

28 Jan


Originally posted by Zhior

That was such a weird statement to make when they nerfed Maokai and Udyr on that same patch, two champs that also rush Demonic. All three should've been nerfed imo

At the time of writing, both Udyr and Maokai had higher winrates than Zac with their best builds. That’s why they were prioritized higher

Udyr was being winrate suppressed by lethality builds and maokai was 55% in jungle.

24 Jan


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

Yeah, Annie changes aren't all the sort of thing we can hotfix, so they'll move to 13.3


20 Jan


Originally posted by zekeismydaddy

Just to be clear, why does this delay patch dates? Is there a concern about unknowingly shipping malicious content along with patch files?

Sorry can't go into any specific details around the attack and its direct impact for security reasons, hopefully that's understandable.


This is a really painful experience for both players and devs, it sucks to potentially not get content out to y'all on time/as expected, especially when the work is done and ready to ship. We have many people across design, engineering, QA, etc assessing what our options are to get players as much of the gameplay-relevant content as possible.

Micropatching in balance changes, for example, is quite viable. On the other hand larger adjustments (Annie for example) are much less clear due to implications on tooltips, death recaps, and in-client information that's usually updated via full server deploys. Just to give an idea what can be expected generally on the gameplay side.


Originally posted by n1c0_93

Is there a reason to not tell us what you gonna change on 13.2 ? Like just communicate the exact changes you are planning to do. Othewise the whole thing about patch preview is not worth it.

We are completely unsure on what we can get into 13.2 in the event the patches don't launch as usual, that's why we can't give heads up.

People are on the case to identify what can/can't be micropatched cleanly without bugs/problems, and will be able to communicate that as it becomes more clear.

17 Jan


Originally posted by moody_P

thoughts on volibear?

We talked about Volibear a bit today. His top lane is tragic but could use some work other than just increasing numbers. It’s a known problem space that will be prioritized in a fashion more similar to Annie/Orianna than, say, a one-line change like we usually do.


Originally posted by LouiseLea

Are you guys monitoring Zac at all? He has been overperforming all patch in multiple roles.

Happy to see Annie getting a bit bigger of a buff, she’s struggling rn :(

Zac is not included because of Demonic and (near) future work to Virtue, so we are opting to not Riot Special. Plus grevious wounds and marksman changes will have unexpected effects on a class-by-class basis.


Annie buffs are going to be a bit bigger than previously stated for 13.2 since she dropped a bit more win-rate in 13.1 as archangels popularity increased.

15 Jan


Phreak diff per usual

11 Jan


Originally posted by Reshir

Fingers crossed that Phreak is in charge of them since he actually understands ADC problems

Phreak will be supported by myself and a few other analysts who are knowledgeable about the problem space and ADC gameplay at a high level.

10 Jan


Originally posted by KoolKatsarecool

Wait are there any Rioters who actually work?

I'm trying my best here yo

05 Jan


Originally posted by McDaddySlacks

Is there a possibility Tibbers tier 3 can be 100% up time? If so much of her power is budgeted in him, a tiny cooldown doesn't seem unreasonable. Especially if the HP buffs make him more durable, but she still struggles.

At 46% ultimate CDR he is already effectively 100% uptime. I don't think moving the needle matters much.

If I were to do a change in this direction, I would target Tibbers duration rather than cooldown, reducing how often you can cast R but letting tibbers live longer.

With that said, likely to not hit it on this pass due to trying to keep it as simple as possible in terms of lines of changes.


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

This is a problem with all pets: Shaco's clone, Daisy, and Tibbers, but if we press ALT instead of R they attack structures normally.

Yeah I just checked the scripts and it's a nightmare. I'm gonna do some more digging to figure out if there's a less "spaghetti code" way for me to personally fix this bug, and if not, then I may have to pass it to engineers to be fixed down the line. Inhibs and Nexuses just don't play nice with pets fundamentally.


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Since you are taking your time to add QoL changes to Annie, can you guys fix tibbers not attacking structures? If you press R to attack turrets, tibbers usually can auto them, but trying to do so for other structures like nexus or inhibs just makes him walk and stand there.

On the other hand, if you use the "pet move" command, Tibbars will attack properly. It's been there for years, and last time i played annie it was still there

Sure I can try to fix this, no promises though as I don't want to put in a jank solution that makes it worse.

I'll look into it though for sure


Originally posted by SadBlackMage

Do you think annie could be a candidate for an eventual mid-scope update?

I feel Annie's over reliance on flash+tibbers is where her true problem lies. I'd argue the damage is fine, but there's too much down time.

I agree, and I originally went on this crusade to do a larger midscope. The main issue was finding a direction that resolved some of her "health" problems (like her being weaker without flash, but insane with it), without making her a champ people didn't recognize and/or making her more difficult. So with that context, until we find some direction that stays true to Annie and everyone can enjoy, smaller lists like this are more likely to be successful.


Originally posted by justMate

Annie isn't a burst mage anymore! What's up with that!? Comparing Annie's burst to other mages, she continues to have among the best AOE burst, but could be improved some long-term.

Annie Level 11 AOE: 435 + 160% AP

Leblanc: 535 + 135% AP

Syndra (If you hit Q in AOE): 435 + 185% AP

Veigar: 440 + 160% AP

This is kinda a professional corporate linguo. I too have to sell stuff to my boss but honestly Annie seems the weakest out of the list.

Both syndra and Veigar scale within their kit and Leblanc and Veigar have bigger threat range.

She is the weakest as far as raw damage goes on that list, but also has the widest AOE of those 4. Annie flash R->W is more damage in most real cases than any of those examples due to being able to hit 3+ champions in some cases, which rarely-to-never happens with the other champions in these examples.


To answer some quick FAQs:

Why buff things other than burst? Isn't that what Annie is about? While I agree that Annie's primary output is her burst, further improving it after durability update was not my immediate direction for buffs. The general philosophy of buffing all burst characters after durability patch is a suspicious one, to start, and being conscious of how much we "undo" the wins of that is valuable. In addition, the QoL areas we targeted here instead are long-term problems with Annie's design that pre-dated the durability patch. If she continues to not succeed (because he burst isn't high enough) then we can readdress it.

Doesn't this make her "all about tibbers?" I believe that improving Tibbers durability doesn't suddenly make Annie about Tibbers, but instead brings him into line with other ultimate-based pets. This was likely just an overdue change that should have been included long ago.

Annie isn'...

Read more

13 Dec


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Lux support is played as like a burst mage building ludens how are you planning to do that? Just wave clear up?

If anything it's her supportive abilities like the shield that suck

Gold-scaling primarily


Originally posted by Knight725

lillia’s ap builds are barely hanging on by a thread, and about to be nerfed 4 different ways. this champ is gonna be 45% winrate. just revert the melee change if this is what you’re gonna do to my champ riot, she has been basically fine for a year before that got changed. demonic is clearly too powerful on her, so just go back.

We are very aware of the factors that are forcing Lillia's power upwards. We intend to fully support AP builds, but Jak'sho is just so synergistic with Lillia that it overcomes her traditional builds by ~5%. While we are nerfing Jak'Sho, we are also nerfing Lillia in areas that are NOT AP scaling, and will be watching and considering AP ratio buffs for the future when she has room.

(Un)fortunately, with her being melee, demonic is most synergistic and is likely to be core for the long-term. While this might seem like a blight/curse, she is actually the exact intended audience of an item like that. It gives a lot of AP and some durability, which is exactly what a champ of her shape should want. This is separate of her resist/HP builds (Jak'sho, other tank items) that are too powerful at the moment and we will be moving away from.