

02 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Despite having a different intention (making faster connections over masking location), tools like Exitlag function re-route a player’s traffic by employing some of the same functions VPN does; how they “work” is extremely similar, which is why these tools fall under the VPN umbrella. (No intention of arguing here whether or not they should be, just trying to provide an explanation to the question posed)

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

To answer the OP’s question, you may chargeback if you wish to take that path, however please be aware this will likely have negative impacts on not only your Lost Ark but also your larger Steam/Valve account as a whole that could result in you losing ability to purchase through the platform or potentially even being banned for fraud.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

GeForce Now is a program we have partnered with to allow players to have safe and approved Cloud Gaming Platform to use to access Lost Ark. We can be sure it adheres to our standards and legal limitations. I understand there are many emotions around the current VPN blocks, which are valid, but they have been against the rules since day 1 as many of these are third party, unmonitored programs which can be used to dodge our Terms of Service for other unintended purposes.

30 Apr

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have put blockers in place to prevent users from connecting to Lost Ark through VPN services. This is one of the steps we are taking combat botters, as it will help prevent them from being able to circumvent some of the restrictions we have in place and make it more difficult for them to connect to the game. (You may see some population drops today; this has confirmed for us that it’s helping keep some of the bots out of the game for the time being.)

While we understand that some legitimate players may use VPNs for other reasons, please note that using a VPN is against the ...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I definitely did re-flag this issue already after reading your post :slight_smile: going to push to see if we can get a better solution for folks experiencing this

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

For now, I can’t answer whether these blocks will stay in place permanently as there are many factors related to VPNs – while we totally understand some legitimate players use VPNs for other reasons (which is why we aren’t banning anyone here) they have also been against our ToS from day 1, and will remain as such. Unfortunately allowing VPN usage can not only make it easier to obscure cheat programs (as seen here), but also lead to situations where players may be breaking Steam ToS or entering from regions we aren’t legally allowed to publish in, neither of which are good.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It won’t kick them from the game outright, but it will keep them from logging back in. We are seeing a drop off over time as we have been monitoring – this isn’t expected to be a 100% solution but we are seeing an impact.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not an end all be all solution to the problem, and we are still working on additional anti-cheat methods and tools to improve the botting issue. However, it has already made a massive impact, and is something we can do now to curb the issue at large.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have put blockers in place to prevent users from connecting to Lost Ark through VPN services. This is one of the steps we are taking combat botters, as it will help prevent them from being able to circumvent some of the restrictions we have in place and make it more difficult for them to connect to the game. (You may see some population drops today; this has confirmed for us that it’s helping keep some of the bots out of the game for the time being.)

While we understand that some legitimate players may use VPNs for other reasons, please note that using a VPN is against the ...

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29 Apr

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Want to make sure I’m reading this right – you’re back in and good to go?

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately you aren’t able to switch the event over to a different server :frowning: apologies for the inconvenience!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Smilegate is working towards releasing gender counterparts of all available classes in the future, though it may take some time. Female Berzerker is the next one that has been announced :smiley:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is something the teams are aware of and monitoring. Paths and options are being weighed, and when we have a solution ready to share we will let players know!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a cool idea! I am very much here for making things even more aesthetic

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Top priority means that all teams are putting many resources towards the issue and are working as quickly as possible on it, but with an issue of this scale it does not mean that it is solvable overnight.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

You should get it returned to you automatically soon! Update to Timed and Ticketed Content Lockouts

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It would be cool, but truthfully plans are still shifting and changing a lot opposed to us having a plan locked for the next… however long. We are toying with the idea of frequent shorter “roadmaps” to share, but it also depends on working towards locking in those contents as much as possible. Lots going on!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the continued reports – we are actively monitoring this and making adjustments where we can to try and smooth things out. We should have more fixes coming in soon as well

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Couple things going into play here that I want to talk about.

Removing gold rewards absolutely isn’t the entire solution, that much is correct. However, it is a blocker we can put in place for now to make bots less effective while we work to tackle this problem at scale.

The quests that were selected here were a number of early world and stronghold quests; these are quests that we tracked as being highly accessible to the new bots that can be quickly generated, and that many active players have already completed (which means that while it will affect new players, the impacts on active players is lower and not retroactive).

Botting over the last few weeks has spiked, which is no secret to anyone. While we’re working on newer and bigger solutions, we’re going to do what we can in the interim to slow them down as much as possible.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the feedback on this – all things considered, people enjoying it so much they want more is a good problem to have :slight_smile: