csgo games are not "short" compared to league games. in fact, they can be much longer
you can feed enemy $$$ in csgo
thats sexist. my gf likes it loud
- Apologies
- Apologies, that is true.
- It's not.
csgo games are not "short" compared to league games. in fact, they can be much longer
you can feed enemy $$$ in csgo
thats sexist. my gf likes it loud
LMAO how hard have these guys been overthinking it xD
Remember that nobody is forcing anybody to talk because the voice chat is up to everyone (they can mute anytime) and there is no obligation from anybody to talk, no matter the gender
Right, but if I mute you, our team is at a competitive disadvantage now. I'm not hearing your calls or warnings. You've felt what it's like being the solo player with 4 premades on discord in normals before, right? They never type a thing.
So, whilst I COULD mute you because you're being mean, or, I could still listen and choose not to speak, our team will be worse for it.
I'm sorry but a competitive game of CSGO is frequently longer than a game of league, unless it's a complete blowout. And leaving a competitive game is like an 8hr lockout, so you're stuck with them.
Oh? I actually didn't know that. I stand corrected on that one.
Just curious about your opinion but what about other games such as CS:GO and Overwatch? I play these games frequently and don’t seem to run into others being toxic towards people for not using their mic.
Those games are short, and you're not "trapped" with teammates you don't want to play with.
Neither games are snowbally: you can't "feed" the enemy McCree.
I'm not sure about Overwatch, but I imagine League has a higher % of female players than CS:GO. Plenty of our female players like to be anonymous and just get on with the game. I know my wife prefers it that way.
It's a bad idea because it means no voice chat in SoloQ. Riot should just put opt-in voice chat into the game.
That's likely never going to happen for good reasons. Players who won't/don't want to use voice chat will immediately become a disadvantage to their team. Then, they'll be flamed and spam pinged for this, further confirming that, yes, they should stay off of voice chat forever.
That's... actually not a bad idea. At all.
MS is the most valuable stat in this game.
May the Lord open
Blessed be the fruit.
We're all zoning abilities in this blessed day
Under His eye.
Why is there a riot logo on your name. Are you a rioter
Part of me reaaaally wants to point out the typo, other part of me is like nah. Ah f**k it: It's "WERE". (Sorry, pet peeve :p)
Damn autocratic!
Why did you not immediately dab after this? Wasted.
Those we're all zoning abilities.
Edit: leaving the typo here but editing to show I'm aware and actually very cool about it actually, in fact.
Without a doubt, stacks are more important than winning the game
Well, obviously. I represent Riot on Reddit so I can't just come out and confirm that here, can I?
Super secret win condition built into Nasus' script: "Susan's Gambit - gain 1200 stacks in a ranked game and the enemy Nexus implodes automatically".
I know he has 700 stacks but it still feels sad when the elder dragon KS you from another 12 stacks .-.
I think you have this backwards... Stacks are meant to get you kills that win you the game. Kills are not meant to get you stacks so you can... get some more stacks? This was probably the game winning fight!
This isn't going to happen very often.
4 cloud drakes is pretty disgusting on anyone, yet Ocean soul is still the more powerful buff. The drakes were just poorly thought out.
They're all very close in terms of power, actually.
Buff Malzahar for higher elo :3 especially laning...please https://u.gg/lol/champions/malzahar/build?region=kr&rank=diamond_plus
43% winrate in diamond+ on Korean server cannot be good :S
That's over 200 games. See previous patch for more accurate stats.
I think u were against a nasus and i was in my promos as zac, i think we got absolutely dismantled
Oh wait. I think this might have been one where he was chain killing me under tower.
I think I had you in my game before playing malz top
I bet that didn't go well...
Yeah, we actually tried this but it felt awful. Completely removed tension from these epic objectives since there was a clear way to escape and break off if it ever felt too risky.
The creation of a new pathway there essentially reduced conflict, not increased it.