

27 Jan


Originally posted by Caenen_

It was definitely fixed in 9.24 and I can't reproduce it right now the way it happened previously. Perhaps there's a different way it can happen still, but I'd need OP to upload a clip of it happening or similar.

I'm sure I fixed this. I'd also like to see a current clip if possible to verify.

26 Jan


Originally posted by habitat91

Yea, I get it. But it's really just an excuse for something that's bullshit

There's a fine line between giving a reason and an excuse! I mean, I didn't make the map this way, so I feel it lands a little closer to reasoning, but I leave that up to the reader to decide.


Originally posted by DeusWombat

The reason you're not being well received is because this was just pointless reiteration. We all know it's bullshit, no reason will change the fact that it's bullshit even when most of us DID know that reasoning, and all you did was come in and say "ya it's bullshit and this is why". Nothing has changed, you just reminded us that this part of your game is bullshit.

You offered no solution or compensation, you've contributed nothing positive and in fact have only shown that you'll sooner do nothing before even addressing the problem or assuring the problem is being addressed. You almost even sound proud that you can regurgitate this information. You are not winsome or endearing by vocalizing like this. You are annoying.

We don't want an explanation on why this thing that shouldn't exist exists, we just don't want this thing. Assure us of what we want instead of saying something we've all heard before.

Or if you're not someone who can do any of that, try comfo...

Read more

I don't believe everyone knows about height variations on SR, so I was attempting to provide information and a little value to the discussion.

Nothing snide about my post, actually. I feel you're being a little unreasonable there. Perhaps some levity about the potential downvotes, but I will steer clear of that going forwards.


You're not going to like this, but there's a height difference between where you were and where Shyv was. What you're seeing here is due to perspective. It certainly DOES look bullsh*t, but if you JUST missed her by firing in-front of her, the height difference would make the missile look like it's passing through her.

Now, I await the downvotes so this comment never reaches the masses. Please, be gentle!

25 Jan


Originally posted by qsRain

That was such a nice Sett-up for the Ori ult

You win.

23 Jan


Originally posted by erac03

both, -5ms, AD 57 ->56 and Q scale from 0.5 -> 0.49

I know you're joking with this post, but, that Nerf would probably take 1% win rate off of him. Just saying!

Please be gentle with your downvotes...

19 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Also, 20s cooldown on hexflash or something. Think he'll be ok.

18 Jan


How utterly obnoxious. That's URF for you, I guess!

17 Jan


I see the Jhin build diversify is working out nicely for you there. 🙃

14 Jan


Just incredible work on fiddle. The "Grudge" and "Mama" movement is my personal favorite brand of horror: where things move in a manner that's not right.

12 Jan


Originally posted by BaronDraek

I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are.

Thanks for the answer annyway.

Burn was super effective!


Originally posted by esteebangus2008

Thank god if that happens. Maybe they'll actually try and improve the game where it's most needed if the playerbase starts to dwindle due to a lack of patches and new content.



The teams working on these games were formed specially for their genre (shooter veterans for Project A, etc). Anyone who worked on league who was specifically interested in the genre of the new games would have already joined those projects years ago.

League has nothing to worry about, it's still got me! 😁

11 Jan


Originally posted by Makkaah

It's completely random somehow, it's distracting and can be confused with other particles in game. Also, it's on champion's side, not above their heads, I don't think it would be recognizable in teamfights or if characters are clumped together. Even in a minion wave. Why are you even changing this? Maybe a version of "heal" icon could look nice? Random example, heal icon which is red/bleeding, something that undoubtedly means "reduced healing".

Thank you. Nicely put.


Originally posted by RuneKatashima

What's the black stuff though?

Yasuo's VFX for regions that can't display blood sprays.


Originally posted by PlayingWithFire42

The new look is nice, but maybe the line above her head shouldn’t be so high/tall? I bet it’s just for a second, but even still, it’d clutter the screen if you’re applying grevious simultaneously to multiple people.

The black lines? That's Yasuo's VFX on his ult (in regions that don't allow for blood).

10 Jan


Originally posted by Rammar455

He just means that although the indication itself looks epic, grevious wound's isn't like an ultimate ability or even as impactful as ignite. Just tone down the effects a bit so it's not so in your face for a debuff.

That's good feedback. The main motivation for replacing the existing one is how hidden it can be (sometimes even behind a champion's health bar), but obviously don't want to go too far the other direction.


Originally posted by jaykay00

Lacks clarity imo.

What aspect is unclear? Shape, colour, size, animation?


Originally posted by Makkaah

It's horrid.

What don't you like about it?