Challenge Guardian Raids are coming soon as well We mentioned them in the May roadmap
Challenge Guardian Raids are coming soon as well We mentioned them in the May roadmap
For now the link just above me is the best way to report, but we are looking to add more convenient in-game ways to help players report them as well
Not something we’ve shared yet – our previous roadmap only went 2 months out. Content and plans are something that often shifts and changes ahead of lock
The Express event is just that, an event – the character selection period runs until June 30th with the event itself going all the way to July 28th. It is intended for use on any character under level 1100 to help them advance, whether it is a main or an alt or a new character; it was not released specifically for the Glaivier class (although it was a nice pairing), so it should not be expected to have one of these events every time a new class is released. I apologize if anyone assumed differently.
In terms of an additional Power Pass, yes, it is something we have not completely determined yet. While other regions may get a Power Pass with each class release, they are only getting 1 - 3 classes per year at this point, where we will be getting many more classes much faster to catch up. This is part of the reason we are determining the pass cadence.
To be clear, I am not ensuring that any first offense will be a guaranteed temp ban – as I stated, it can be situational, and I was explaining why based on other assumptions in the thread. There are absolutely players that get permabanned on their first RMT transaction. You should not be taking this risk or breaking these rules at all.
The weekly reset is still occurring at the same time as always. This is explicitly stated in the patch notes.
Please note that the weekly reset will still happen at the usual time, on Thursday at 3 AM PT / 10 AM UTC / 12 PM CEST.
Weekly updates do generally happen at 12 AM PT on Thursdays, however this Thursday is a holiday in Korea so we made the shift to help accommodate our friends at Smilegate RPG.
Weekly reset is still happening on Thursday this week
Jokes aside, players asked for more transparency even before things are locked in so that’s what we’re giving. Some players were hoping it would come sooner – it is not, which is why we included this sentence. We are targeting the third week of May, and there is a possibility this slips if issues spring up. That is the “risk” of sharing planned dates when building and testing is still ongoing, but players have asked to know more information ahead of time so we are trying it.
I agree – unfortunately we do not always have this information as early as we would like to, but we will share these things whenever we can
I am not sure why you think none of us play Lost Ark – a significant amount of us do. I was literally online for 4 hours last night myself.
Héroes de Arkesia:
Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el 4 de mayo a las 9:00 am CEST / 12:00 am PT (¡un día antes de lo habitual!). Prevemos que durará unas 7 horas debido a cambios en el backend. La actualización semanal incluirá los siguientes arreglos:
Héros d’Archésia,
Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront indisponibles le 4 mai à 9h00 (CEST), soit un jour plus tôt que d’habitude, pour notre maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaire. L’indisponibilité devrait durer jusqu’à 7 heures en raison des modifications apportées au système interne. La mise à jour de cette semaine comprendra également les corrections suivantes :
Helden von Arkesia,
Alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen werden am 4. Mai um 09:00 Uhr (einen Tag früher als sonst!) für unsere wöchentliche Wartung und Aktualisierung heruntergefahren. Die Wartungspause wird voraussichtlich bis zu 4 Stunden dauern. Das Update dieser Woche enthält folgende Korrekturen und Änderungen:
Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down on May 4th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST (one weekday earlier than usual!) for our weekly maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 7 hours due to backend changes. This week’s update will also include the following fixes:
Please note that the weekly reset will ...
Read moreI assure you this is not happening. It is not exactly a secret, or hard to quickly find out that there are tons of bots in the game. In fact, we specifically have not shared any celebrations of numbers of accounts or characters made because we know bots are an issue that are skewing our numbers.
The teams at both Amazon Games and SGR are working on new tools and solutions to deal with this issue – as the bots have evolved, we need to as well. The situation is frustrating, and it is taking time, but it is a top priority for all involved teams and it is being worked on actively.
There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding around the actions against RMT – it is certainly not allowed. We do not always permaban outright on the first offense if it is minimal, however we will suspend players for this. If it happens again, folks will find themselves banned. If it happens at a large scale outright, folks will find themselves banned. It is situational, to a reasonable degree that we will not permanently punish legitimate players who make a one time mistake or bad decision, but beyond that it’s not tolerated
Hi there! This may provide some helpful info:
Read moreIf you are referring to an additional Express event, there will not be a new one kicking off as the current event runs through the month of June. In terms of power passes, it is something that is still being discussed, but because of that if you are more excited for Destroyer than Glaivier I would suggest holding onto it for now
This is something that there is not a blanket solution for, as SPELP errors are typically caused when there is an issue with connectivity to one or more of these services:
It is highly possible that this is caused due to local connectivity issues ranging from your specific hardware all the way through issues in the routing of your connection as done by your ISP.
Unfortunately I am unable to help troubleshoot as that is outside my area of expertise. Our support team may be able to help provide assistance or workarounds.
To help set expectations, as of right now we are not planning to boost honing rates with our May content update. The current path is to continue to provide more materials to players to help foster more honing attempts. Based on player progression data so far, we have seen a level of success in this helping move players along to T3, but as always we will continue to monitor and adjust later down the line if needed