

13 Dec


Originally posted by imadirtyyasmain

Lux buff only means…new Lux skin coming soon.

The intention is to specifically buff carry Lux rather than support, as her playrate and viability in support has been healthy all of last season. We will be intentionally avoiding buffs that skew towards support.

06 Dec


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Why isn't there more tank legendary items follow up with this patch? Mythics finally feel TANKY, which is good compared to last two years where tanks got all damage from mythics.

I want to see other first item tank options that are more satisfying. E.g. Abyssal if you could build it with Bami's would be a cool MR first item rush.

I frequently build Sunfire+Abyssal combo into AP tops as tank, it's very effective. Bami -> Catalyst -> Abyssal -> Sunfire.


Originally posted by Shitconnect

Buffing Sion is such a huge mistake

I pitched this buff; Sion is struggling even with his best builds (after the tank item changes), and so long as we continue to encourage his tank (and not split push) builds, he should be a healthy champion.


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Yuumi has simultaneously been one of the most frustrating and most popular/played champs in the game. We think there’s a better place for Yuumi where we can deliver on her gameplay fantasy for her players while also making her less frustrating to play against. In this patch, we’re giving Yuumi a decently sized nerf to temporarily address some of her more frustrating features and curbing her power in both Elite and Pro play. However, we definitely don’t see this as the final, long-term solution for this champion.

We’ve started work on a larger scale Yuumi rework to help this cat land in a much healthier spot. We want to highlight what Yuumi as an attached, untargetable enchanter can provide to her team. As an early goal, we want to limit her aggressive CC outputs/damage, emphasize more defensive/enchanter outputs, reduce her scaling, and make her more dependent on her own lane's success to win games. We’ll have some more news to share on this in the future, bu...

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The intention is to bring her out of meta for pro and optimized play until we can finish reworking, similar to Zeri. The hope is that we don't need to bring her quite as far down as we did Zeri (Worlds was a real risk).

29 Nov


Originally posted by IamLevels

True but nerfing champs cause a certain class is meta is awful balancing. Same reason why rammus was getting buffs when he was at a 53% winrate, he's literally only picked in AD heavy comps and struggles his ass off if there arent 2+ AD champs on the enemy team.

So I agree that it’s awful balancing for competitive. But in the case of SoloQ, it’s the only logical path forward.

Should Vex or Annie sit at 56% permenantly because they play against mostly melee mids (the most popular class?). Of course not, because everyone will look at Lolalytics and see a winrate way higher than their champion.

Unfortunately we have to balance champions against the average game.

27 Nov


Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

will this effect shaco "support" taking smite and just playing as a second jungler?

Likely we will do something like: If you don’t have jungle item, you get no cookies.

If that nerfs that strat then yes, I’m unfamiliar with the shaco double jungle.


Originally posted by Minimum-Bass-170

I don't mean funnel testing. I mean it looks pretty buggy to me, that you get cookie jungle gold stacks without jungle item?

Yeah to be fair with the cookies, they went through a LOT of code changes (to fix bugs) which introduced functionality pretty late in testing that we weren’t aware of. Intuitively I (like you) would expect 0 cookies without smite so I never tested it personally or asked someone about it, but at any time that could have been inadvertently added and nobody checked. That’s how these bugs (and therefore exploitative gameplay patterns) hit live.

But, just like how we talk about it now, it’s very easily fixable.


Originally posted by Minimum-Bass-170

So we are unpaid beta testers?

That is one way of interpreting. The other way is that we run a live service game that balances around player trends and metas, and spending time trying to anticipate the player behavior of millions of unique users will never result in the same quality of game for players as reacting to the feedback they are giving. If we did only internal testing and ignored what players ACTUALLY did on live, the narrative would be “Riot doesn’t listen to their players” or “Doesn’t Riot play their own game and see that X is OP?”.

It’s a balancing act. We do plenty of internal testing but testing funnel (played by .001% of players) vs testing a common pick (played in 5% of games) is an easy decision.


This is known and we have mitigating tactics in mind.

To refer to your point about testing, no we didn’t test funnel extensively. We spend a majority of the preseason dev time on tuning the game for the 99.9%, and when a niche abuse case pops up (like funnel) we ensure we have the levers to fix it when it does. Rather than spend time inefficiently anticipating, testing, and mitigating these strategies pre-ship, we instead observe preseason and make adjustments at 5% the cost.

