

03 Oct


Originally posted by Aaron1997

Does the passive increase Kog's W damage?

On-hits and procs do not work with the passive, only spell damage. That was an alternate direction that we opted out of for the current Navori due to the risk of too many stretch users and unifying the rules. It was tough to identify what should/shouldn't work so we opted for just direct spell damage that would also work with Liandries (and other spell procs) etc.


Hi I can answer questions about this as I'll be assisting Phlox in getting this over the finish line.


Intended for Crit Spell users, Corki MF Varus Gangplank Ezreal (pog) etc

Likely not good on champs that already have IE synergy (Caitlyn, Sivir, Draven)

Exclusive with IE, cannot purchase both

Enables some fun play patterns with Kai'Sa, Lucian, etc


Originally posted by w1se_w0lf

So never

Should be preseason barring any major setbacks.


Personally, as a non-jungle main but a player familiar with high level jungling, I believe the things being changed here aren’t going to make the role less skillful, but rather improve some of the “out of game studying” and/or “chore management” aspects of the game that are largely inaccessible.

In the end, as others have mentioned, improving jungle accessibility is high priority. In seasons 1-3 before anyone had the game optimized, jungle was more popular since the barrier to entry was lower. Now that some of these “invisible/unintuitive” things are optimized by jungle veterans, newer players to the jungle are effectively gatekept and turned-away. I don’t believe that highly engaged junglers still can’t find MANY things to optimize in their gameplay after these adjustments.


Originally posted by therealbarbagianni

Summary for all ADC mains:

  • 0 new items
  • xp duo nerf

Have a nice season 13

We have some potential work done for marksmen, just came in too late to make this post. May be pre-season or slightly after.


Originally posted by Echoesong

I got a giggle out of the fact that under the section they talk about using 'optimized data' for jungle clears... they use jungle Sivir

The true goal of the midscope

02 Oct

28 Sep


Originally posted by IamLevels

Why is Riot trying to make Udyr top a thing. R is already so frustrating to play again for almost all melee tops as it takes up the whole width of lane with just 1 point and chases after you so he can zone you off the first few waves with just a single spell, why are they making it even better at clearing minions?

We are reverting some of the nerf from last patch as Udyr top lost 4% winrate. We intend to support it at a ~50% winrate, as we agree that around 52% is where it becomes higher frustration.


Originally posted by SocialistScissors

Mortal Reminder

Pulled from the patch


Like, seriously. Can you just buff the bad items riot.

Likely will re-address Mortal in a future patch with larger changes, we concluded that just buffing the stats was not satisfactory for an item of this shape.

15 Sep


How am I supposed to balance Udyr when he has such an OP skin????

14 Sep


Originally posted by CizzlingT

I personally find it strange that both Cassio and Malz are super close to Magic despite both of them usually itemising Liandry’s and Demonic Embrace (true damage burn passives not taken into account?). Idk how they can both be considered to have as much true damage* as a Syndra or Veigar. (edit) (oops percentile damage is applied as magic damage mb)

I’d also like to see this chart for Plat/Diamond+ at all ranks. It might highlight differences in damage output due to better/more popular build paths (and also be generally more reliable for champion analysis).

Neither liandries nor demonic embrace are true damage.


Originally posted by ADeadMansName

Q is already rivaling the R max builds actually on live. QE it is.

Riot is just not looking into the data.

I am actually looking very closely at the data

25 Aug


All the context is in there, but generally we want to support his multiple builds as well as we can. Obviously with a champion as complex as udyr it's a little tough to land it perfectly on the first go but yeah.

24 Aug


Originally posted by moody_P

any chance of nautilus jungle/top being revisited in a similar vein? it's been a lot longer since he was made exclusive in supp but I'm sure theres more boomers than me who'd like to play him in a solo role again

I can't speak to what other champions we are/aren't working on, but we are definitely aware of a number of other champions (including Nautilus) that have similar identity issues to Maokai/Swain over time and could use a touch-up.


Originally posted by HalfAssResponse

the support maokai is just a most recent fad that never really got popular aside from select regions and miniscule playerbase, why cling onto it instead of fully satisfying his og playerbase? making a champion a three way flex is never a good idea for pro especially since mao supp was seeing play here in korea

Maokai support has been pretty popular for years, if we can avoid telling those players they can't play their tree in support we would like to.


Originally posted by T51bwinterized

Okay, but what's keeping him out of top lane is his bad waveclear and mana issues. Does this do much to address those problems?

His waveclear isn't actually bad compared to most toplaners, but agreed on the mana front. We believe he can be a viable toplaner opting into mana starting item and/or runes like PoM


Originally posted by ShiznazTM

So glad you guys are finally taking time to look at the tree.

Have you considered giving him additional jungle monster damage as well if these changes don't speed his clear up enough? Maybe that will be irrelevant with preseason though.

His Q has bonus monster damage now which we can/will tune to get the clear speeds we want


Originally posted by moody_P

I'm curious what your criteria is for allowing flex picks vs discouraging them like with say sylas jungle. Maokai being potentially a 3 way flex if these changes go through will be fine? If it ends up being an issue later what role would you take him out of?

It's almost always around pro play dominance. Sylas is very quickly in 100% p/b if he can be flexed out of bad matchups to the jungle.


Still going through active tuning but direction is correct; should add some consistency to his spell casts and shift some power back into Top+Jungle without sacrificing the support players

17 Aug


Originally posted by DrummerAkali

Love the Cait R change!

Same its lit, I'm addicted to crit scaling on spells