

22 Mar


Originally posted by MemeOverlordKai

Kassadin currently procs Electrocute from any single ability + W this patch. His W apparently counts the passive and active as separate abilities. Was this intended when the QoL change to Kassadin's W stacking Tear shipped?

Think we're fixing this


Originally posted by mercias1

Will something be done about kaisa build diversity or will she stuck with full crit + lethality build.

I suspect Kai'sa builds aren't as solved as players think they are (we've seen her builds take quite a while to adapt) but I don't know for sure. Could be something we look into


Originally posted by drashy_

Kassadin dodged nerf?

Actually i am happy for yorick, finally he gets a buff

Kass got Fleet hit last patch and Everfrost this patch

16 Mar


Originally posted by Lost_My_

Hey u/RiotPhlox , could we get some insight on region transfers still being disabled? I understand it is difficult to give exact dates regarding these types of things but it would be nice to know just about anything at all besides the few support responses that have already been posted by other users in the past.

I have absolutely no clue sorry


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

Out of curiosity, how much of that do you feel is due to Riftmaker's design, and how much do you think that might be due to the general lack of items like Riftmaker in the past causing champion design to skew away from spaces Riftmaker might appeal to?

Looking at AD vs. AP bruisers, most AP bruiser-types (Gragas, Rumble, Sylas, Diana, Cho'Gath, Swain) tend to end up favoring burstier builds or solid tank builds, and my opinion for a while has been that the inflexibility of AP as a stat (compared to AD, which can be better focused on a specific role due to the additional tuning levers it has) has kind of limited the ability to design AP bruisers who aren't encouraged to go heavily tank or heavily AP. I think this, in turn, limits the appeal of longer-duration sustain bruiser items, because there aren't enough characters that have the pattern innately to want to buy an item that enhances it. Riftmaker on its own is an item that enhances the pattern if...

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That definitely happens some, but I also think it's mostly that Riftmaker is currently highly restrictive on user base with the time stacking mechanics and outputs.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/RiotPhlox , could you give the mana less mage mythics the same treatment as Liandries/Ludens to make them more broadly usable for extended combat ?

Right now Riftmaker is the only one really for “made for” extended combat thanks to its sustain. The other two are squarely burst + move speed, so they skew to assassins.

Would love to see the introduction of an alternative to Riftmaker. Perhaps Changes to Night Harvester that benefits extended combat in some way like a reset mechanic after staying in the combat for 10 seconds.

Just really hoping for some alternative for longer combat duration beefy AP fighters battle mages and bruisers than just Riftmaker. Doesn’t have to necessarily be a sustain item either, just some reward for staying in combat for a long time.

As a middle ground between sustain and burst, what do you think of a reset mechanic on Night Harvester to promote longer duration combat?

  • I.e. ...
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In my opinion it's actually riftmaker that needs changing. Only Morde is actually happy with that item and by winrate he's actually quite good with Rocketbelt too. Making an extended pattern that other champions can use seems sweet. (What if Ekko or Diana can actually reasonably buy a bruisery item)


Originally posted by Witheroverlord

Is there a way to make Karthus more fun in lane ? it might also bring down the jungle play rates.

I'd love to hear ideas people have to make him more fun specifically in lane


Originally posted by Ascedance

I was going to go and verify.. but I couldn't find any statistics on Karthus mid because his playrate for midlane is so low that and the likes don't record it any more.

When the playrates are -that- low, is it not hard to get statistically significant information out of the 3 or so people per region that play Karthus mid?

Edit : you can still see Karthus mid's stats when you specifically go to his page and sort by mid, but his pickrate is so low he's no longer listed as a midlane champion when you sort by lane.

We get enough data across all regions to have a pretty solid idea of a champion with playrates like his, but it can be rough early on in the patch


Originally posted by [deleted]

With a 0.2% pick rate.

I wonder how many of those are skilled Karthus players, and comparing that with other more popular Champs, no way it would impact the win rate numbers, right?

Statistically its not onetricks or anything lol


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

What's up Phlox,

I was just wondering what the "lower bound" is for games played (below which data generally isn't being considered for balance). For example, Swain botlane has very high winrates with very low pickrates. Does he avoid nerfs because the # of games is too small to tell for sure?

If not, what other considerations are going into the decisions for balancing these very niche picks, and are they consistently applied? For example, if Karthus jungle is balanced (leaving just the low-pickrate mid and bot roles with high winrates), would he still be nerfed this patch? Would Zilean ever get nerfed because of the midlane winrate given his current pickrate?

Even if you can't answer this now, it might be a good topic for a future dev post.

Generally 1.5% playrate in the role is the cutoff for "must touch" but sometimes champs are under that and adjusted for other reasons


Originally posted by Mixed_not_swirled

Can Riot just accept that Karthus will never be balanced in the jungle unless it returns to a low income role and kneecap his jungling potential already? This champ is eating nerf after nerf and is becoming more and more shit in lane.

That being said that nerfs section made me really f**king excited to play league tomorrow.

So Karthus is by our metrics as strong in midlane as in jungle (both were 53% or so prepatch) and even stronger botlane. He might not be fun in lane but he is by no means weak

09 Mar


Originally posted by huehuemul

What's the context on shoehorning Xin-zhao into some weird ass, clunky AP/On-Hit/Crit monstrosity?

AP Xin is not supposed to be his primary build, neither is crit. He just has some additional options because we were already working on him. I suspect Bruiser/Assassiny Xin will remain the strongest version of that character


Originally posted by NicramUrgod

What is 1st best build if I may ask and if You are allowed to reveal such stat?

Titanic Rush at 58%


Originally posted by Blasterus

Holy f**k thank god its just a urgot revert

For context, Titanic was ~58% and Stridebreaker (the 2nd best build) is getting nerfs and it's strong but not nearly so close

04 Mar


Originally posted by marmoshet

Phlox sweating as the on-call guy fell asleep.

I was watching that glorious fiesta LCK series before going to bed, flip on reddit at 3am tucked into my sheets, and bam viego bug :'(

23 Feb


Originally posted by maijqp

Hey do you know if the serpent's fang buff gets applied before or after the damage is dealt?

Serpents fang is before damage dealt.

22 Feb


Originally posted by TypicalIncrease

So the dash is longer but the slow range is the same?

Dash is longer, slow is weaker but the same range


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

I don't know if you sent the list yet, but looks like I gotta be removing the Black Cleaver stuff, given the latest PBE changes haha.

Yeah no more passive to be broken :^ )

Hopefully Urgot likes this cleaver