cloud on top of a chanelling Ryze ulti? Does everyone go invisible after the realm warp or is it instantly gone?

Channels uncloak you (as do spell casts), but if you cast fiddle R INTO Senna E, then it will cloak him after the spell goes off.