

24 Mar


Originally posted by Kengy

Is there a reason the level up guide in game pushed for Q max if EWQ/WEQ were the expected supported orders? What does the day 1 system base it off of?

I believe it was a mistake with early implementation. It should adjust correctly next patch to match what’s actually strongest.


Originally posted by YeetBenji

"So his winrate is a bit lower on average due to that"

Yet you nerfed him because of his winrate lmao?

In spite of that* would be a better phrasing. Even with players actively lowering his win-rate he was still above 50% on day one.


Originally posted by mikael22

Was the goal of these nerfs to get rid of his more generic power, damage shielding and healing, while keeping his unique power, the cleanse and range increase, fairly high? He might be more of a counterpick type of champ, which I'm unsure if it is the goal. If Milio is blindpickable and a decent champ when blind picked, even when there is no cc that can be cleansed, is that a problem?

Oops, as for if it’s a problem: We want Milio to be broadly appealing and pickable for the majority of players. In pro/optimized play, it’s totally possible he’s little more than a counter pick or niche pick, and that’s okay. But as long as the average player can find success, we are happy.

Inversely, we will watch to make sure his mechanics don’t disproportionately favor pro players over SoloQ players.


Originally posted by mikael22

Was the goal of these nerfs to get rid of his more generic power, damage shielding and healing, while keeping his unique power, the cleanse and range increase, fairly high? He might be more of a counterpick type of champ, which I'm unsure if it is the goal. If Milio is blindpickable and a decent champ when blind picked, even when there is no cc that can be cleansed, is that a problem?

Yeah he has some very unique tools (range increase, AOE cleanse, periodic damage), but his standard tools were performing as good as (or sometimes better) than our traditional enchanters like Lulu, Janna, Soraka. So we are hoping to bring his standard “I keep teammates alive through effective HP” outputs below his peers who are designed to specialize in that.


Originally posted by daswef2

How do you guys feel about the fact that he landed with EWQ max order being so much stronger than everything else? Is this intended to flatten skill max order a little bit or is the designer intention still that he should be maxing E first but its just less effective?

We intend to support EWQ and WEQ as max orders. Currently, the vast majority of players max Q on the first day so his winrate is a bit lower on average due to that.


We expect milio to have high early winrates relative to other new champs due to his easy-to-play enchanter play style, but he still landed too high. This set of nerfs should bring him closer to long-term balanced but we will keep an eye going forward.

Apologies for the miss on release tuning, hopefully this quick adjustment will bring him closer to fair so everyone can enjoy fuemigos guilt-free!

18 Mar

01 Mar

27 Feb


Thanks I'll pass this along

22 Feb


Originally posted by HeavyNettle

Are there any current plans to help late game junglers and not just hurt early game? With all the resources taken out of jungle the last few seasons they haven’t been meta for years.

I know what you're saying and understand your perspective, but jungle is largely 0-sum. So nerfing spam-gank jungle strategy buffs farming by comparison, so we would want to see if the power levels between the different classes of junglers ends up where we'd like before we commit to even further jungle shake-ups.


Originally posted by Gold-Appearance-4463

So support Annie is essentially unchanged. You can’t leave the best shield on such a short CD while she also has point and click or AOE hard cc.

The strengths you note about Annie support are meant to be her strengths. We are aiming to keep her shield potency similar to other enchanter's main shields (Lulu, Janna, Karma, etc), and reduce the "free" power she gets from the reflect when maxed.

As others had noted, the nerfs here plus the mana regen loss from support item should result in a decent nerf that brings her from clearly OP (54%+) to normal enchanter strength (51%-52%) if I'm not trolling yet again


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is now beyond the first. So one level difference gives you 0 comeback XP when previously it would give you 16%


Originally posted by guiguipvn

can someone please elaborate what this jungle changes will acomplish?

The jungle changes are meant to reduce the effectiveness of avoiding farm and instead chasing kills as a means of keeping up in experience.

