

11 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks! I'll look into it


Originally posted by sephrinx

Why is it intentional that not having sight of someone completely negates your rune choice? Sight or not, you should get the movespeed toward them.

Minor runes should generally be fairly low mindshare and if gameplay on AV is Ashe fishing over walls with W and checking her MS to see if someone's there its pretty weird gameplay. Theres also some consistency rules with stuff working when you see them and not when you don't.

Also a lot of cc reveals, tho certainly not all.

All that being said, it's a tossup because if you hit your morg bind while they dip into a bush you should feel good about it and benefit from your choices.


Originally posted by Blue_Lucian_Chroma

Do you know if it’s intentional that AV doesn’t work if you’d CC’ed them while they’re out of vision? Tbh I don’t remember if it did before but there’s a pretty recent thread highlighting that and how it increases time spent hasted while you’re dead, leading to a misleading level of usefulness

Out of vision is intentional, the time spent dead one is a bit wack for tracking but I could look into just making it check to make sure you're alive


I think I found and fixed this bug while updating Approach Velocity to its newer version

10 Jun


Originally posted by Enjutsu

So 1000 range restriction still exists for 7,5 MS speed boost, but do active items count as me whacking them? Twin shadows specifically? since it doesn't deal damage, but it does slow and the range can be pretty big.

It should, like 99% sure of twin shadows


Originally posted by Enjutsu

Was range restriction completely removed or was it made really big?

As in, i'm in the base and a fight is going on mid-lane so i get a boost to get there faster? There's a fight in bot, but a toplaner gets a speed boost to dodge skillshots to the bot side?

Range is only removed if you whack em with something

09 Jun


Originally posted by PM-ME-YOUR-POEMS

I've playing sett support and waiting for this patch so I can force one of my friends to play ashe for me. He takes inspiration second anyway, and ashe -sett is so strong because you can just run the enemy down now if ashe lands a w. I'm pumped

Hell yeah, have some fun and smash their faces in


Originally posted by sendcutefeet

Alright thanks for the response, guess I have to keep spamming Kayn against him.



Originally posted by sendcutefeet

That Olaf buff tho..

Dont you guys think he is a bit too dominating in the jungle? Most junglers CANT touch him

Olaf is one of those champs who feels insane when he's doing well and snowballing but is balanced in terms of winrate because the games where he isn't or doesnt manage to capitalize on his lead he falls flat.

Not to say that means hes perfect and shouldn't be touched, but rather than he's not inherently overpowered and in need of nerfs


Originally posted by winterspike

Sure, but then this is a nerf primarily aimed at top with an ancillary effect on jungle, rather than a jungle nerf that "tak[es] care not to scare him off top lane", which is what the patch notes imply.

Both Fiddlesticks jungle and top are worthy of being nerfed. If you feel (as I do, and the patch notes imply) that Fiddlesticks jungle is the more important role to target, then it doesn't make sense to pull the "damage to minions" lever, which disproportionately impacts the wrong role.

My prediction is that this nerf will have a bigger impact on top Fiddle WR than jungle Fiddle WR, which seems to be the reverse of what was intended.

Yeah I suspect that's just awkward phrasing in the notes, my bad


Originally posted by winterspike

The Fiddlesticks nerf may be top 5 most baffling balance decisions ever from Riot Games. Why is "damage to minions" one of their levers for balancing a jungler? It would be like buffing support Leona by increasing her damage to jungle monsters.

It's even more baffling because the patch notes explicitly state they're trying to keep Fiddlesticks viable top. So why, then, would you nerf his damage to minions, which greatly impacts top Fiddlesticks but not jungle Fiddlesticks?

Fiddle top was like 53%+, and Fids jungle does benefit from clearing waves fast for taxing and shoving


Originally posted by Acegickmo

so how does this "broaden [the rune] so more champions can use them" if the change is only when the person not picking the rune cc's?

If you want to engage on the enemy but dont have a great way of getting in (think Sett) you can play off your ashe now and take the rune.


Originally posted by TopPriority5

PASSIVE Gain 15% bonus movement speed toward movement-impaired allies or enemies you've impaired ⇒ Gain 7.5% bonus movement speed when moving toward a movement-impaired enemy champion. Increased to 15% if you were the one who impaired their movement (There is no longer a maximum range of 1000 for champions that you have CCd)

Isn't this a nerf to Approach Velocity?

So it used to only give you MS toward enemies ONLY IF you ccd them which a lot of people didnt realize. Now you get the same MS if you've CCd them, but also get some MS if someone else CCd an enemy

30 May


Originally posted by TrololoIo

Can we get some numbers shown for grivious wounds items, where it shows total healing prevented and "prevented last fight", would be nice for conq, to know exactly how much you healed last fight instead of always having to check beforehand then calculate the diff. It would help a lot to give ppl a better sense of how strong these effects are, esp grivous wounds to lower elo players.

Total healing prevented would be pretty sweet, I think.

As for last fight... well it's hard to define what a fight is. Last minute is a maybe, but it's not something we currently do in game and so theres a certain bar it would have to pass to be worth it. Would be interesting to look into though!


Originally posted by MCrossS

You cannot seriously believe this rune is landing well after removing its most valuable feature, the MS. People aren't talking about it because of this brilliant bait and switch:

Guardian - the goal here is to ease up the usability of this rune significantly by making the area that you can protect allies much larger. Additionally, we’re changing the trigger from “any damage” to a significant burst of damage so that you have fewer cases where it triggers on tiny chip damage.

Oops, forgot to mention the part where the movement speed is being removed. That isn't very important, right?

I suspect the patch notes will say the movement speed is being removed and why which is a much broader-reach message


Originally posted by 647boom

Is it possible to keep the movement speed, but it only applies when moving away from enemy champions?

So one of the problems Guardian had was that it was powerful (arguably the most powerful Keystone by winrate) and also not taken, even when it was optimal on champions. I suspect some of that reason is most players just didn't notice the movement speed that much of the time. The movement speed is powerful and can feel good, but it's not really why you take the rune or feel good about the rune.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Guardian seems really bad after the changes though it lost a huge portion of its power to gain more reliablity on the shielding

I don't see enchanters taking the rune anymore after the MS removal the cooldown is far too long.

I'd like to see some scaling buffs on the ap ratio and health ratio to compensate for the MS removal (if the data shows that guardian is too weak)

It's quite sad that they are changing the rune due to high elo players using guardian to engage with the movementspeed.

Another potential change that could be done is have it function like locket in the range where everyone gets the shield.

I don't really see the rune being picked much after the changes though in current use cases.

Though the range is still too short compared to some AOE cc abilties it's a step in the right direction for it be more suitable on tanks.

In league being 175 units near someone is a death sentence due to AOE cc being prelevant shifti...

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Definitely am willing to buff Guardian if it ends up underpowered. I would expect that it proccing when you want it to much more often is gonna help it a lot, as well as the shield value going up some.


Originally posted by Caenen_

What a coincidence, ha!

HUDs have the issue that they can be cluttered, but currently there's still plenty of space for statuses to be visible like those! I hope the original design philosophy behind not having these information buffs visible can be overthought a bit more, because having demolish update every time you hover is even harder to check than to remember looking at the game clock when you trigger it and calculating 45 seconds to the time.

Yeah, taste of blood and some of the other ones with long CD and a real output make sense to show the CD

29 May


Originally posted by MoiraDoodle

The guardian changes scare me because even the situations where its wasted on minion autos, theres ones where your ally is taking small bits of danage from ignite or the like, wll guardian proc if it knows theyll die, or will it not register these small ticks as worthy of procing guardian

Guardian does proc if someone would take lethal damage