

10 Jan


Originally posted by Basket_of_Depl0rblz

It looks good, but a bit too good for a relatively small effect.

If they ever develop "Cursed Wounds" that cause all heal effects to damage you instead, this would be the perfect indicator for that.

Note to self on Reddit feedback: it looks "too good". 😊


Originally posted by G2Esports

Currently deciding whether to queue for adc or mid as primary...

That's completely against the script. Please, consider the feelings of our writers...

09 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's just... true though? Don't believe me if you don't want, but I love our Playtest team and can't wait to get back to working with them in the new year.


Originally posted by Koalmar

How can you put the edgiest, most brooding, evil character in league and Thresh in the same sentence?!

high five


Originally posted by Gorilla_in_a_sandbox

You didn't answer the question.

This was really more of an additional comment on my post asking for a source.


Originally posted by Rohbo

I pulled up your Overview to find another comment you'd made and re-read it and saw this at the top. Without context it definitely gave me a headache.



Originally posted by Xmoru

Say something controversial I need up votes

Thresh and Yasuo are the two best designed champions in League.


Originally posted by frzned

are you implying that noone on playtest team found out Zoe & Aphelios being horrible to play against or AP Galio made it through unnoticed?

I can confirm that the balance team (and all of the Summoner's Rift team) value the Playtest team's feedback and analysis intensely. Especially on champion strength/power levels.


Originally posted by Darkwolf4

Nah, its cuz balance team tends to ignore the playtest team, a lot. Example galio change, playtest team told the balance team that the galio change was too OP, and balance team ignored them, imagine how many times the testers told them that the changes were op but balance team went full "I have the last word buddy and i cant hear you"

What's your source on this?

Edit: I can confirm that the balance team (and all of the Summoner's Rift team) value the Playtest team's feedback and analysis intensely. Especially on champion strength/power levels.


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

This is like, 1 of 3 times in the entire history of this sub I saw a Rioter acknowledge some poster's post and say it was at least not a bad idea.

Trouble is that Redditors take acknowledgement as "He promised they'd do this", which is always the risk.


Oof, he had Grievous Wounds on him pretty much the whole time, too.

At least 2 Ocean Drakes and Ocean Soul too. Perfect Mundo objectives there.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Where the hell did this come from? Why is it "creepy" or "fetish sh*t"? She's a woman just like anyone else.


Originally posted by ManaToast

What mouse is that?



Lol at Tea's body language in the background: "Yikes."


Originally posted by RoyalFewl

i mean you're playing in the competitive queue, maybe if you don't want to play in the most competitive queue you wouldn't pick it

That's why OP's suggestion is cool. Flex feels like the most cooperative queue, so it might be worth looking into there.


Originally posted by Asulfan

I think your third point is the most valid one, but not necessarily formulated like that. I think having a larger female player base is a strength. However competitive games (and sports) are often filled with prejudice and even more dangerous bigotry.

Edit: I think I formulated myself wrong by saying you formulated it wrong (ironic right..). What I disagree with is the angle that a larger female playerbase is a weakness for voicechat when I'd rather think it is a strenght (over time).

How better could it be formulated? I believe our higher % female player base is a stat to be celebrated!


Originally posted by iuhafsyuih

I mean people already drop discord links into the lobby chat so this just eliminates that extra step to getting into vc.

They do. Have you ever fed when you've joined one of those? It gets awkward...


Originally posted by EIgreco

That's a shitty excuse. Watch any pro league game and they still ping all of the time. I play flex as a duo and trio and we don't just stop pinging just because we are in discord.

I didn't mention pings at all... Huh? I said they'd be flamed and ping spammed "????"


Originally posted by Lmaowuttw

Every other competitive game can handle voice chat, though. At this point, even Co-Op games have had voice chat for years. And I've never heard of anyone ever being flamed for not using it, even back when I played high level CS:GO (MGE/Roughly Diamond). CS:GO requires way more active call-outs than League and doesn't have a ping system, so voice chat is way more necessary, but you still never saw flame. In fact, I'd wager a lot of the flame comes from the fact that text chat is so much worse than voice chat. People are way more willing to insult using type than speech and everything seems like flame without the inflection and accenting in voices. Plus, voice chat might help bridge the gap between soloQ and pro play, making it easier to balance champions like Ryze.

In any case, I'm rather disappointed to hear from a Rioter that it won't be happening. I was under the impression that it was a WIP that was coming relatively soon considering the addition of pre-made voice chat...

Nicely thought out post.

I'm certainly not the person who can make the calls on voice chat, but this is still the thinking on "non-party" voice last time I checked. Maybe one day! I do like the OP's idea though, and I could at least see this being the place to trial the feature out.

Again, I don't make the calls.


Originally posted by dog671

2020 no voice chat lmao, would definitely come back to League of legends. Also good in preparation for Clash

It's a decision. Find my other comment for details.