

08 May


Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

Will there be extra measures taken to not false flag Janna players as afks?

So I know there's some trolling/joking about Janna play here. At the same time though it's true that detection needs to take context into account. Power farming jungle and not ganking? Sometimes appropriate for certain junglers, almost always inappropriate from a laner stealing everything from their jungler and not contributing. Being significantly behind everyone else on levels and spending a lot of time not farming? Can be perfectly normal for support play, warning flag for some solo laners though not all etc etc.


Originally posted by MasteaM8

I just hope this lasts longer than 1 week and that they dont give up

Can understand the skepticism, given this has been a long running issue. The commitment to talking monthly is meant to help both give you folks ongoing visibility into what we're doing and give you an avenue to hold us accountable if progress isn't happening.


Originally posted by S0fourworlds-readyt

Abused how? Shouldn’t it only punish people that announce they‘ll troll ( and seriously, there are a lot of them ) in Champ select instead of those that pick unusual champs?

That's our intent certainly. The risk of incorrectly flagging people who aren't trolling is why we're starting with a data gathering phase and then, once we've got a large enough sample size and confidence we're distinguishing trolling from unusual behavior, turning on penalties a bit later.


Originally posted by ReganDryke

Honestly, I think the improved report feedback is probably the most important change. Finally getting visibility on the impact of your reports is huge for the perception that the system actually do its job.

We think it'll be impactful yeah, though not enough by itself. The way I'm currently thinking about this issue is there are three elements that all need to be working well:

  1. Detection of players ruining games
  2. Appropriate penalties (ideally applied quickly) for those actions
  3. Visibility into that process for others so it's understood action is being taken and that that sort of behavior has consequences

The improved notifications should help a lot with #3 there. As per the original post our next focus is on better detection.


Originally posted by IIHURRlCANEII

I think one thing that could help is more "medium length" bans.

Why does the punishment system go from warning/chat restriction to 14 day ban? There should be medium length bans like 3 or 7 days that are used liberally. If you accidentally ban someone for 3 days then atleast it's of shorter length.

People don't care about chat restrictions and 14 day bans are actually super hard to get usually (for a good reason). Players not being able to play league because of their behavior is sometimes the best deterannt.

Edit: /u/purpleadlib pointed out a ranked ban would be a less severe type of medium ban, and I like that idea as well.

There needs to be at least something between chat restriction and 14 day ban that is used heavily.

That's a fair call out, will make sure it's one of the things we discuss again.


Originally posted by penguin-cat

It would feel so incredibly shitty to be banned for 14 days because you started off having a bad game which snowballed into you dying 12 times because you were dove under tower every minute.

Be careful please!

Yep, that's the sort of thing that makes this tricky. It means we can't simply penalize off KDA in a single game for example, just doesn't give enough context. Incorporating a lot more sources of information (multiple games, when in the games deaths occurred, odd behavior like avoiding all teamfights/objectives, etc) should give better accuracy. Still leaves the question of what rate of incorrect penalties is appropriate though hence the interest in hearing people's thoughts on that. It's probably one of those things that also varies meaningfully by MMR, region and other contexts too.


Originally posted by PankoKing

It’s not about people who are genuinely trying and having a bad game or series of games even. Sometimes someone gets absolutely crushed in lane and dies over and over again. That’s very different to a player deciding the game’s over and then spending their time trolling others instead of trying to win.

A lot of people tend to have trouble with this. Most people are quick to jump the gun for anyone going 0/1/0 that they're trolling (I've seen it on stream a lot too)

Streamers often get targeted for this sort of trolling due to their higher profile. It’s not an issue unique to streamers, though.

Though this honestly seems like they're trying to move past the conversation about how streamers have a part in this issue.

Short Term - Champ Select Reporting and Muting

Well finally this should hopefully help out people stuck in champ select. Though I worry it'll be super...

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Streamers wise - definitely not trying to move conversation away from both how streamers get affected by trolling and trolling can be influenced by streamers. Did want to be clear though that we're interested in the wider impact, in addition to how high profile players get affected.

24 Apr


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Meddler, why is Ziggs the best champion in the game

I don't think he is objectively. Still one of my favourites though :)


Originally posted by arborcide

I can't believe Riot thinks the Mecha Kingdoms battle pass was too generous. I got burned out playing LoL trying to optimize my pass and I still only got to 14/20 milestones. Never gonna buy again while those passes are so harsh.

