cant wait for the kraken slayer+LT into full bruiser build that's going to let her get like 2.2 attack speed while also being unkillable
*3+ AS
cant wait for the kraken slayer+LT into full bruiser build that's going to let her get like 2.2 attack speed while also being unkillable
*3+ AS
I love our 10ft tall, 20ft wingspan queen
U w U
Man, I wonder how many years of experience are in her kit.
Is she going to blink around? Kassadin part 2?
Can't wait.
17+ years
In the same lists and sharing the same modifier in heal/shield %, but I see your point. Looking at the list it generally appears to be true, but then again that very pointedly singles out Janna with a 45 reduction on E which is more than 20% loss of base value.
For folks wondering "why rito nerf my champ they are weak???":
The majority of the champion specific heal/shield changes are intended to be POWER NEUTRAL. Every champ in the game is getting more Armor and MR (more EHP) + grievous wounds is being nerfed (less healing reduction). This means healing is overall BUFFED. The reductions are there to account for that. We'll be monitoring if any champs end up super nerfed and following up in future patches.
What was the reason for keeping the Taliyah base movement speed? It's too important of a stat on her so she can land her Qs, and the nerfs to almost every other stat and her early damage make it so the changes to her kit don't feel like they make up for it.
If it were just general numbers changes to her armor/mr/hp or base damage I wouldn't have a problem with it, but Riot never reverts movement speed nerfs, even if they end up hitting the champion exceedingly hard.
I'm excited for these changes since I've played Taliyah mid since release, but while I love the kit changes, I worry she's gonna feel even worse than current Taliyah with these stats
If Taliyah is hit exceedingly hard we'll follow up. MS would be a great place to buff if she's not longer challenger and pro skewed. Have also thought about things like mana cost or Q damage.
Kinda disappoint that the armor shred of Olaf Q didn’t make it out of PBE, but overall it still looks like substantial Qol and power upgrade for him, can’t wait to try him out
it's there, seems like we missed it in the patch notes
Did the delay changes to Taliyahs W get axed? I thought the goal was to make it more reliable with damage down. .05 seems too small
Important to remember that the AoE size change also increases W reliability.
Also, the W being tested on PBE was bugged D: Its delay was LONGER than on live, but the AoE size seemed to be making up for it
Excited for Taliyah and Olaf!
Can we guess what the potential 60% winrate champs are. My bet's on Vayne
Nope this is the first I've heard of this. Time for some late nights.
what's damage? Why would we reduce it?
wait how the hecc are you verified
riot hates tali jg.
no we don't. Goal is that it's still good
Yup. He has been for years always negating every complaint people had about Swain and Taliyah, saying they were perfectly fine and good and that people just didn't want to play them (gee, I wonder why). It's the typical Riot HURR 50% WIN RATE THEREFORE GOOD IGNORE THE 0.0000000000000000000001% PICK RATE DURR. Dunno about r/taliyahmains but r/swainmains hates him and for good reason.
Ironic to have August being the one to announce this, when he has been the most vocal person against both Swain and Taliyah changes for years, always trying to say they were fine when no one wanted to come close to these piles of shit. Is he also the one in charge of this change? Would be even more ironic if so.
Glad that Riot has decided to get their heads out of their asses and listen to the feedback for these champs for once. Excited to see what they have in store for Aurelion Sol cause this and Swain changes are amazing.
E only stuns if the enemy dashes, and she lost a lot of early game damage: Q, W and E too
Knockbacks still count as dashes, E will still detonate in combo with W and other allied knock effects (like ori ult!).
There are dozens of us!
Incredible jinx gaming
Side note: seriously love your tiktok content, I check it everyday :)
ty <3 I've been having fun making them. Gonna try to make more about design stuff in the future