15 Nov


Originally posted by oVnPage

My time has come.

Changes look great! I love the idea of dropping ult Movespeed quickly if you drop combat while still letting ult go forever.

I'm concerned about the range though. Doesn't this technically put her below 550, since skillshot range is calculated center to center while AA range is calculated edge to edge?

Yup it places her at around the 550 effective range area. Between Kai'Sa and Jhin


Another round of Zeri changes to bring her back into viability with a (hopefully) healthier pattern.

Main changes that should contribute to improving her healthiness:

  • Improved early base stats to improve interact-ability in lane
  • Worse scaling dps to decrease “1v9” scenarios
  • Lower range to improve counterplay for opponents
  • Move from hybrid damage to mostly physical to reduce strength at 2-3 items.
  • DPS steroid on E to incentivize and enable early trade patterns.
  • Overall flatter power curve, similar to Kai’sa

14 Nov


Originally posted by IamLevels

Whoever put Akali in every single one of those buff groups, I want what he’s having cause he’s smoking some shit that’s so strong even Snoop Dogg can’t handle it.

The intention is to use alternate buffs (like energy regen) rather than damage/durability when applicable so as to improve the skill floor of champions without making them expectation-breaking like they are on live.

26 Oct


Originally posted by RemarkablyAverage7

You remember when bounties were added and there were outcries about 1k gold being ridiculous and too unfair? Then Riot changed the display message to occlude the kill gold and show only the bounty, and suddenly all the crying stopped.

Boots have a similar issue in that showing steelcap value would make it seem far and above the other boots and people would cry for nerfs, but the boots are fine otherwise.

To show the numbers, Riot would have to show numbers for other boots as well in order to drive home that all boots are equally strong in their own strength, but it's harder to quantify how much attack speed or ability haste contributed to your DPS and display that in a number. It's also hard to make people look at a small number for "reduced cc" and realize that sometimes reducing 1s of stun can be more powerful than preventing 1k damage.

Tl,Dr: it's hard for our brains to contextualize the numbers and this change could lead to the boots having to be nerfed ...

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This is basically the reason I haven't added it. Steelcaps are not actually OP, but the number that displays on the tracker will be so out-of-context that you can't make an informed decision on whether it was a better/worse purchase than the other options that can't have their outputs tracked.

My personal philosophy is that trackers should be there to help inform you whether your purchase was correct after the fact, and in situations where you're against largely physical auto attacking teams, it's going to be clearly correct regardless of the tracker's print-out in most cases.


Originally posted by ipppppi

Remember when sterak tracked how damage it blocked? Then its removed LOL meanwhile maw still kept it.

I'm probably gonna try to add this back whenever I get some extra time. It bugs me too, our use of trackers if fairly inconsistent atm.

05 Oct

04 Oct


Originally posted by June24th

You just hate the role, doing your stupid balances. There's not any good reason to nerf the exp for a lane that already was weak in terms of level.

Way to destroy your own effing game. Applause.

I'm an adc main, don't hate the role.


Originally posted by ErikThe

Maybe it’s being nit picky on a subject that’s much less broad than an entire role. But isn’t the entire point of playing Riven learning to cancel your animations to do crazy burst damage?

If I’m in lane against Riven I have no way of visually learning what they’re doing because the animations are literally being cancelled. All I see is that Riven moved around a whole bunch and did some haphazard swinging and now I’m dead.

If I’m Gnar all I see is the death recap saying I got hit by a bunch of things that I didn’t even see.

My main point is that sometimes optimizing a game means learning outside the game itself.

I think you kinda hit the nail on the head, there's a difference between that being tied to champs or a role. When it's happening at a role-level, it has LOTS of butterfly effects like ruining queue health (introducing more autofill), ruining game quality, creating really sharp optimizations that we (Riot) need to balance around, etc. For example, if double camping was SUPER effective (which it's close to now), we would need to nerf junglers so that that is their baseline power level. Then anyone not doing that strategy would be MUCH weaker by comparison. This results in the average jungler, especially newer ones, being far less useful teammates than someone who did their "research".


Originally posted by FearTHEReaper01

How much of a concern was Tryndamere when remaking this item?

We just needed to make sure he wasn't getting BETTER with the item remake, otherwise not much concern.


Originally posted by Cosmic-Warper

W bounces don't count as a spell for navori damage?

They do not, the general rule is "Does it apply comet? It's amped"