Fair call out on milestones. Those were high in Mecha Kingdoms (20 points), even if other things were less demanding. We went back to the lower milestone mission demands for Galaxies (15 points) and don't plan on raising them again for upcoming events.


Originally posted by evilsforreals

When will there be a TFT galaxy that stops me from rerolling 18 times for no apparent reason when I could have leveled up

I wish, I fall into that pit all the time myself with constant self justification about how I just need slightly more board presence then I'll save next round...


Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

is battle academia going to come back this year or was that a one time skin line? i really liked it and i hope we can get more skins for it!

Probably is the strongest answer I can give you at the moment. It's a skinline that seemed to click with a fair number of players, though response wasn't quite as strong as things like Star Guardian or High Noon have been recently. Likely we bring it back at some point as a result, not confirmed yet though.


Originally posted by moody_P

it's more of the precedent of not enjoying most VGUs so far, especially with juggernauts my favorite class, makes me very wary of this champion I main more than one I just play occasionally. Used to main Taric now I hate him, played swain for fun now I dont care for him, so on. To your credit though I think fiddlesticks was top notch and I'm coming to like mordekaiser more than I did on his relaunch.

I just dont like things changing, I guess

Fair. I personally feel Voli's changes are similar to Morde and Fiddles, in terms of same sort of playstyle with details different some modernization. Hope he still delivers what you're after from him.


Originally posted by bz6


Hope you're holding up well in these times.

1) Has the new balance framework made the LoL team more data driven than informed? I remember Riot emphasizing how important it is to be data informed rather than driven.

2) Thoughts on the current cadence of change for the game? Ever since the "no mid-season" changes stance, the game has seeing very little big overhauls that it is known for. Getting pretty stale.

Thank you. I don't like the whole working from home thing, but I certainly don't have any real cause to complain compared to what some people are dealing with. Hope you're doing well given the circumstances too.

1 - Data informed is still our stance. The new balance framework is certainly a shift though towards a position where we're much more confident building stronger rules using data because of how long League's been running and how clear it now is what unacceptable balance states look like.

2 - I think the current level of change is overall a good one. It's lower than I'd personally prefer as a player, and lower than some segments of the playerbase, particularly in regions like NA that are more change favoring than others, would like. On the other hand we're also not seeing the significant pain and upheaval that our previous rate of change created for a lot of other players. It's a reasonable compromise in my eyes as a result. I do think our preseasons could p...

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Originally posted by moody_P

despite what people think I think s10 is one of the more diverse metas we've had in a while. I'm pretty content with the game top lane, just wish kalista didn't counter me so hard lol

p.s cancel volibear vgu

Yeah, Kalista's been a long running challenge for us alas.

What don't you like about the Volibear VGU?


Originally posted by Maiekx

If what you're looking for is balance/gameplay specific stuff only these posts won't be too interesting a lot of the time. RiotScruffy and I are alternating weeks between Quick Gameplay thoughts on his part (balance/gameplay heavy) and Quick LoL thoughts from me (some gameplay still at times, but more of a focus on other topics).


Originally posted by Esthyn

Great f**king change on removing flex queue restrictions

Yeah, in retrospect while the problem those were there to solve is real the solution wasn't the best one. Optimistic this works out quite a bit better.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

CertainlyT doesn't work on League

Correct. He's working on something else in another part of the company at the moment.

19 Mar


Originally posted by drkhrms

It is! It just confuses me how levelling up and topping up of riot points (if ever there is) works.

Being able to see your TFT pass progress should be available pretty soon, we're getting the core game rolled out everywhere first though. It is tracking progress in the background already though.

In terms of buying other stuff, that'll come a bit later.

13 Mar


Originally posted by bigboy918

if she becomes a major problem top again like last time (56% wr) will she see hotfixes rather than let her dominate the patch.

At 56% yeah, we'd probably hotfix if her playrate was also high. If she was 56% and an extremely uncommon pick still for some reason we'd probably wait on the next regular patch.


Originally posted by KomradLorenz

Anything on the planned Nasus buffs in 10.7? I'm afraid that they may go to far and make him P/B which I hope doesnt happen. :c

Something experimental we're going to try is giving other abilities beyond Q scaling based off his Q stacks. No guarantees that works out though, so might just fall back on simple ability/stat number buffs.