

03 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bots are still a massive ongoing issue that is still being addressed; this will continue to take time and more steps to make sure the right tools are in place and working. At this time we are not reversing the VPN blocks. However unfortunate, as a gentle reminder using a VPN has been against our Terms of Service since the game launch.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

While we do look towards community sentiment, we definitely lean heavily into data and analytics when making decisions as well, and always look at multiple streams of information :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks, I’ll be sure to update the bullets on my resume to all list “nothing”

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As a community manager, people will always read into posts I make and draw their own conclusions from them, and they will always be taken out of context (like when replies are screenshotted out of threads and reshared without the context of the conversation they were made in response to). I try to be as clear cut as possible when making posts, but it is what it is and I can’t really tell people how they should be interpreting a sentence. I think this is just sort of part of what written communication between humans is.

02 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Destroyer is definitely coming in as the updated version

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are definitely looking to pull these in sooner rather than waiting on them so that we can be on parity with other regions in terms of balance.

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Based on what we’ve seen so far, it is looking like legion raids will kick off in May – we will lock that in and share an “official” word in the first part of the month

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Official announcement on this will come soon (early this month), but right now all signs are pointing to what looks like a yes for May legion raids

PS - This is not an official announcement :slight_smile: Just current insight that I am sharing

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This isn’t really a weekend role per say, but we’re growing: ...

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When a character that is Level 10 or lower is deleted, that character’s name will be available for reuse right away. If a character is Level or 11 or higher, when they are deleted their name will be recycled for reuse after a 60 day period passes.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are watching population numbers across servers on Europe West closely and weighing options; we will let players know when we have a path forward or next steps.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

Nous avons mis en place des bloqueurs pour empêcher les utilisateurs de se connecter à Lost Ark via des services VPN. Il s’agit de l’une des mesures que nous avons prises pour lutter contre les robots car cela les empêchera de contourner certaines des restrictions mises en place et rendra plus difficile leur connexion au jeu.

Bien que nous comprenions que certains joueurs puissent utiliser des VPN pour d’autres raisons, veuillez noter que leur utilisation est contraire aux conditions d’utilisation d’Amazon Games. La section 5.2 indique en effet que “Vous ne pouvez utiliser aucune technologie ou technique pour masquer ou déguiser votre emplacement.” Votre compte ne sera pas banni si vous avez utilisé un VPN auparavant, mais il se peut que nous n’au...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

Hemos puesto en marcha un sistema para evitar el uso de VPN al conectarse a Lost Ark. Esta es una de las medidas que hemos tomado para combatir a los “bots”. Esto ayudará a que no eludan algunas de las restricciones que hemos establecido y hará más difícil que se conecten al juego.

Aunque entendemos que algunos jugadores usan VPN por razones legítimas, tened en cuenta que el uso de VPN va en ...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

As far as I’m aware, SGR has no plans for Lost Ark mobile

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Destroyer will indeed be the revamped version!

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If your country have laws that protect you in some situations, great! You can follow through with those and choose the right path for yourself. I just want to make sure players are aware of some of the consequences they may be at risk for facing based on how Valve responds to chargebacks (I can’t speak entirely on their behalf since I do not work for that company of course, but these are all things that have happened to users).

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Smilegate RPG owns Lost Ark; we are allowed to publish in specific regions through our partnership with them. Opening the game up to the rest of the world is something we cannot legally do, as we don’t have any of the rights to do so and those belong to Smilegate.

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This was to prevent looming crashes/stability issues on the servers that were pulled down

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Thanks, I’ve let the team know

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This isn’t up for discussion – if you participate in RMT trading, your account will be actioned against. It is explicitly against the Terms of Service.