

13 Jan


Originally posted by DanDevito42

Any plans to let SR camera perspective be side-agnostic?

It's something we'd like to offer, hence inclusion in Wild Rift for example. With the way Summoner's Rift was built it would require some pretty substantial overhaul's to the map's art unfortunately. Whenever's the right time to update the map as a whole we'll definitely do camera stuff like that.

I think the current version of SR has held up really well visually, but it's certainly going to hit a point sometime where the amount of stuff, both overall appearance and opportunities like that one, makes the case for another full update


Originally posted by DKRFrostlife

I like they communicated and at least they are aware of what we've been complaining about. I think they put a massive emphasis on the cinematic, which i don't think it was the biggest issue, but just the nail in the coffin.

They've been talking about how they have lost work-force during pandemic and if it's true they've been rebuilding, i would not expect much for this early 2023. Hopes for a good 2nd half of 2023 and a good 2024 (15 year anniversary tho)

Ah, apologies if we put a bit too much weight on the cinematic in our delivery. We wanted to cover that up front as the most recent thing, the trigger for talking like this in a much rougher than usual format, as something that was extra painful given other misses. Didn't want to convey we thought it was the central or key issue.


Originally posted by BurrStreetX

More of this, please. Communication. Taking accountability. Dont let this be a one off thing, KEEP communicating with us.

I respect yall for this. But again, PLEASE continue this moving forward, dont just be reactive, please be proactive.

We know things take time, we know theres tons of stuff on the backend that happen, and we dont blame the individual employees. Just please, dont leave us in the dark, keep us updated moving forward.

We love teasers, and ARG's, and hints at new champs. We love deep and rich lore. We want that love in LOL again.

Going to do our damnedest. Looking to be a lot more proactive where we haven't been recently, I expect there'll also be some emergent stuff where reactive discussions are also needed too though (in addition, not instead)

What's your preference on format? I tend to favor text blogs or similar just personally (hate being on camera most of the time), but I realize a lot of people tend to prefer video content regardless.


Originally posted by kohwahskee

I'm pretty sure they're one game mode. 4 teams of 2 with a death match style game mode

Yeah, that's the intent. 4 teams of 2 players, matchmaking against a random other pair each round, buy items and gain levels between rounds. Lose enough rounds and you get eliminated. Still figuring out a lot of the details in terms of how many rounds, map layout etc.


Originally posted by gaom9706

Know what, I haven't seen the video yet, but f**k it.


I understand wanting to just push this stuff out, but damn at least upload it to your YouTube channel or something.

Lemme ask about getting it onto YouTube as well if it's not already being done.


Originally posted by darkacesp

Ehhh not sure how much I like that game mode, it seems like a random idea, maybe it’ll work but it’s also not really a PvE mode like many want, which I’m glad about. The PvE modes were boring and everyone forgets how much of a shit show it was to get missions done cause they needed some specific thing.

If anything a new game mode they can bring back that doesn’t evolve an event and can be properly maintained is an okay thing.

Based off what we've prototyped so far I think that one will be a game mode that works really well for some players and isn't of much interest to others. If you're looking for things like a focus on tactical champ v champ combat, figuring out which pairings of champions work best together and how builds should change in this context, this mode could be pretty exciting. If you're looking for different experiences, then yeah, might not be the right fit.

We're working to get back to offering a wider variety of modes for a range of different tastes. This is the example we were best placed to talk about today and we figured more transparency and specificity on what we trying than we've been offering recently was important, even if this example wouldn't appeal to everyone watching


Originally posted by TGWBSlimestone

Cool, why didn't they just include those infos (especially like the gamemode stuff) in the dev videos?

In retrospect, yeah, most of this should have either been in the recent dev videos or should have been things we brought up with you all last year.

There are also a couple of things, like the recently prototyped game mode I mention, that didn't exist when we were producing those videos in November and December.

14 Sep


Originally posted by Stefan474

They should get their Valorant guy's clone, they are KILLING it

VAL's had a CD for a while and that's worked really well for them - one of the reasons we've decided to add one to LoL as well!


Originally posted by Kayle_Bot

Yeah ofc not but that doesn't mean someone in the industry might not just be lurking r/lol


People in the industry on other games or entertainment stuff also play a lot of games themselves and spend time in subreddits. I lurk in a bunch of other game subreddits for example depending on what else I'm playing (PoE right now for example)


Originally posted by sp33dzer0

I mean, I know "reddit balance" is a meme, but I would love to talk to you about a balance position since its what I got my degree to do ;)

Send me a Reddit DM!


