

15 Apr


Originally posted by Bougeek

I think the best way to create innovation in proplay (but drafting will become extremly hard early on) is to remove champions in a BO that were picked before the 2nd ban phase. Obviously not after because it is where we will see specific champions most of the time because counter pick, not flexible or very specific team comp that is a result of the whole draft before.

Obivously it will not change soloQ or BO1 draft but the second case can be solve if you know what i mean

These kinds of changes are super exciting for me, could do all bans are permanent or whatever too.

Complexity of draft is very dangerous and something that we'd have to be very careful of. (If draft is super fiddly and complex the pro game gets really hard to understand for most ppl, etc)


This is a space we've thought about a fair bit on our end, what's the best way to incentivize/assist pros in innovating?

Maybe it's figuring out a way to give potent tools for practice, maybe it's draft format changes, maybe it's changing the pace of pro-focused balance changes, could be a ton of other things. I don't think the solve is easy nor is there likely any single solution that solves it, but I'd love if this conversation was kept alive. Pro play is at its coolest when there are constant new champions and constant evolution.

I do think the costs to innovate are decently high right now, and rewards for innovating can be kinda low. Regular season means the temporary advantage you get washes out after a few games and bans means the actual advantage you would gain turns into one free ban for your team. I would expect middle of the pack teams in regular season games to innovate though, you shouldn't expect to win by playing the same meta against a team that's mo...

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02 Apr


Originally posted by BarackProbama

Posts like this are why I keep you autofilled.


01 Apr


Originally posted by ViraLCyclopezz

Can u add sex mechanic to league of legends plz

Motherf*cker somehow even more down bad than me


Originally posted by S890127

write sensual Shaco fanfiction so at least he has some lore.



Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

These are fighting words. Meet me in the Bilge in 10 minutes.

Make sure to bring your second


Originally posted by PankoKing

Maybe I’ll just log in for a solo queue game tonight, this god forsaken game is just too fun.

Ooof, Rioters can't even get a free invite into Champion's queue? You guys gotta get better benefits if you're having to balance Ezreal all day

I'm f*cking better than half the pros but the esports people are just jealous


Normally I’m banned from top level posting on Reddit but my comms overseer Riot Aether is sick of all these terrible April Fools posts so here I am while he’s not looking :D

So you know how League’s gameplay is built around counterplay, positive player interactions, teamwork, and interactive moments and all that sh*t? I just want to run around and cut stuff up (brain off chimp gameplay is my ideal). And League’s like "no, you have to think." f*ck you League of Legends.

Last Tuesday I was playing solo queue and got autofilled top, so I locked in Yasuo. I'm chilling and listening to my favorite VTuber (REMOVED PER LEGAL) and the enemy Darius just kills me at level 1?! I'm fuming. I’m playing Yasuo, a character with skill, and this guy just right clicks on me from a bush that I walked into, and like, what the hell is that?? Why did we even buff him this week? And Darius isn't even the only one.

Just look at Illaoi, like that's a character tha...

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09 Feb


Originally posted by RiotAugust



08 Feb


Originally posted by moody_P

ty for giving illaoi normal human attack speed. feels like weighted clothes finally coming off. W damage buff is a bit sussy though imo

Hope she feels good!


Originally posted by bz6

Is the team happy with how objective bounties have landed in terms of spicing monotonous cadence of stomps? Having a balance between close intense matches and one sided games makes that stomp feel much better. Consistent stomps just have too much of a diminishing return and get pretty dull.

They might not be perfect (as you can see by tweaks to them this patch) but imo they're an improvement to the game overall


Originally posted by Miudmon

Rip Neeko's randomly massive hitbox. It's for the best.

Dumptruck hitbox downsized

25 Jan


Yeah, they're not quite done! The full list with every change will be out later today I believe.

Build paths are getting adjusted and all that jazz, still a tuning pass to come

24 Jan


Originally posted by moody_P

what about more damage-invested juggernauts like illaoi and aatrox? we still need the HP since we have so much backloaded damage but we build a lot more into dmg than a darius would, generally. plus yk illaoi having like 20% of the healing she had in s10, bit rough innit mate

I think these kinds of juggernauts will be quite happy still, and if they're not we'll adjust. Case by case or systemically depending on the issue


Originally posted by moody_P

what about juggernauts? what am i supposed to do then?

Juggernauts should still feel like they have good items. They're less sensitive than the skirmishers because they tend to happily dip into tank items


Originally posted by Stylahz

Please u/RiotPhlox any update on Rengar it’s been 2 months and still haven’t heard anything about him

I was doing a bunch of fighter stuff etc sorry! I should be able to update y'all soon


Originally posted by SpasticNerd

We're adjusting the fighter system to be less health skewed

are they planning on reducing the hp on these items ? damage is way too high, bruisers already one shot adcs

So I'll be dropping more context tomorrow, but when a light fighter can act as a proxy frontliner AND kill you theyre extremely messed up.

The class should be high risk high reward, but when they're tanky, they're just low risk high reward, able to kill you without risking death themselves. Obv there's some hyperbole here but that's the tldr

06 Jan


Originally posted by Reav3

Like Jerry but with a Z


31 Dec


I place my bets on rengar triple Q. You don't need your ult, but it's so f*cking hard to pull off, specialy after that rework dedicated to remove this mechanic.

14 Dec


Originally posted by Abd5555

Please let the kai'sa buffs be hybrid build buffs
