

09 Jan


Originally posted by Good_Philosopher8923

Blitzcrank mid

Stormsurge is surely nuts on him


Originally posted by imchocolaterain

The resurgence of River Shen.

Wtf 2 shens


What champ's gonna be the biggest day 1 winner of the patch? Hot takes only

16 Dec


Originally posted by No_Arm_Whatley

"Interviewed Riot Developers"

That's not some Riot developer, that's RIOT PHLOX my f**king GOAT.

Good interview though.


02 Aug


Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

Chimes are a hell of a drug



Originally posted by RiotMaxw3ll

We’re prepping a micropatch to sort him out. Turns out you CAN buff bard too much

I may have been too chimed up when buffing Bard

11 Jul


Originally posted by spicykitten123

Thank you so much πŸ™πŸ™

Hey friend, could you send me your PBE logs?

C:\Riot Games\League of Legends (PBE)\Logs\LeagueClient Logs

They'd be here or something like that, the most recent files after the issue

10 Jul


Originally posted by spicykitten123

u/RiotPhlox u/RiotPhreak not sure who to relay this info to because you must’ve dropped support entirely for windows 7 including 64 bit not just 32 bit but can we look into this or forward it to someone who can? On PBE the bug was league client not launching after logging in at all.

tyvm, passed along <3

29 Jun


Originally posted by TropoMJ

Thank you for paying attention to specifically those spots. The Q slow has been a point of contention for a long time and the AP ratio on the heal has always been lacking. It’s great to see champions having their less satisfying areas shored up and it would be cool to see this done for more champions.

I'd actually be super interested to hear from people what champs have spots like this and what those spots are.

Feel free to jump into replies to pitch stuff!


Originally posted by Coolkipp

The downside of her having a full aoe kit while technically possible to hit multiple members is that she is low ranged, slow and has low base damages.

I've played liss for a long time and hit master playing her this season if that matters.

A cheat sheet for making her feel good to liss players without her breaking the game is just undoing the nerfs she received for aftershock cpot being op. So q CD, and e base damage.

She did fall behind a bit as well due to the durability buffs as her already low base damages essentially now make it impossible to solo kill anyone through sheer skill on top of the q CD nerf. All of her matchups were effected by this nerf drastically to the point where she loses matchups she should be winning or easily going even into.

Additionally in order to have a big solo presence on lissandra you are forced to opt for very glass cannon builds which are not easy to pilot, high risk and not favored in pro play due to the team orie...

Read more

I personally pretty strongly believe in lowering her Q CD again, but for these changes I wanted to polish out places on her kit that weren't feeling like they were working properly/as much as they could.

If she's weak in the future that kind of buff is on the table

28 Jun


Originally posted by cryokillua

Is there any desire to make her less team bound so that she like many mages don't suffer from nerfs as a result of pro play?

All Liss mains just want this champion to be more self-reliant with her lacklustre damage or a range extension on Q / removal of Q cast time so she can lane. It says a lot that a kit that should be so well equipped to deal with Zed in lane is actually an atrocious match up for her.

Longterm I think there's some valuable changes that make Liss a bit more self reliant, at least in lane. Having a large targeted CC and aoe instant cc leaves her kit somewhat team reliant at baseline which I suspect shouldn't change too much


Lissandra Passive victims also won't stop at the last few moments before detonating and has a small visibility radius so it can chase around corners/bushes

14 Jun


Originally posted by Vars_An

Is it not feasible to have this be a toggle in the settings for every champ? Personally would love to have an option for max range cast on Thresh lantern but I know a lot of other players would hate it.

No clue, that'd be an eng thing. I'd love it if so though!


Originally posted by olican101

Cast Paradigm changed from walk to position to cast at max range

Can we PLEASE stop doing this? I want the spell to cast where my cursor is, simple as that.

Generally I agree we shouldn't change these very much once shipped.

Imo in the case of Zyra R which is a giant honking circle with delayed damage and even more delayed CC the exact precision of the center at max range matters a whole whole lot less than making sure the spell fires when you're inputting that command.

04 May


Originally posted by LKZToroH

They should just keep the progress between equal targets, so you can stand still while the wave is passing and you'll already have the melee minions copied after they pass you.

ooh, if I have a spare cycle I might try to do this...

28 Apr


Originally posted by Ezreal024



19 Apr


Originally posted by TrashBrigade

Previous English major here that is going the CS route now. See you in a few years???



Originally posted by Elee_Tadpole

Has anyone else noticed that the jungle pets are revealing Neeko to the enemy team in these clips? I saw another one where she's disguised as a minion, and you can see the pet next to it.

It's partially fixed rn, companion doesn't show to your team but does show to theirs. Digging into it this week to hopefully resolve


Originally posted by in_favilla

perhaps I, an English major, could also one day work at riot...

Don't let your dreams be memes