Originally posted by SlowbroJJ

As someone whose super interested in this field and would absolutely love to apply to something like this but doesn’t have the experience…Will you guys be opening entry level jobs or maybe jobs that require a bit less experience in the future? Literally a dream job so figured I have to ask you know?

If you're looking to get into the field we do post roles at more junior levels too, though they tend to get a lot of applicants so don't stay up long/don't get visibility raised like this one. In our jobs page you'll want to keep an eye on things in the creative, narrative, writing/editing and occasionally design sections. Page gets updated constantly with roles getting added and removed


Originally posted by claptrap23

Yeah actually that's what surprised me the most. There has to be VERY few people that actually meet those requierements

Yeah, the Deep Knowledge of the LoL IP's in the desired rather than required section as a result. We're confident we can help someone with the right interest, past experience and demonstrated skills get into the IP.

If they're already there though that's a strong bonus and a much faster ramp up though so a definite nice to have


Originally posted by HugzZILA

Interesting you’re asking for that much experience. Sounds like anyone under the age of 30 can’t apply… are you looking for an Equality, Diveristy and Inclusion Manager to aid your employee experience and recruitment processes as well?

For positions this senior we're looking for candidates with a lot of experience doing this sort of job or similar work, given how much that sets people up to be effective in a challenging role. We also frequently post entry and mid level roles which don't have the same requirements but can be part of the same career path.

Age is not something we consider when creating job descriptions, assessing candidates or in any other parts of the process.


Originally posted by Acegickmo

Are you trying to get this role filled by someone from Reddit?

It's certainly worked in the past for what it's worth! We've had some great folks join Riot, both those with experience in the industry and those new to it, starting with posting/discussion on Reddit and other social media :)

31 Aug


Originally posted by bz6

First, congratulations to /u/RiotMeddler. A true veteran of the League of Legends space. I miss the old forums only because of the way Meddler used to interact with the community. And with the lucky few times I got my question answered or had an online interaction with Meddler, it was positive and to me, empathetic to what the League audience is looking for.

League is special and developers need to have that special finesse to understand the intricacies and nuances of the game. And I hope, going forward, League adheres to the design pillars it was built on and extends its longevity while maintaining its identity.

Congrats again!

Much appreciated, I miss those sorts of chats too. I'm looking to get back to posting more once things settle down a bit, it's been a while and would love to remedy that!

11 Jan


Originally posted by Resouledxx

I wouldn’t be surprised if that actually turns out to be the mmorpg they are working on, like Lost Ark.

Those two are different projects (and no, apologies, but I can't share anything more)


Originally posted by Abd5555

Really nice article, their future plans seem to be great and l ooks like they are committed to making riot a better work environment with very ambitious future goals (expanding into other industries while keeping the company's gaming core).

giving rioters shares in the company, acknowledging their past mistakes and pointing them out (take notes blizzard) really has me hopefull for the future of league and Riot Games as a company

Also mentions of Arcane season 2(+) and movies

It's weird how they didn't mention project L tho (or it's not idk)

For this particular piece we wanted to focus on big picture goals, company values, overall approach etc, rather than trying to cram all of that and game updates together all at once, given that tends to serve neither topic as well as separate updates.

In case you missed it there was also an update on Project L in November last year:'ve%20made,not%20going%20to%20rush%20it.

12 Oct


Agreed on reports alone being a dangerous indicator to focus too much on here. We'll be going off player survey data more to understand sentiment as a result


Originally posted by BalieltheLiar

nah this isnt it. 99% of the time the verbal abuse in games comes from teammates, also all chat is an opt in feature genuinely dont understand the logic here

Team chat - agreed, the majority of verbal abuse does happen there. At the same time so does a lot of team coordination. We've not expecting this to hit the majority of verbal abuse but, looking at the state of all chat, we do feel it's got a pretty poor ratio of positive to negative interactions.

Regarding an opt in experience one thing we saw pretty repeatedly is that people who want any form of chat experience in the first place won't stay out of a comms channel because they don't want to miss out on potentially valuable stuff, even if most interactions are negative