

11 May


Originally posted by PUR3SK1LL

Do you know whats going on with Omnivamp/Ravenous Hunter? Is it not fixed in the upcoming patch?

I believe most of the bugs are resolved (some of the ravenous bugs were just it wasn't reporting the amt healed post-game, but it was still healing)


Originally posted by setocsheir

what happened to ray? i always liked his takes on balance changes. not that there's anything wrong with your responses lol

He's still here! I assume just not posting every thread


Originally posted by MonstrousYi

Thoughts on removing Crit from Yi's Q and buff him more towards onhit. I think on-hit is weak this season and Crit Yi is too strong in low MMR.

I suspect we'd have to mainly do work on the item system not Yi, but there's probably some easy wins we can do to make ASPD builds a bit better than high AD builds on him


Originally posted by kiragami

Any chance y'all took a look at Kayle ult being 160 seconds because she was able to build 20 cdr on Nash first but now she is unable to buy any AH items while most of her opponents have 30-50 less CDs on ult and almost all get to build 15-20 AH first item. Her late game power has been fine her agency has been low overall. All buffing her late game does is further push back towards the low skill low interactivity of the true damage at 16 version of her rework.

Thats a reasonable pitch, the super duper long ult CDs on champs really hurt, especially when they're not incredibly powerful/momentous ones like Karthus R


Originally posted by kayndrama

Can you explain not nerfing Morgana then? Her ban rate is the highest in the game. Lulu is also super high ban in her elos

I understand you wanted Lulu at MSI but now that it's the next patch it's time to undo the Lulu buff.

Morg was on our shortlist actually but because the jungle was seeing such a shakeup it imo wasn't worth also touching her. That level of system change can totally upturn the meta so double dipping on Morg was relatively lower value for this patch


Originally posted by Yung-Thick

No nerfs to Rumble, Diana, or Morgana means these champs may be sticking around in the jungle for a while. Adapt or perish, I suppose.

We pretty much held off on any jungler specific changes this patch because the jungle itself was getting shifted.

I cant speak to whether those champions specifically were out of line but the top set of junglers will probably be different after the large system change.


Originally posted by bns18js

External data might just show really different numbers. It might be filtered differently or whatever.

Is still the closest to the internal data you guys have?

The framework is what we MUST change but not what we can change. So maybe we see that some champ has a climbing banrate and that shows players are increasingly unhappy with that champ. That kind of contextual change is important for us to be able and be empowered to do

I understand the balance framework is something you guys only roughly mostly stick to(which is right decision IMO I don't disagree with it).

From the wording it sounds like you guys are allowed to buff/nerf champions that are not strictly violating the rules inside the balance framework based on other context/goals. But does it mean those that DO go over the metrics are 100% always buffed/nerfed?

No idea what site is best, sorry.

Let's say 98% of the time a champ breaks a bound we nerf them, but there can be various circumstances we would hold on a change. Maybe the champ is about to get a major set of changes or maybe there's a bunch of system changes happening that patch that'll change everything about their role.

Things like that can be reasons not to buff/nerf even if they're explicitly breaking the framework


Originally posted by Masalar

Yeah, no worries. I didn't know if that was something you had an influence on but as you were the only red in here... :-/

Npnp, I'll see if we had any changes but I'd assume if they're not there they didn't happen


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Same reasoning for buffs, right?

Generally yeah


Originally posted by kakaleyte

Diamond2+ tier winrates are always significantly inaccurate on third party sites but is Katarina's win rate really that off? It shows for elite band on the graph in patch notes.

She was sitting at around 53 iirc, we use two patches of data for elite winrates though since single patches usually aren't enough to build confidence (especially early in the patch when we do our target selection)


Originally posted by Masalar

Sorry to bother but the patch notes appear to be lacking any Aram changes. Are there none this patch or were they just left out of the notes?

Not a clue sorry


Originally posted by kakaleyte

Edit: see RiotPhlox's answer below.

Some of the changes are not usual "must nerf" guideline nerfs. Win rates aren't quite high as has shown in balance framework. I'd want to see some insight on these changes. I listed all the nerfed champions for comparison.