On live (13.3), a jungler who participates in kills while behind in XP by only one level will gain enough experience to out-level the enemy jungler who opts to farm instead. This made ganking (especially early) more effective a strategy than farming, even on the most farm-heavy junglers. The goal here is to reduce the total XP junglers get when they opt to influence lanes disproportionately more than their opposition.

21 Feb


Originally posted by TheFeelingWhen

Honestly the problem with mages is that they are the only group of champions that didn't really get anything new with the item rework. People talk about reaching 1k AP but honestly in season 10 I'm pretty sure that was as hard to do as it is now. IIRC most people just skipped Deathcap because Void was always more damage and Liandrys was giga broken as a second item on basically any champ.

So mages kinda went from building Ludens into Liandrys/Void/Zhonyas, to building Ludens/Liandrys into Void/Zhonyas/Shadowflame. With archangels becoming popular on a lot of them during season 10, and I'm pretty sure any champ that could stack a tear item was building them in general.

I can get that people find mages unsatisfying but with how broad the class is I don't really feel like there is something that is safe to change. Changing anything could lead to half the champs either being unplayable or broken as f**k.

I believe I saw a twitter comment that said, paraphrased:

"Mage items have problems, they are just generic stat sticks. They don't do anything special

Mages should always be able to reach 1000 AP."

This basically summarizes the mage item problem. Mage items are literally not weak currently, and if they are it's by 10-20 AP maximum. We are still a far cry from the "1000 AP dream" that players quote, but in the case that 1000 AP was attainable, you would have to sacrifice luden/liandries effects, void staff pen, seraphs shield, and zhonya stasis to get there without just power creeping the system. While I think some players would gladly make that trade, 1000 AP doesn't come alongside a bunch of interesting effects.

Finding the balance here is correct. How do you balance a class to have fun and interesting items 1-3 and can also balloon into 1000 AP insta-kill casters at 6 items? As evidence of mages sitting at high win-rates and pick-rates fairly perma...

Read more

20 Feb


Originally posted by V1pArzZ

Lillia is gonna get a bit f**kedup next patch, losing demonic and ap ratio nerfs to her clear. She currently skews quite hard towards low elo but is underpowered in high, some earlygame clear buffs would be nice as her clearspeed is kinda meh compared to other powerfarmers now.

We are tracking Lillia's performance. We are cautious about buffing early speed due to her ability to quickly overtake junglers in both move speed and clear speed if she's too effective.

We are intentionally avoiding buffs that might put her on the pro radar as we've seen her jump from 0-100% presence and need to be nerfed to compensate. We currently believe the current shape (scaling AP jungler) allows her to rest at higher win-rates than before for the average soloq player.


Originally posted by wrrrrrrld

Are there any plans to look at Mage items soon?

I know there’s people actively still thinking about them. RoA and Seraphs were just improved and Horizon Focus is being looked at. The rest of the mage item system is still being thought about. Identifying what the actual issues are is the difficult part as all of the items are gold efficient and work, and mages continue to be pro play dominant. So it’s not as simple as “fix mage items” when the problems aren’t clear.

19 Feb


She was hotfixed during the 13.3 patch which brought her down from ~56% to ~54%. This is likely still out of line but we wanted to be confident she wouldn’t fall back into “strong but not OP” range naturally, as she fell from 58%-56% from patch start to before the micropatch.

With that said, my guess is we nerf next opportunity (11.5). We intend for her to be good, but she’s clearly over the line at the moment. A reasonable resting win-rate for Annie, a simple champion with limited mobility and range, is likely in the 52% area, considering how many champions sit <48% to account for opposite pattern. We are a little slow in this case due to the micropatch hitting a little lighter than expected and the weird circumstances of the patch (support and mid meta being in flux)

17 Feb


Thanks for the kind words! I'm also very excited about the things to come and very proud of our recent work

07 Feb


Originally posted by yukine95

Why is Annie listed under nerfs if it’s a buff?

Oops yes that should be a buff