

09 May


Originally posted by CSDragon

As we near the mid-season update, how did this go?

Ah sh*t... Called out.

Decent amount of support but no room to work on it right now. We're all stretched very thin and there's lots of other projects in the works (like fixing the client).

Honestly, thank you for following up and I'm sorry I don't have better news for you.

08 May


Originally posted by zdravkopvp

Cloud soul is underrated. People don't understand how valuable movement speed is... Riot nerfed Karthus by lowering his movespeed and now people are already not playing him. His winrate went down 3% from 5 movespeed.

You're the first I've seen even note that cloud soul has movement speed. The damage reduction on a skillshot you dodge (or enemy team collapse you escape) is 100%.

21 Apr


Originally posted by LKZToroH

Edit: my bad, I didn't knew this was changed, just forget what I said.
People in this thread are forgetting you can just stack your transformation from 0% to 99% on any champion and for the last bit get the orbs for the transformation you really want. You can camp the renekton lane for 10 minutes and then at the last 1% you gank their botlane and boom, blue kayn. It's still an awful mechanic, I can agree with that but it's not as horrendous as people are saying it is.

I changed this a few months ago. Damage to both champ types fill your 'violence' bar, but the one that filled it the most is chosen when you hit 100%.

30 Mar

24 Mar


Originally posted by DominoAxelrod

as an Ezreal main how would you know?

Dear god... this is too much.

25 Feb


Originally posted by Javonetor

you thought your opponents were that bad, don’t you?

I guess I assumed my Aftershock + E passive made me all but invulnerable! 🤣


Originally posted by Javonetor

you are right, but amumu’s ult is like the worse example to contra argument, cause you can’t autoattack, move or dash from it

morgana’s q or karma’s w are better to give the point

Pretty sure you can auto attack.

Edit: wait, what?! And I played about 100 amumu games last season, too.

24 Feb


Originally posted by Thralee

That's pretty much what I said. If I haven't yet purchased skins that I've had 9 years to purchase I don't see why giving me 30% off will make me want to purchase them.

Whether you think rusty blitzcrank or prestige irelia are ugly, that's up to you, but everyone's going to find some of them ugly, hence the "You don't already own those (specific ones) for a reason".

Perhaps the reason was price, in which case, maybe 30% is all it takes for you to now want to purchase it.

I'm not being pedantic here, that's legitimately why consoles try to get their price as low as possible late into their life-cycle; maybe you WERE always interested, just not $400 interested. Maybe you're $150 interested, though?

Sometimes a discount is all you needed.

23 Feb


Originally posted by jerichoneric

could we maybe find a way for us to mark what we find cool and what we dislike then? A wishlist for shop maybe. Have tags for the skins that we like "power fantasy" "Comedy" "creepy" etc.

Cause all the skins I got recommended were either creepy or comedy and I don't find either of those very interesting for skins.

I mean, it's just a fun little store promo, not sure it really needs to get any more complex for players to interact with. Sometimes you get project zed, sometimes you get shamrock Malphite. That how I view My Shop at least!

I'm sure there's always room for improvement behind the scenes on our end, but I'd advise against making it more complex than it needs to be.

I don't work for skins or player customisation at all, btw.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Again, beauty is subjective. Some players love troll skins or think they're funny. I also don't have that data I'm afraid.


Originally posted by Thralee

I haven't bought anything from the past 2 maybe 3 personalized shops. They keep offering me normal versions of skins that I had already farmed for the prestige version of and skins that are dating to 2013.

The algorythm should also prioritze ignoring the skins on champs on who you already have all the skins for except the ugly ones. You don't already own those for a reason.

But ugliness/desirability is subjective.

21 Feb


Originally posted by LoLMayDuke

But afaik it doesn't count as a proc for the purposes of Phase Rush or Electrocute, correct?

This makes the inconsistency even more apparent.

It may do (unless specifically special cased to not do).


Originally posted by Castle_Corbenic

Taliyah's Q will only proc Dark Harvest if it's initiated AFTER the target is already below 50% HP. If they're at 51%, and the first rock hits, none of the remaining four rocks will trigger it.

Don't think this one is true. Each instance of damage asks the rune "is the target below 50% HP?"


Originally posted by AndreVallestero

Sounds about right, just look at Dark Harvest.

Based on the advanced tooltip, "Damaging a Champion below 50% health deals adaptive damage". This should mean that ANY damage that a champion takes while below 50% HP should activate Dark Harvest.

But in reality, it procs on Fiddlestick's E but not Sivir's W and also procs on item passives (Luden's Echo) but not item passive DoT (Liandries Torment).

It feels like this game has very little consistency in its game mechanics and so many "gotchas".

edit: Correction, it does work on Brand passive but inconsistencies still apply to champs like Sivir.

Luden's echo proc damage is (for some reason) scripted to behave like a spell. Thus, it procs DH. If it wasn't scripted as a spell, it would not. I'm addition, it would also not apply Liandry's burn, Rylai's slow etc, which (while consistent and IMO the correct call) has significant knock ons for many champs if we changed that right now.

I agree the lack of consistently is annoying.

07 Feb


Really pretty infographics, but it's worth mentioning again: this is a survey of League subreddits, not League players in general.

This is clearly stated by the OP so I'm not crying foul or anything, but just take all data presented here to be a breakdown of "League players on Reddit".

04 Feb


Originally posted by Asilik_

If you'd look at the timeline on the bottom you'd know

It was a kind of joke. Implying that the Yasuo may yet get his revenge!


Yes but... How did this game end?

01 Feb


No you don't. 😉

30 Jan


Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

Why do you even bother to answer this? xD

Yeah... I know. You're right. 😒


Originally posted by MC_gnome

Because skins make money, bug fixes don’t

Literally different teams.