Balance Framework OP band is in between 54%-52.5% WR (Below Avg banrate - 5x avg banrate) in elite tier.

Diamond2+ (elite)

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate Ban Rate
Bard 53.41% 9.1% 3.5%
Galio(mid) 52.82% 5.2% 3.2%
Read more

So not to talk specifics but here are a couple different reasons why a champion that appears to not be breaking the framework gets nerfed

1) External data might just show really different numbers. It might be filtered differently or whatever.

2) The framework is what we MUST change but not what we can change. So maybe we see that some champ has a climbing banrate and that shows players are increasingly unhappy with that champ. That kind of contextual change is important for us to be able and be empowered to do

20 Apr


Originally posted by MonstrousYi

Any plan to fix this interaction with Gwen?

I don't mean the part where she's not taking damage but if you look closely Master Yi stays untargetable longer than intended, this happened with Zhonya before but was fixed, so i'd assume this is a bug?

It's likely on our radar but I'll make sure


Originally posted by Caenen_

Is there an internal buff/marker for these 'unrendered' effects or did you hand-pick them?

The current wiki just categorises everything as a now-called "vanish" when we saw it made all three of "untargetable, hides model and VFX" combined.

Nope sadly there is not


Originally posted by Sersch12

i wonder if this also changed taric e on other champions that become untargetable. would be somewhat inconsistent to have it work like that for only one champion.

Champions who don't have a location marked when they vanish like Yi Q or Shaco R, but other things that are represented by something don't have this. (Kayn is visibly on you, you're in the Kalista orb thing)

07 Apr


Originally posted by Caenen_

u/RiotPhlox could I ask you formally here to look into this issue? It seems very weird for Jayce to have a value 2 magnitudes smaller than the norm, it even has the same effect a 0 windup scaling would have.

These are the changes to Jayce's attacks in 9.1: Windup from 20% to 9.5%, windup scaling from 1 to 0.005. This was related to the rescripts of Jayce's basic attacks so his ult could work on Sylas at all (ask Nekomaru for context, apparently it was pure hell).

Then the next patch the animation speed was adjusted because it no longer checked out. Changes weren't noted in 9.1 so we don't know if they were intentional or not.

From what I've heard this bug stems from a deep engineering issue but I dont remember a ton about it.

I'll pass it along


Originally posted by Original_Forever_476

Hello Riot Phlox, I already made a post about it, but I'd really love to know what a Rioter thinks about the issue...

Since apparently Riot wants Rumble to become a top laner (which is reasonable in my opinion), then why don't they make conqueror a viable keystone for him? since that's what toplaners get.

Also, at patch notes 11.6 riot specified a bug where certain abilities didn't count as unique attacks when they are supposed to be (Lucian passive), this bug seems to be a thing with rumble as well? His q deals damage many times in a duration but only procs Conq once

I'm not sure thats enough and we tend to prefer consistency with how stuff like conqueror works. That being said maybe there's a good argument for it


Originally posted by Scrambled1432

Here's a random question, feel free to ignore it.

Would the balance team ever consider adding mana onto non-mythic (and tear) items? It feels kind of weird that you're shoehorned into lost chapter every single game if you're a mage with mana. It'd be cool if we actually got to try out riftmaker etc. by getting mana elsewhere.

We've definitely talked about mana items outside of the ones we have now

06 Apr


Originally posted by egirldestroyer69

Imo as someone who plays cassio those buffs doesnt do much. In lane most of the time you have no mana to all in before first back (even with the buffs) and after first back tear you have no mana issues.

The main difference between her and karthus is karthus q is spammable while in cassio you are reliant on hitting Q or W so it doesnt have nearly as much impact nor is as spammable.

I think a small buff that could increase her winrate by a small margin is giving her 5 more base armor. Assassin lanes have become extremely hard after seekers nerf and the fact cassio has one of the lowest base armor in the game. Another option would be to increase her e healing since she got hit pretty hard after ravenous hunter nerfs.

Just for reference, +5 base armor is probably 2-3% winrate