

13 Mar


Originally posted by UNOvven

When you created the balance framework youre using, did you do so without consulting any data scientists or statisticians?

We've got data analysts who contributed to the building of that balance framework, some of them on the SR (balance etc) team itself, some from other teams offering feedback and support.


Originally posted by imareaver

Ensuring borders from TFT aren’t showing up in any SR queues and vice versa etc.


Also a disclaimer here - if you do see them showing up in the future when they didn't previously that's us goofing (a bug). Mentioning since that's happened once before causing some confusion and annoyance.


Originally posted by anialater45

Make Eternals on Death Recap disabled permanently. There's no reason to make people click N every time.

Also make it so there is just a "Self" option instead of just "Self and Team"

Also the death Recap was still bugged after the hotfix supposedly came out, so it's not even working right anyway.

Noted. Will discuss that along with other potential adjustments when we do that Eternals so far review shortly.


Originally posted by mazrim_lol

Riot have not mentioned soraka in any discussions at all since the nerfs that were meant to be power neutral for support, but really had no direction and hit her overall, with top still being better.

Can soraka have rejuv duration back to 5s, it was a really random nerf that made no sense, making the supposed compensation on w for q healing going down completely useless

Now that Soraka top seems (fingers crossed) to have been addressed we're putting some power back into Soraka in 10.6. Targets there are Q heal and MS bonus both going up a bit, with the goal of getting her support impact somewhat higher.

03 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


You get sad you didn't put something more on your bench

20 Feb


Originally posted by BDE_Was_Taken

You can't just tease us like that, hit us with some more weird looking development names. <3

Ones that come to mind (disclaimer, I'm probably gonna get one or two slightly wrong):

Sett - Grappler Yuumi - Catbook Aphelios - GunSwap Ekko - TimeKid RekSai - Burrower Azir - Seth Jinx - PsychoArsenal Syndra - Dark Sovereign Ornn - Forge (I think, possible I'm wrong on this one) Kled - YONAG (short for 'Yordle on not a griffin', since a prior concept had instead involved a Yordle on a griffin that we moved away from) Tahm Kench - FishTank Vel'Koz - Professor Eyeball

19 Feb


Originally posted by masterz223

It is the name they use internally, I believe even when scraping the API it comes as MonkeyKing as well.

Yep. For some reason (before my time) Wukong didn't get his internal file names changed when his name was picked, unlike all other champs. Most champions go through a lot of their development with a code name (e.g. Talon was BladeRogue, Rakan was DuoSupport). They then get renamed when we pick a final name for them. Didn't happen with all files for Wukong though for some reason.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Astalli

any chance for ios owners?

Not this phase, but yeah, it'll be on iOS in a bit.

06 Feb


Originally posted by CSDragon

Will there be crossplay between PC and Mobile? Especially since your account and ELO are sync'd between the two, it might be a problem if the Mobile and PC populations are separated, making there more and less competitive environments

Crossplay's the plan for most regions yes.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is random. Small selection of registered Android players today, with more getting gradually added over time (want to make sure things are stable before going wide).


Originally posted by JustTellMeULoveMe

What about Set 3?

The next set is also going out in March at the same time as mobile gets its full launch

31 Jan


Originally posted by avendurree23

Holy shit you're right. They didnt comment ANYTHING about the client besides the typical "we'll take a look at it"

Yeah, we owe you folks some real talk about the client, its problems, our thinking on them etc. A piece on that's being worked on right now.


Originally posted by baaabuuu

When do you expect Clash to begin again?

The Clash team will share the date of the next Clash event next week


Originally posted by NicholasaGerz

do you think those buffs are enough tho ? i am not a jungler but based off some posts on here they don't seem to be

also what do you think about tanks atm ?

I'm not certain personally. I do feel jungler impact was too high last season, with levels being too close to solo lanes for a role with such high agency over when fights happened. I share the team's caution about putting too much XP back in at once as a result, though I certainly understand jungler desire for it.


Originally posted by NicholasaGerz

honestly look like they should be helping jng more than top lol. also adc is way higher than what reddit makes it out to be

As Scruffy mentioned last week we are looking at jungle XP at the least, with preseason changes not landing as expected there either. I know the specific changes being tested aren't liked by some people, it's something that's already getting worked on though.

Wanted to bring up top since that wasn't something we'd discussed really since preseason by contrast.


Originally posted by Jozoz

Thank god we finally have data that disproves this ridiculous notion that support is still the least played role.

Yep, times have changed. Used to be support was the least queued role by a huge margin (around half the selection rate of the next lowest). Still is that low in certain region/MMR cases, generally it's fairly close to other positions now though.


Originally posted by DeadNames

more TFT 🥱

I'll keep putting TFT stuff at the end for those of you who aren't interested in it - once you see it, suggest no longer reading. Others are interested in it though hence its inclusion.


Originally posted by bz6

Has Meddler moved completely off SR?

About a year and a half ago I moved to a new role that involved covering design across LoL as a whole. Last year I then took on some additional non design responsibilities as well. That's gradually meant less and less time with the SR team. I still playtest with them sometimes, talk about high level plans etc. I'm much less involved in discussions about champ balance, item adjustments etc though. Since that stuff's a large part of what people want to hear about I figured it would be a good time to get RiotScruffy in to cover more of that half the time.

17 Jan


Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

So there is no chance of getting AP Brusier items this year?

I'm assuming formally introducing AP Brusiers requires a lot of work in the hole AP ecosystem so I'm not surprised if this is delayed until the next preseason.

Any large AP bruiser item work would likely be a preseason project yeah. Smaller stuff's possible, though don't want to guarantee anything in that regard either given we're still in the planning stages for longer term work for the year.


Originally posted by DoubleGio

Quick check here - is it lack of SR discussion/balance changes that gives you that reaction or are there other topics you also wish were being covered here?