

17 Apr


Originally posted by v1adlyfe

how would one get involved with the balance team? I never really appreciated comp sci, but I have a dual major in bio/economics with a focus on statistics.

Just an idle thought, im already committed to a career path but i was always curious about how the balance team accepted new hires.

You'd want to keep an eye out for Insights roles on our website in this category:

Balance team, or related work also using stats, would have 'Gameplay' or 'Summoner's Rift' in the description somewhere


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Do you guys hire data scientists/statisticians? Any tips for someone looking to get into that kind of role?

We do. I'm not familiar with that hiring pipeline myself, you'd want to watch out for roles in the 'Insights' category on our website though:

Example job:


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Originally posted by drmamumumu

this might sound dumb but what are the requirements for this job

Required Qualifications: 2+ years of experience as a game design manager 5+ years of experience as a game designer, at least some of which has been on PVP game(s) Senior Design craft ability across Mechanics, Systems, and Metasystems design Demonstrated expertise in competitive games having delivered genre leading designs Demonstrated managing other designers leading to promotion and substantial positive improvements in their work Leadership experience resolving conflict within and across teams, and when needed offering difficult feedback with respect Has been a leader on teams who built a healthy culture and higher performance Builds strong relationships with leadership from a range of disciplines to multiply their quality and output Demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, keeping them on track and providing the essential feedback they need to succeed

More details at:


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Originally posted by g7parsh

I'm really glad I added my podcast to my resume then.

It was a short lived project but it was still something

Stuff like that certainly helps


Originally posted by Soulsek

You require 4-8 year of game design experience. How do people even get that if they are not in the gaming industry? Are you not fishing in a very tiny pool?

This one's a very senior role, hence that minimum requirement. Entry level roles do get posted fairly regularly, normally just with the title 'Game Designer' and are good fits for people without existing industry experience but other relevant qualifications (relevant degrees, modding experience, game jam work etc).


Originally posted by g7parsh

Im looking to apply to a an associate level design role, you have any words of wisdom?

Emphasizing a portfolio of things you've worked on in a cover letter is really valuable. That doesn't have to be full games necessarily, could also be things like mods, student projects, theorycraft blogs/videos etc.


Originally posted by kecholevi

A stupid question that I can't find the answer to:

I want to apply for an internship when the spots open this year BUT I had to stop uni because my country doesn't offer something related to concept/illustration on top of taxes.

Can I be accepted for an internship if I'm not enrolled in an uni?

I believe we require people either be currently studying at a university/college or have just graduated in order to be eligible to apply for an internship. I'm not the expert there though, so there's a chance that's wrong. When internships are posted on our website they will outline the required qualifications


Originally posted by Wolfeur

What are the chances for a graduated but inexperienced game designer outside of the US to join, for example on the League balance team?

At present it's fairly hard to get inexperienced international candidates visas so they can work in the US, since most of the visa programs require demonstration of expertise in your field. Not impossible, so worth applying when a role is open, but challenging.


Originally posted by OCDincarnate

random question, this isn't going to be possible for three years or so, but is there a realistic way somebody living in Canada could work at Riot games? Is there an office in Toronto or would online work be reasonable? I've been passionate about the field for a long time and I kind of just want to know

Not at present at least. Given the way the industry as a whole is moving towards more remote work who knows though in three years?


Originally posted by xVamplify

So it’s essentially a basic upper level management job? I’m assuming you need qualifications relating to game development/design? Mainly curiosity. I feel like companies bring in a lot of third party management from unrelated fields to “gain new perspective” and in my experience that has always led to a decline in the overall quality of work. Everyone has their own style and a lot of companies make the mistake of thinking something different means better.

It's a combination of management, strategy development and just plain design problem solving when needed.

Significant game design experience is essential for this one. While we're very open to people from other fields getting into design that needs to happen in more junior roles, not one with this degree of oversight. Expectation is this person will help mentor other designers to grow their craft, so they need to have a strong history of design themselves.


Originally posted by chutiyamod92

Hey, I love statistics and data.

