Yeah we ended up adjusting it to a more generous set of interactions so more champs would be interested in purchasing the item
Yeah we ended up adjusting it to a more generous set of interactions so more champs would be interested in purchasing the item
I reduced gromp AA range by 25, not leash range... I hope
Don't forget to save some pasta water when straining and pouring it onto the ravioli with the sauce to help bind the sauce to the pasta.
I made the mistake of too much cheese one time and it turned into a block of cheese in the fridge. I was still delicious though.
Oh it's definitely not a sauce that refrigerates well, the vast majority of cheese sauces should really be 1 and done imo
I really do agree a good alfredo is tasty as hell. I also think nerfing irelia is a tasty idea as well.
LPT: Irelia mains usually can't read very well, so when you see them about to dive you can just ask them a question in all chat and they'll get stunlocked for a few seconds trying to read.
See it is all on how you prep your chicken that makes the Alfredo good. You also gotta get loss in the sauce for that effective creamy goodness that the dish provides. Not cheesy enough makes me sad.
Ikr. When people aren't dumping cheese into an alfredo like... why even have alfredo at that point.
As a person who always cook pasta like an Italian grandmother, I agree. Give it a good boil and put thr ravioli in there and wait a few minutes. Once squishy take it out and you're done with pasta.
Also how do you feel about chicken alfredo?
While not authentic at all a good alfredo (with plenty of garlic) is tasty as hell, but by god people use crusty ass dry chicken breast way too often in that dish.
If you get it to a good rolling boil the water should usually just stay boiling.
Honestly though, you should probably just check doneness by pulling a ravioli out of the water and nibbling on a corner, pull it out when it's still a bit tough to your teeth and finish it in a nice sauce for optimal flavor though.
Any comment on the weird revert of Pantheon Q range changes? Was it a bug and will it be fixed with b or 13?
Could you explain what you mean by ‘axes’ when talking about bursty champs?
A little worried the good work of 12.10 is going to be undone.
Like the plural of axis, so non-burst changes (at least in part) on a lot of them
Any plans for Sion? Champ is struggling pretty hard recently.
Are you building tank? Champ's a tad weak imo but if you check first item lolalytics his winrate kinda tanking from bausffs wannabes (leth/ad is fun tbf)
Sunderer adjustment helps him a fair bit too I'd bet
any clue on the state of gp changes?
Patch after I'd bet, we were experimenting with some larger sized changes is why he's taking longer than expected.
I wonder if its just oversight but Sivir appears to be missing but her current mid-scope update is being iterated on the PBE.
Sivir will be 12.13 im 99% sure, I think we just missed her here
BeanJ is unironically a GOAT'd name.
It really is incredible
You trying to tag team this?
I'm all in
Ok, so when are we getting the steamy story?
No this is almost certainly based on live data, over 48k swain games have already been played in ranked alone excluding the Chinese playerbase. Riot has more than enough data by now for each role and elo bracket to make this hotfix from live data. PBE data is not reliable enough to pre-emptively make meaningful balance changes and Riot wouldn't make a champion intentionally weak to hotfix later.
What happened to the Olaf changes?