

03 Oct


Originally posted by sephrinx

• Your abilities deal up to 20% (crit scaling) based on crit strike chance, likely something like 4%-8-12-16-20% (4% amp per 20% crit chance).

HI can you please explain this a bit? I'm so confused what this is supposed to mean. Thanks!

Basically you will get bonus damage on your spells depending on your crit chance. This conversion is not fine tuned ( That's my job :( ) but it will probably be something like 20% of your crit chance. So at 60% crit chance (when you first purchase navori) you will get 12% bonus damage on spells for example.


Originally posted by LagOutLoud

Do you actually think that this is enough for the ADC role? 0 new items in the two years since the item rework and only this 1 item change in the preseason for the role with some of the most static build paths in the game? How is that healthy for the role and what are you doing to try to keep players interested in playing if there's nothing new to be excited for.

"Enough" is subjective. Regardless, we have identified other opportunities other than just Navori but they are not priority over the other areas being iterated on for pre-season. We would love to keep iterating on items like Mortal Reminder, Stormrazor, etc but there's nothing to talk about for now.


Originally posted by dance-of-exile

Just curious as to why it's exclusive with IE. Is it because the combo would do too much damage? Or is there some spaghetti code holding you back from making it non-exclusive.

It's meant to be an alternative to IE, on the same level of power but for different users/use cases.


Originally posted by Excalidorito

Does Trynd’s innate crit chance not work with this Navori, then?

Does this also mean Yas/Yone would also need 2 whole crit items first or does their crit interactions work differently?

It does not work on tryndamere's innate crit chance at all. For Yasuo/Yone, it's not locked in whether we want it to work similar to IE or not.

The item will read: "Must have 60% purchased crit chance" or something similar, and for Yasuo/Yone we will likely opt into whatever is most intuitive as far as functionality goes.


Originally posted by LitCorn33

Wouldnt Lucian crit build be kind of op though, that buffs everything about his kit including the R ( amount of bullet and now actual dmge scales with crit too !)

I mean it's preseason afterall, it's the right time for that, its cool that this item gets changes because it's been pretty much unused since its very release.

This preseason looks pretty massive, lot of item changes I like it

You need to remember that the trade-off is your auto attacks will be significantly weaker without IE. It depends entirely on where most of your damage will come from.


Originally posted by haram-enjoyer

I’m trying this with spellcaster Jhin 😒. Minefield in the botlane.

That sounds hilarious, good luck


Originally posted by leagueoflegendsdog

Does it work on Lucians R? This just sounds like something Lucian would love and a 20% dmg increase to his ult sounds bonkers.

Yes, anything that procs comet benefits from the bonus damage.


Originally posted by shrubs311

are you guys concerned that people may not know the difference and buy it "improperly"? for example you stated mf above would be a good user - off the top of my head i don't know if q damage would benefit from this change.

There are mild concerns of that, we are working on rules/wording that will make it clear. The intention is that anything that procs Comet will work, so MF Q is included.


Originally posted by neyshus

Unreleated to this but why is the window for pinging enemy wards so long? 10 seconds is too much. Imo it should be that if a ward goes into stealth it is no longer pingable.

Because sometimes combat is happening in those couple seconds before the ward vanishes, preventing you from pinging it.


Originally posted by ski4urlife

Yeah, misread your original comment that said it's not as good as IE. Thanks!

Yeah my mistake, I originally meant to include Ezreal in the "Intended Users" line


Originally posted by ski4urlife

Was mentioned in a different comment that this doesn't work with Ezreal

It does in fact work with Ezreal


Originally posted by Tuxxmuxx

Could maybe make a Crit ezreal build viable? ER + QB + Mythic

We found that Kraken ER QB was a powerful trio on ezreal


Originally posted by Gilbo_Swaggins96

So what's the appeal of making the whole 'attacks reduce non-ult cooldowns by X%' try to work? Speaking as someone who remembers the old Spear of Shojin too well, I really can't see this returning to the game and being balanceable in any way. Regardless of what delays/conditions are put on it.

The hope here is that the stat profile and crit-purchase requirement keeps it mostly locked to marksmen, GP, and squishy skirmishers, which we think are much more healthy users of this pattern than fighters of the past.


Originally posted by 2th

Out if sheer curiosity, are there any plans, or even ideas, to give Corki some crit scaling on his spells? I've been a proponent of crit Corki for years because he absolutely shreds anyone squishy late game with shrapnel and sorc shoes, and having some crit scaling could make the crit build even more appealing.

Note: I know this is wishful thinking, but I gotta try.

Thanks for responding to my previous question!

Currently not, especially with Navori filling that niche in the short term. We can see if this is a successful item to bring him back into the crit-scaling space.


Originally posted by nonamejew

But he only needs 20% crit to have 60% with full fury?

It does not count crit from other sources.


Originally posted by LostConscript

Does it require 3 items total or just 60% crit? Do you think it could be abused by Yone?

Just 60% crit from items. So it can be used by Yone/Yasuo. I expect it won't be better than IE but that's a good thing for me to double-check.


Originally posted by Aaron1997

Does Impermanence increase just Base Damage of the ability or Base damage + AD/AP Raitos?

All damage, so including ratios. It's a flat multiplier on top of the spell calculation.


Originally posted by 2th

You mention Corki as a Crit Spell user...He isn't really a crit builder currently, so does this mean you guys are trying to push him more that direction than his mixed builds?

We are expecting it to be competitive with his current builds. Something like Shieldbow ER Navori has been testing VERY well for us.


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hey Ray, very cool change IMO. 2 Q's if you don't mind:

Do you think Trynd would still build this, and any intentional design reason why/why not this time around?

I asked in the other thread, but are there any other crit/on-hit item changes coming on up that you'd like to tease?

It will be weaker on tryndramere since it requires two previous crit purchases to work at all.

We intend to work on mortal reminder and stormrazor potentially in the future as well. Nothing planned for On-hits in the short term, alignment still needs to be made on what on-hits should do differently than crit.


Originally posted by Avantel

Any chance of changes to Sivir to make it work better on her?

Historically, she was always a big caster ADC, and was a main user of the pre-sheen ER. Or is the mini Navori passive on her ult the main replacement for that?

Likely no changes in the short term for Sivir in particular. I expect this to be weaker on her since she loves IE so much (since the W won't scale with Navori)