Much appreciated, I miss those sorts of chats too. I'm looking to get back to posting more once things settle down a bit, it's been a while and would love to remedy that!
Hi, big fan
Much appreciated, I miss those sorts of chats too. I'm looking to get back to posting more once things settle down a bit, it's been a while and would love to remedy that!
Hi, big fan
This skin is so cool
It’s zeris AD RATIO ON W that’s an issue, who gives a f**k if zeri builds ap wtf
Typo. The AD ratio is also being hit.
130% >>> 100%
We're working on some ARAM champion tuning for next patch!
It's day 1024. Divine sunderer has been nerfed again. The stats still say that Trinity Force is a viable option. Your top laner locks in Jax against 0 tanks.
He builds divine and complains he does no damage and how shit the game is cus top already has no impact.
Save top laners mental health, tell your top lane friends that Trinity Force is a viable option when not playing against multiple tanks.
Trinity is stronger than DS in most situations on many champs who can build both.
Not going to comment on whether or not these builds/champs are OP or should be nerfed (we are nerfing yi next patch), but be careful when analyzing item winrates. The later in a build an item is purchased, the higher winrate it will have. This is due to the fact that if you have enough gold to buy X items, you are more likely to be winning. Have to remember all the games that are surrendered or lost before these items are bought.
As an example, most mythics that are bought SECOND in a build *(riftmaker after nashor's, sunfire after botrk) will have higher winrates than the mythics that are bought first.
MINION DAMAGE No longer deals 50% reduced damage against minions that are the primary target (note: will still do 50% reduced damage to all other minions damage by Nocturne’s Passive)
Just gonna hop in and say that twitch viewership IS NOT the best way to measure a game's overall player engagement.
There's a lot of games on Twitch with lower viewership that are THRIVING in terms of player engagement.
This is better than how i play in plat 2
Honestly of the more recent champs it feels Senna, Seraphine, Viego, Zeri and Gwen are always getting changes. I guess for the first 2 its because theyre trying to balance champs to be carries and supports and the other 3 just have way too much on their kits
You're right on some of these, but it's been 8 months since we changed Viego...(unless you count the global healing adjustments we did to every champ in the roster)
Going from damn near worst champ to best champ in 1 patch... the ol Riot razzle dazzle...and it was listed as a "nerf"
I for one, welcome our new Lavender Sea overlord.
It was a nerf. Without it she'd be 56-58% winrates in low MMR right now. Winrates on first patch are always deflated as people learn the champ.
How do you accidently make her able to dodge tower shots? No flame I am just curious on how that happens.
Towers often have to be special cased out
it's her ult...
we're nerfing that exact thing next patch!
Also, different champs are different. Yorick ALWAYS has ghouls, BV only gets her minions when she takes rift or baron.
So cool to see Riot incorporating that Gen Z slang into our official communications. Sivir is pretty mid rn, deadass needs a glow-up pronto, no cap.
skull emoji x7
Or, hear me out, it's a very simple balancing lever which they use.
this. Similar to adjusting jungle damage numbers on Ekko or Base AD on Graves
You know whats the funny part?
Most LT adc users (non kog/twitch) have literally LESS WIN RATE THAN THE AD ASSASINS they wanted to buff lmao.
Because Xayah, Jinx and others really needed that triple nerf while being just average you know.
ADC winrates have little to do with assassin winrates. There's an ADC on both teams in nearly every game, making their winrates mostly based on their matchups vs each other.
If every ADC in the game had a 50% winrate they could still be strong or weak as a class compared to the other classes.
How many times has the Senna soul rate been changed already lol, they never seem to be sure what to do with it
It's not indecision. It's a simple lever to tune ADC vs. support winrates. Similar to jungle damage values and base stats on other champs.
Who do you think is gonna be the strongest next patch? My bet is Kayle
cant wait for the kraken slayer+LT into full bruiser build that's going to let her get like 2.2 attack speed while also being unkillable
*3+ AS