

02 Jan


Liandry's burns for a few seconds after the poison ends and the elder burns for a few seconds beyond that! Brutal.

I mean, Teemo also has Infernal Soul, at least 2 infernal dragons, Baron buff AND elder. Jinx should certainly die to a shroom at this point.

What I don't get is why she doesn't have a life steal item? You need that against Teemo, otherwise you'll get chunked out and have to back after every single shroom.


Originally posted by TheRealSteemo

Do rioters ever go on Reddit, see threads like this and just think "ah shit I'm busy tomorrow"?

Yeah, not so much something this level, but certainly some threads! The one where Karthus could be killed in spirit form by Elder dragon said "Guess what you're doing tomorrow, Daniel?".


This is so clean. Very happy to see a play as simple but as effective as this.

01 Jan


Originally posted by piotrj3

I think it is horrible idea in general since there is tons of DoTs in game as well delayed damage done by runes, which means most of time elder gonna kill both.

That's a fair assessment! So, the solution here would be: Braum puts up shield > blast effect passes right on through and kills original target.

Belugawhale would agree that's the best solution here too.


Originally posted by lunchbane

Or maybe you could fix your f**king game and not make terrible coding a part of decision making?

Yawn. What a boring addition to the discussion.

Why not instead suggest what you think should happen in this instance? Should Braum block the elder blast? What happens to that damage if he does? It can't behave like a beam, else that would suggest it would damage all enemies under the beam too.

Try and provide some value in your next comment: I challenge you! 😊


Originally posted by Caenen_

One problem may be that the Spell going off at all is indicative of the target being about to meet its demise in most cases, anyway (especially with Elder, considering the DOT can just be re-applied), so it just puts Braum into an early grave from full health, too.

I believe this is why it was removed in Urgots case back then, but I don't know for sure because u/GreaterBelugaWhale never told me :x

True, but if the burn was about to end (and the elder blast won't retrigger on the same target for 2s, so it doesn't look odd when whacking tryndamere), the victim may survive.

In this instance, WW just chomped Teemo and killed him moments later anyway.


Originally posted by Caenen_

The Elder Spell is a projectile (or at least interacts with the Windwall tech which Braum E uses like a projectile), so it can be intercepted and deal the effect to Braum instead. The effect is 'die' - technically it's 'lose all shields and take 100% current HP damage*', but that's pretty much the same thing.

* also checks for a few buffs you may have, but you had none of those in this clip

Considering the inconsistent interactions of Urgot's R and the Elder Spell (Urgot chains no longer attach to Braum when he intercepts them since 1 patch after the VGU release), I don't know which set of interactions would be the intended one - to die of Elder but not Urgot, to save from both or to die to both? u/Rovient is responsible for the Elder Dragon shenanigans, so perhaps he could comment on that.

For those curious, here's the initial patch interaction for Urgot R vs Braum...

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This is a really tricky one. Part of me thinks this is really unfair for braum, since he's essentially sacrificing himself to save a teammate. But on the other hand that sacrifice could be game winning if he protected the ADC long enough for her to cleanup. I'm not talking about this clip, but in general. Tricky to know the correct path on this one.

Edit: got the answer on this: Braum should not intercept the execute attack.

31 Dec


Originally posted by truevelvet

Are you from Ireland?

Nope, England. What made you ask?


PBE is not for balance since there's no matchmaking on PBE.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Yup, for some reason any turret, minion, monster, champion can apply the Elder BURN buff to yourself when they attack you while invulnerable while holding the buff yourself. This buff will trigger the Elder Spell onto yourself if you're low enough, but the spell has a check at some point that prevents it from killing off a friendly target. Or self, dunno.

However the BURN DOT itself does 25 damage to you when you're no longer invulnerable, and that can even kill you, much like the Caitlyn Empowered Headshot/Energized thing a few months ago! I believe u/vandirilol has footage to do a video about this current case once he's no longer on holidays.

So while the spectacle of Elder's Spell executing oneself is prevented, applying the Elder burn to oneself still damages you and shouldn't be ha...

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I'm NOW aware of it, thanks to you! Cheers for this. 😊


Originally posted by thatsnottruedawg

Kinda standard to put it around walls like that because you can't see it as an enemy. Nonetheless basic, it was a clean play.

Just being nice and positive, mate.


Originally posted by popmycherryyosh

I'm pretty sure you mean foursight, but okay

Several people already made that joke. πŸ™ƒ


We need the Riot video team to put the key-press graphics over this one to really break it down for us.

30 Dec


Originally posted by shrubs311

you mean foursight?

Oh God how did I miss that one!?


Originally posted by CyberPete3

My intention isn't to sit at low elo and smurf. I wanted a new account so I could reset and climb with friends. My question is why you ignore the normal mmr system on low level accounts, and instead throw a blanket "smurf" tag on ALL of the accounts. Every game has people from literally gold up to challenger. That seems ridiculous, no?

They're on their way up, too. They just need to smash you in your game then they'll jump 200 MMR and face plays etc.

How do you know they're challenger, btw?


Wait... You're smurfing and are complaining that the game has identified you as such and now you need to play against other Smurfs?

This is an interesting one!


Clean. The trap Jhin stepped on was great forsight.


Ha! I knew this clip would happen one day!