I really would love to work on the huge data that LoL generates from the millions of games some day. That data dump just sounds like the coolest collection of organised data imaginable.

How big is your team that works on game statistics to find trends, etc ?

Rather than having a single team that does game stats work we have one or two people as part of the teams that work on different parts of the game (e.g. the SR team that does balance has an analyst, the teams that make skins and other cosmetics have a couple, TFT has a couple etc). It's a role we're often looking for more people for too, so definitely opportunities there!


Originally posted by trolltest123

200,000 years of experience

Ok, I'm convinced. Everyone - turn up at the office on Monday.

Having said that, if anyone at all is missing, deal's off.


Originally posted by Timboron

based on the responsibilities and requirements, this sounds like a damn exhausting job

It's a demanding job at times, speaking from experience (I used to do this job myself) it's an awful lot of fun too though :)


Originally posted by ihopkid

If you guys can wait about a year I’ll have finished my Diploma of Game Design by then :’)

Oh well, maybe there will be another spot open once I graduate

We're a big company and growing, I'm confident we'll have design roles open in a year :).

For recent graduates the ones with the title 'Game Designer' are generally ideal, they're aimed at people with college qualifications and/or some relevant professional experience. We don't have any currently open I can link as an example but we do open them up pretty regularly!


Originally posted by bz6

There sure is a lot of pressure to get this appointment right no? If the plan is to keep League kicking for another decade.

I fear that all these new games will start cannibalising LoL, especially the MMO. Don’t you think?


It's an important role certainly, but at the same time LoL doesn't succeed or fail because of a single person IMO. Like other leadership at Riot this role isn't about dictating exactly what to do to the teams and people on them, but instead about building a strategy for the teams, helping people grow their skills, reviewing work etc.


Originally posted by fl4shyyy

reddits time to shine

I have such faith!

On a somewhat related note - if anyone's got serious questions do feel free to DM me here! I don't have DMs open on Twitter but happy to chat here though

23 Oct


Originally posted by vooffle

On noticing that this post mentioned surveys, I feel the need to share my experience with a recent survey I got in client. That survey did focus a lot on content as well.

The problem I had with the survey is that it would give you four options, and ask you to rate one as the most frustrating and one as the least frustrating. You did not have the option to not answer with a particular grouping if you wanted to complete the survey. I felt like this led to a distortion of answers, where I would have to identify something as most frustrating, even if none of the options frustrated me.

Appreciate the feedback. Those surveys can feel a bit weird to fill out. They are a really effective method of generating a ranked list of things like favourite champions, points of frustation, motivations to play etc. A single person's responses can be misleading, aggregating thousands together however produces a really useful result though.


Originally posted by Hellioning

Why does a mind control feel worse than an Urgot or Lee Sin instakill?

Instakill - your unit is gone Mind Control - your unit is gone from your team and helping kill the rest of their team

Details matter a lot of course, so it's not really that simple, that was what the experience felt like playtesting it though


Originally posted by LeAnime

u/RiotMeddler What are your thoughts on Shyvana? She was a prospect on the VGU table and has such great potential with her amazing lore and theme, but it is blatantly obvious that her current kit does not satisfy her fantasy. She has been stuck for a significant time in a state that has divided her playerbase between two styles and I am afraid that Riot will solidify her into the new playstyle that only exists because her original bruiser/Juggernaut playstyle is worthless currently. Is she being looked into or will she be another Taliyah, Karma, Sona, Quinn, Skarner etc?

I think Shyvana does need a VGU. Only question for me is how to prioritize her versus other highly in need champs like Udyr for example. I wouldn't consider a VGU that didn't strongly support a fighter playstyle as appropriate given her history and fantasy.


Originally posted by Rexsaur

I think most ppl would agree with me that the mastery system could be expanded more.

When was the last time lvl 7 was introduced? I feel like we could have atleast lvl 8 by now, working on it could be a good alternative for the ppl that dont enjoy eternals (im in that club, i like champ masteries but dont like eternals and wish for more content for the first one).

Agreed. Can't make any promises on timeline, but at some point I'd like to expand Champ Mastery a bit more as a system.